Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 746 Doing private work

The fried rice noodles with shredded tofu had a unique flavor. The female stall owner was grateful and the amount she gave was naturally excessive. Bian Mu could only eat half of it at most.

Bian Mu could guess why his uncle with a sharp face suddenly got into a car accident, but... he was dead, so there was no point in talking about it.

"What about you? Are you giving people fruits or something?" Bian Mu asked casually.

"Yeah! Sometimes I also do home delivery. It's cold! There are many orders. It's hard to do it after the Spring Festival..."

"This is not a long-term solution! Do you have any ideas?" Bian Mu asked.

"The saturation level in all walks of life is quite high. It's quite difficult for me to join this industry in the middle of the year... I'll just wait for the opportunity!"

"Yes, take your time. Artificial intelligence will be very popular in the future. There will always be one suitable for you. When you have time, you might as well pay attention to it." He suggested with a smile while eating rice noodles.

"That thing is too advanced, I can't reach it!" Dao Tiao Lian ate very quickly, half of the rice noodles had already been eaten.

"That's not necessarily true. A few years ago, many people thought even touch typing on the keyboard was amazing. But now? It's still a big deal for you to play with a computer? Right! You should pay attention to it if you have the opportunity! Maybe you can seize the opportunity. !”

"Really? Let me give it a this rice noodle good?"

"It's okay! I'm not fooling you about the ingredients and condiments, but the heat is a little off." Bian Mu told the truth.

"I'm self-taught. I've only been setting up a stall for less than two months. I'm pretty quick to get started." Dao Tiaolian responded with a smile.

"Do you know me?"

Dao Tiao Lian shook his head slightly and responded with a smile: "It's a coincidence. I went to their company to pick up documents several times and met her. The results were not good, the debt was high, the boss ran away, and they were struggling to survive. After a few months, she couldn't pay the rent, so she had to break up. Her husband's income was not high, so we had no choice but to set up a small stall on the street to make ends meet for a while."

Bian Mu looked up at Daotiao's face and said nothing.

In his opinion, Dao Tiao Lian had his own way of looking at people and things. He didn't understand what Dao Tiao Lian meant by what he said, so he didn't answer the question.

"The company she worked for before was quite powerful. If the boss hadn't been greedy and fell into the interest trap, the treatment would have been pretty good right now! You know a high-level person. If you have a chance... can you introduce her to her?" Suddenly , Dao Tiao Lian mentioned helping the female stall owner find a new job.

"Oh...which line of work is she in?" Bian Mu asked.

"Software development, code farmer kind of thing! I don't know the details very well, but...their original company looked very high-end, and I could tell that she was a very kind person, and didn't she take care of a lot of things during the day! Just... Trying to make a little more money, it’s not easy for a woman to come out in the middle of the night... The children are still young and often can’t take care of them, so..."

"It looks like this... There is a 'Ren Geng' technology company in the city. I have friends there, so I can introduce her to her. But how much do you know about her work ability?" Bian Mu responded with a smile, in the middle of the night. "It's not good to eat too much. I feel like I'm done." Bian Mu put the chopsticks in his hands on the bowl and put them away.

"I'm not familiar with her. I went to their company to pick up goods before, and she was quite kind, so I had an impression. As you know, in this small business, it's inevitable to run into some unreasonable people from time to time. , you saw those three guys just now, it’s been a long time, it’s not a big deal, then... let me tell her, go over for an interview? "

"In this way... you tell her, if she is interested, I will ask my friend to meet her and have a chat, and maybe try it out on the phone."

"Sure! Thank you in advance!"

"You're welcome! When you help others, you help yourself. It's a bit late. I have to go back. We've discussed it. Contact me!" After that, Bian Mu left his contact information, stood up, and prepared to check out and leave.

The female stall owner refused to accept the money, so she thanked Bian Mu repeatedly and let Bian Mu go.

At noon the next day, during the lunch break, Bian Mu went to Assistant Zhang to look at the prepared ointment samples. After carefully examining all aspects for a long time, Bian Mu agreed to mass production.

Just after 19 o'clock in the evening, Dao Tiao Lian hurried over and said that everything was settled. As long as Bian Mu decided on the time and place, the female stall owner could go there to take the exam at any time. Bian Mu said a few polite words to Dao Tiao Lian and sent him away.

Li Yunhu, a fellow villager, was treating guests and would not come back for dinner at night.

At 20:23 in the evening, Fan Sanqiao came back.

The dumpling-making woman brought a lot of vegetarian dumplings, so the two of them didn't go out to eat. They just cooked some vegetarian dumplings with a glass of wine and chatted while eating.

"I'll introduce you to someone and let's have an interview! If there's nothing wrong with the person, can we discuss it? First, get the software I want? How much will it cost? I'll pay for it!" As he spoke, Bian Mu told the female stall owner about her current situation. A brief introduction.

"It sounds quite suitable. Then... let's do it tomorrow morning! There is a pottery shop on the street behind the company! It teaches children how to make pottery. You can also learn woodworking, oil painting, etc. The environment is good. When you are in a bad mood, , I often go there to sit and sit, there is a tea bar inside, and the prices are cheap, so I can go there and have a chat."

"Very good! The boss is a woman!"

"Well... where are you thinking, haha... I have a family, a complete set of children, and a happy family of four."

"Really? You're overthinking it, hahaha... Then it's settled. If she can take over the job, why not arrange for her to work part-time first, and she won't lose a penny of the money. "

"Okay! You can't enter the company for the time being, otherwise, the patent issue will be a hidden danger in the future."

"That's right! There's a troublesome thing. It's best for you to keep it in mind." As he spoke, Bian Mu detailed Chen Yueqing and President Wu's plan to package "Ren Geng" for sale.

"I've also heard some rumors. When you say this, I'm convinced. It's actually nothing. It's just that the equipment upstairs is a bit of a pity. Once the company's property rights are changed, those equipment will most likely be split up. When the time comes, we It’s difficult to use it…”

"Mr. Pan is very ill. It may be for this reason that the two families can't reach an agreement for a while. Taking advantage of this time, we both want to find a way. If it doesn't work, I will talk to the eldest lady of the Cao family. Let's talk, maybe...she can help us come up with a good idea."

"She?! I heard that she is more difficult to deal with than Chen Yueqing, so don't disturb her yet! We usually don't worry about this too much. In fact... things like company mergers and acquisitions are not that difficult. Since you have already treated Mr. Pan, We might as well think of a way to push the issue back. There must be a way to the mountain. We should be able to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds. If we can not only preserve the equipment, but also be able to get away from Director Chen and Director Wu in time... then... That’s ideal.”

"Okay! But...I've seen enough! Let's do our best to know destiny! Take it one step at a time!"

The dumplings were very delicious. They must have been specially made for Bian Mu. The wine smelled like musk. Before they knew it, the two of them had drank seven or eight taels...

The next day, at 12:59 noon, Bian Mu was sitting alone in the clinic drinking tea when his cell phone rang.

There is a reply from Fan Sanqiao.

"There's no problem with the people. She also introduced two former colleagues, one male and one female. They sound pretty reliable! I didn't say much, so... where can I find a place for her to start working on? Do you have a suitable place? ?”


"That's right! She needs to be equipped with equipment. She can't do it at home. She has to take care of the children and do housework at the same time. It's very disruptive!"

"How is the salary calculated?"

"Hitsuki, right?"

"Okay! I'll talk to a few friends and see where it's suitable."

"There's no rush! She really wants to come to 'Ren Geng', everything is easy to discuss."

"That's good! I'll contact you when I get the letter." After saying that, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

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