On the way to the dormitory building.

“Huang Ye classmate is really mean.”

The girl with short white hair was walking slowly with a cane, with a faint smile on her pretty face, “She actually said that this is her first time playing chess.”

“Are you trying to humiliate me?”

It’s not that Sakayanagi Arisu is bragging, she has never lost to anyone in chess competitions.

But in the exchange just now, Huang Ye Dubu said that she was a newbie and played chess for the first time today.

Who is he kidding?

Huang Ye Dubu shook his head, “I don’t mean to humiliate you, I’m just telling the truth.”

Before this, he didn’t even know how to play chess.

If he hadn’t obtained the skill “God on the Chessboard” through the system, he probably wouldn’t even know which chess piece to move first.

“Kuang Ye-san really likes to lie.” Sakayanagi Arisu said with a smile, “I wonder how many girls have been deceived by Kuang Ye-san’s lies.”

Kuang Ye Dubu sighed helplessly, “Alas, no one believes the truth, this era is really sad.”

“Hehe.” Sakayanagi Arisu sneered.

She didn’t believe a word of what the boy said.

“Kuang Ye-san is so anxious to collect points, he must have noticed something strange about the school, right?”

Sakayanagi Arisu’s beautiful eyes looked over calmly, “Should we exchange information?”

This school has been concealing and inducing students from the very beginning.

It’s like a magician’s performance.

In order to hide the real action, the magician will use words, actions and other methods to divert the audience’s attention.

The school’s actions are naturally the same.

Deliberately use 100,000 points to attract everyone’s attention, so as to conceal the real things that need attention.

Sakayanagi Arisu could see through such a poor cover-up, so on the first day of school, she used her advantage of having 100,000 points to compete with the seniors.

She had already earned millions of points, enough to live comfortably for the whole school year.

But she never thought that she would lose 800,000 points to the boy in a blink of an eye.

In her opinion, Kirano Doppo was undoubtedly a student with strong strength.

If it was Kirano, he would definitely find something strange about the school.

Maybe, he could find something that even Sakayanagi Arisu didn’t notice.

“There’s no need.” Kirano Doppo said confidently, “Cooperating with friends can indeed speed up efficiency, but exploring alone is more interesting.”

“Kirano is really confident.” Sakayanagi Arisu narrowed his eyes and stared at the boy next to him.

“People who don’t have confidence won’t take out all their points to compete with others.”

“That’s right.”

The two talked and laughed, and then came to the dormitory building.

The dormitory for students at Gaodu Cultivation is in the same building for both boys and girls.

Boys live on the ground floor, while girls live on the upper floors, so there is an elevator.

Huang Ye Dubu and others walked into the elevator and were about to go to the upper floors where the girls lived.

At this moment, the anxious voice of a girl was heard outside.

“Please wait a moment!”

The tall girl hurried over.

Huang Ye Dubu saw this and pressed the door of the elevator to give the girl time.

“Huh… I caught up.”

The short-haired girl panted, and sweat broke out on her forehead.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t sprint, I will wait for Sayo-san.” Huang Ye Dubu said with a smile.

“Huh?” Ando Sayo blinked her eyes and said in surprise, “I thought it was just a little bit similar from behind, but it turned out to be Huang Ye-san.”

She happened to be walking behind Huang Ye Dubu and others.

When she saw the back that looked similar to Huang Ye Dubu, she thought about going over to say hello.

But when she saw the petite white-haired girl next to Huang Ye Du Bu, she gave up her idea.

“I thought Huang Ye, who just came to school today, shouldn’t have made friends so quickly. I thought it was just someone who looked a bit like her from behind.” Ando Sayo smiled embarrassedly.

“Sayo, you misunderstood.” Sakayanagi Arisu smiled slightly, “Huang Ye and I are indeed friends.”

As someone who could beat her in chess, Huang Ye Du Bu is indeed qualified to be her friend.

Maybe Huang Ye Du Bu can give her a big surprise in the future.

“So you knew each other before.”

“We just met today.”


Ando Sayo widened her eyes and showed a surprised expression.

Huang Ye is so amazing that he became friends with such a cute girl on the first day of school?

“SayI haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Arisu Sakayanagi from Class A of the first year. I just played chess with Huang Ye in the chess club in the club building, so we became friends. “Arisu Sakayanagi said politely.

“I’m Sayo Ando from Class B of the first year.” The girl responded with a smile, and then looked at Huang Ye Dubu with admiration, “I didn’t expect Huang Ye to play chess, it seems very powerful.”

For Sayo Ando, ​​chess is a high-end game that only big guys play.

People like her can’t even understand the rules.

“Isn’t Sayo going to go to karaoke with classmates?” Huang Ye Dubu asked curiously.

“We’ve finished singing.” Sayo Ando said with a smile, “Considering that we may have to buy a lot of daily necessities next, we just sang two songs each and came to the dormitory.”

“Now, there shouldn’t be so many people. “Kuang Ye Dubu said.

The freshmen of other classes should go back to the dormitory shortly after the opening ceremony, and then go out to buy daily necessities.

After buying daily necessities, those students may go to karaoke and other entertainment facilities to relax.

The students of class B are the opposite, they go to play first, and then go to buy daily necessities.

Successfully avoided the peak period.

“Kuang Ye classmate, Sakayanagi classmate, do you want to go to the nearby convenience store together later?” Ando Sayo invited.

She seems to be an outgoing person, and she easily invited the classmates she just met.

“Sorry, I want to go back to the dormitory to rest first.” Sakayanagi Arisu nodded gently, as if to apologize.

“I have no problem.”

Although Kuang Ye Dubu decided to become the lone ranger of class B.

But advanced lone rangers do not need to do the opposite of each other in everything.

“Then let’s add a friend. “Ando Sayo took out the student terminal on her own initiative.

After adding the girl as a friend, Huang Ye Dubu felt a gaze on him.

Huang Ye Dubu lowered his head and saw the girl with short white hair looking at him.

“Do you want to add her too?” Huang Ye Dubu asked with amusement, thinking that Sakayanagi Arisu was quite cute.

“Then I’ll trouble you, Huang Ye-san.” Sakayanagi Arisu’s lips curled up slightly.

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