Chapter 103 Quantitative change leads to qualitative change [Ten more automatic]

Yuanshen became Innate good fortune jade god, which is a level higher than Innate Yuanshen. Of course, if you change to someone else, you will not be able to achieve this achievement even if you survive.

Innate is already very powerful. Innate god-tier is the Innate god, the cultivator born of Fengzu like Kong Xuan.

Although the qualifications are high, the cultivated soul is not the Innate soul. Only the Heavenly Demon god can have the Innate soul. This Innate soul is also divided into three or six or nine grades. According to the first Heavenly Demon god, the Innate soul The qualities of God are also different.

In addition to cultivating the body for millions of years, Ling Bao has also used water purification Calabash, holy soul fruit, and purple royal jelly to ascension the quality of his soul and soul.

Coupled with the Yin & Yang good fortune this time, the quantitative change finally triggered a qualitative change. Although it is not the Primordial Primordial God of Chaos Demon God, it is much better than Primordial Innate Primordial God.

As for the soul, it becomes the soul of Innate Yin & Yang. You must know that the soul is exclusive to the people of later generations. It is divided into three souls and seven souls. Ling Bao also has a complete three souls and seven souls. For the acquired soul, you must know that the Daoist clan is acquired long ago.

But Ling Bao passed through, that is, the body of Heavenly Demon first, and the soul has become a unique Innate soul under the evolution of the Dao.

But the soul has no attributes, but this qualitative change gave the soul attributes, which laid the foundation for Ling Bao late stage cultivation into Innate Promise Soul.

After the seventh punishment was over, Ling Bao knew that he had got too much.

After the seventh punishment is over, there are two remaining, nine is the extreme, and Ling Bao is just helping Transcends Tribulation, and does not have deep karma. On the contrary, Ling Bao has great merits.

Therefore, Ling Bao’s natural punishment is only nine, which can be regarded as a warning from Heavenly Dao. If Ling Bao sacrifices the golden wheel of merit, the punishment will not hit Ling Bao, but it will reduce Ling Bao by a merit, and Ling Bao has nothing to do. No, the only benefit is Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuanhui did not undergo the Heavenly Tribulation to be transformed successfully.

But Ling Bao did not use the golden wheel of merit, Ling Bao’s merit would not be reduced, so Ling Bao resisted the seven heavenly punishments alone.

After Yin & Yang’s punishment was over, daddy also had to sigh in admiration:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist is really strong, it is so powerful! This Yin & Yang punishment, no one in the room can pass it, Ling Bao fellow daoist did not use any defense, and Ling Bao passed it!”

Primitive also admired very much:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist really has great perseverance and great wisdom!”

Tongtian’s eyes brightened, and then he yearned forward:

“I just don’t know if Brother Ling Bao is familiar with kendo!”

Although Tongtian inherits the formation, but has a soft spot for kendo, that is, daddy has also studied kendo for a period of time for his third brother!

Later, because I felt that kendo was a trail, I gave up. But Tongtian believes that all three thousand avenues can prove the truth.

So I concentrated on kendo, and the original reprimanded Tongtian:

“Tongtian, why are you so stubborn? Isn’t it good to study the great inheritance left by God Father? It is the ancestor witches who are studying the inheritance left by Father Pangu!”

Sanqing would call Pangu the Father God only when talking about inheritance. All three of them believed that they were transformed by Pangu, but there is no memory of Pangu, only part of the inheritance.

But only three people knew about this. The three were also afraid of Pangu’s resurrection and took the three of them away, so they rarely mentioned Pangu, but they also said it when they were chatting.

Tongtian knew that there was no benefit in arguing with Primordial, so Tongtian didn’t speak!

I originally saw that Tongtian was very “obedient,” and then looked at Ling Bao contentedly. Ling Bao looked up at the sky. This seventh heavenly punishment was already Yin & Yang’s heavenly punishment.

I don’t know what the eighth punishment is?

Soon Jie Yun continued to shrink, and it had shrunk to ten thousand meters, but the color of Jie Yun became nine-color. Ling Bao was also very puzzled. Ling Bao had never heard of Heaven’s Punishment and this. Tongtian was curious. Ask:

“What kind of punishment is this?”

Everyone is not clear!

Original Road:

“have a look!”

After the original said, the eighth day of punishment also came out, and the eighth day of punishment became the color of nine colors.

The first thing that came down was a golden light. The golden light was chaotic gold. This chaotic gold was not solid, but chaotic gold essence. This chaotic gold essence followed Ling Bao’s body and began to show off. Destruction.

Ling Bao’s body is of the Innate Supreme Treasure level. Although it has been damaged, the 108 Tian Di evil formations and forty-nine Innate Restrictions in Ling Bao’s physical body are constantly rotating, dissipating and absorbing the chaotic gold essence.

When the chaotic gold essence has just been absorbed by Ling Bao, a green light descends from the robbery cloud, which is the chaotic wood essence.

Next, blue chaotic water essence, red chaotic fire essence, royal chaotic earth essence, silver chaotic wind, dark blue chaotic god thunder, lavender chaotic good fortune spirit, dark green chaos Extinction of essence.

This is the Nine Tribulations of Chaos. After the Nine Tribulations of the Chaos, Ling Bao was very tired, but very excited. After the Nine Tribulations of the Chaos, the fifty Restrictions of Ling Bao’s body were also formed.

But it also exhausted Ling Bao’s heritage and potential. In addition to Ling Bao’s physical Restrictions, the fiftieth Restrictions was derived. The five internal organs were also promoted to 49 Restrictions because of the chaotic Five Elements essence.

Ling Bao gasped, then communicated with the Chaos Orb, absorbed the energy in the Chaos Orb, and wanted to fill the vacancy of her body.

You must know that Ling Bao’s body has been promoted to Chaos Ling Bao, the lowest inferior Chaos Ling Bao, but it also requires a lot of Chaos Spiritual Qi.

The Chaos Pearl contains 960 Chaos Spaces, and the Chaos Spiritual Qi is almost endless. Ling Bao has just recovered 70%, and the people around him are talking about it. You must know that the previous Heavenly Punishment was very easy for Ling Bao.

But now Ling Bao’s face was pale and looked very weak, even Donghuang Taiyi, Ran Deng and others were eager to try.

But waiting, waiting for the final punishment, Nuwa said worriedly:

“Tongtian fellow daoist, Ling Bao is okay!”

Tongtian sighed and said:

“I don’t know this. It seems that Ling Bao fellow daoist suffered a big loss this time!”

The last Heaven Punishment, and also the Ninth Heaven Punishment, began to condense continuously, slowly shrinking from ten thousand meters.

Nine thousand feet

Eight thousand feet

Five thousand zhang

Three thousand feet

In the end, it didn’t shrink again when it reached three thousand feet, and the three thousand feet of Jieyun turned into a magical red light, and this red light fell into Dao Ling Bao’s body…

[PS: Finally finished the tenth chapter. I updated the fifteen chapters today. My fingers are sore. The author has to continue to write a chapter in the morning, and I can’t open my eyes after writing a break! Give me an automatic, thank you! This is the last chapter of today, at 12 o’clock in the morning I will finish the next chapter as soon as possible, and update at 12 o’clock! The rest will be up tomorrow morning.


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