Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 715 Another one joins the family

Huang Boxi was very comfortable in the "Huikang" hospital. After Bian Mu resigned, although major hospitals and pharmaceutical companies hired him with high salaries all day long, the old man was not moved at all. He went to get off work on time every day and lived a leisurely life.

It was snowing, and snowflakes were flying. Considering that Huang Boxi was a few years old, it was inconvenient for the two of them to walk too far, so Bian Mu chose the "Leave a Hand Fatty Beef Hot Pot" restaurant and booked a small private room. Fatty beef, fresh fish fillets, shrimp rolls... ...It was so hot that the two of them ordered half a catty of the best Shaoxing flower carvings to enjoy with the steaming hot pot. It was so beautiful!

"Has the board of directors at Darson contacted you recently?" Huang Boxi is getting old after all, and he can't eat meat anymore. After the heat is over, he feels that it's almost done, so he puts his chopsticks on the shelf. , suddenly mentioned the "Dalson" company.

"No! What? Do you think it's time for them to contact me?"

"Well... I have always had a good relationship there. Over the past year, I have received a lot of consulting fees from them! In the past six months, their performance has declined somewhat, and there is no sign of stopping the decline. The board of directors has I’m a little out of control, and I estimate that I will contact you, the major shareholder, soon, and most likely I want you to come up with a new drug plan to stimulate the market.”

"The drug development cycle is very long. They are in such a hurry. Can they wait?"

"Stretch the pole to hit the dates! Just whip it a few times. As for how many big red dates fall on the ground, they can't care that much. In the past two years, the new drug market has been too saturated, and the R\u0026D costs have skyrocketed. They are one by one. It's quite stingy. This is for your clear thinking and originality. You should be prepared in your heart so that you can respond when the phone rings over there!"

"Thank you for your continued care! I'll think about it later. After all, with the false title of major shareholder, I have to talk about it in public. By the way, I have to trouble you to bother you about something." As he spoke, Mu took out a prescription from his coat pocket, stood up and respectfully walked to the opposite side and handed it to Huang Boxi's hand.

Huang Boxi had some presbyopia recently, so he specially prepared a pair of very elegant stone mirrors. He put them on and looked at them carefully for a long time.

"Tulip, realgar, musk... Bamboo green must be refined?! And it needs to be wrapped in gold? The identity of the victim is quite special, right? Is he a man or a woman?" Huang Boxi asked casually.

"The former daughter-in-law of the Lu family is not in a good situation right now. Please make 12 pills first and take one pill in the morning and evening. After a week, I plan to arrange for her to move to another place to live."

"Oh...the Lu family is not easy to mess with! Although they have nothing to do with each other on the surface, far as I know, the Lu family has always been very concerned about the person named Fang. Ouyang Ziye is her chief physician, so I guess You already knew it. He asked me to make medicine several times, also for that woman. Ouyang Ziye has been without you for a few times, and he may never be able to come up with this prescription in his life! If you really want to cure the patient named Fang, Well, you might offend the Lu family!" Huang Boxi reminded him kindly.

"I have to say that I have calculated it with my calculations. It won't take long, probably...before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the Spring Festival next year, the Lu family may be in a lot of trouble. By then, how can they care about it? Daughter-in-law!"

"Oh... you have made great progress in arithmetic, huh?!"

"I dare not take it seriously! In front of you, I will always be at the level of a primary school student." Bian Mu responded humbly.

"Tch! You're still talking nonsense to me. The medicine you want is not cheap. Have you discussed it with her parents?"

"Yeah! They still have some savings on hand, so this little money is not a big deal." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"That's good! Zhuqing is going to take some trouble. I have to ask my friend to send some good musk. The day after tomorrow, finish it in the morning and I'll have someone send it to you."

"I'm causing you trouble."

"Tch! Why are you so polite to me? By the way, the price of Chinese medicinal materials has dropped drastically recently. If you want to save some inventory, you can come to me directly."

"Really? Then I have to prepare some cash. By the way, I recently met a pharmacist. If we have a chance, I plan to recruit her to join." As he spoke, Bian Mu briefly introduced Yan Yunxiu's basic situation.

"It sounds like his character is not bad. For this kind of thing, you have to recruit a female partner, maybe a male... It's easy to have dissatisfaction. You will gradually understand it in the future."

"Junior, please remember this!"

"Here we go again, come here! Let's have another drink!" As he spoke, Huang Boxi had a drink with Bian Mu.

That afternoon, at 18:39, right after work, Yan Yunxiu hurried to the front of the "Bian's Clinic" on an electric bicycle.

Bian Mu also had a young female patient on his hands. When Yan Yunxiu came in, Bian Mu was sitting there waiting for a wake-up call.

The weather was bad, so Nurse Ye asked her husband to pick her up as soon as she got off work. Luo Zhanqi said he planned to walk back to his residence and left early.

"Your place is quite big! It seems that you are ready to expand at any time?"

"Almost! I have some restorative tea here. Do you want to make a pot?" Bian Mu greeted with a smile.

"Sure! The herbal tea you prepared is definitely right. If you don't mind, could you send me the formula? My dad usually has a lot of dreams, and it hasn't gotten better for many years. I've taken him to see many doctors. It’s never very effective.”

"Your father is still working? Has he retired?"

"It will take five or six years for people who work in finance to retire. People like him will definitely not be able to have any leisure time after retirement. There are people hiring people everywhere!"

"Oh... it's high! I guess I'm a little tired from the mental strain. May I come and take a look at it another day?"

"That's so embarrassing. I'd better accompany him over here and sit for a while!"

"Hey! He is an elder, so he should be fine. Do you live separately? Or together?"

"We have our own house. My husband and his school bought it through a group purchase. My parents' house is not far from your place. Then...when you are not busy some other time, can I accompany you to take a look?"

"No problem!" As he spoke, Bian Mu wrote the recipe for the soothing herbal tea on a blank medical record paper and handed it to Yan Yunxiu.

"Thank you! Just go about your business! Can I look around?"

"Please!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

It was windy and snowy outside. After taking the injection, Bian Mu deliberately asked the female patient to rest in the clinic for a while before politely sending her out.

"The humanistic environment here is really good. If I resign and come here, how much money can I get per month?"

"I've just opened a clinic here not long ago. Nurse Ye and Doctor Luo both get daily wages. I pay the five social insurances and one housing fund. Do you it appropriate?"

"Daily wages! This... then I have to go back and discuss it with my husband. He is very narrow-minded. In principle, I plan to defect to you!"

"How dare you, how dare you! If you really come here and start a relationship, I'd love it! By the way, when I had dinner with Mr. Huang in the morning, we even talked about you."

"Really? If there is a chance in the future, I will ask you to introduce me to him. I don't dare to think about becoming a disciple. I have been confused about some issues for many years. I want to ask him for advice in person."

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Once both parties have reached an agreement, I'll let you know right away."

"Thank you! It's snowy and slippery. I have to hurry up and go home. I'll visit you another day."

"It's hard to walk on the road. I'll find a friend to give you a ride." As he spoke, Bian Mu called an old patient. The man asked his son to drive a small engineering vehicle and put Dr. Yan's electric car in the carriage. Tie up the back.

The wheels of the engineering vehicle were covered with special anti-skid chains, and Yan Yunxiu was sent away easily.

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