After the three idiots in the class all left.

Horikita Suzune packed up her study materials and prepared to leave.

Then, realizing that there was a classmate next to her, Horikita Suzune asked in a cold voice, “Ayanokouji, are you going to stay here?”

“Horikita, are you leaving?” Ayanokouji’s tone was flat, as if he hadn’t woken up yet.

“The one I want to teach has given up, and there is no need for me to stay any longer.”

Horikita Suzune felt a little angry when she mentioned this.

She had already begged these guys to come and study, but they were still so careless.

What a waste of time.

“But if someone in the class drops out, there may be no way to get promoted to Class A, right?” Ayanokouji used the words he had used to persuade Horikita before.

It was this kind of words that forced Horikita to take action and actively asked the annoying three idiots in the class to come for tutoring.

But by the second time this tactic was used, Horikita Suzune had become somewhat immune to it.

“Then don’t lead the class to Class A.”

The girl with long black hair said firmly, “Class A’s Huang Ye collected 20 million personal points in the first month, which means that the school must have provided a way for individuals to collect 20 million personal points.”

“Since Huang Ye can collect 20 million personal points, I also have the opportunity to collect points to be promoted to Class A.”

After hearing the girl’s words, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka complained in a calm voice, “But last month at the convenience store, you also said that you could collect 1.6 million personal points, but in the end you didn’t find anything.”

Horikita Suzune frowned and said unhappily, “I didn’t expect you to remember these things… Indeed, I was paying attention to whether there were any opportunities to quickly earn personal points around me last month, but I only found that the teacher in the swimming class would give 5,000 personal points to the winner of the class competition.”

“Besides that, I didn’t find any other opportunities to get points.”

Did you find that?

It was obviously the swimming teacher who took the initiative to say it.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was speechless, and could not understand how Horikita Suzune could be so confident when she knew nothing.

Just when he was about to trick Horikita Suzune into continuing to teach the Idiot Trio, people from other classes came over.

“Suzune-san, I seemed to hear someone calling my name just now.” Huang Ye Dubu came over with a smile, “Do you have any clues?”

Huang Ye Dubu was just mentioned.

Now he has come over.

Seeing this, Horikita Suzune was not afraid, but frowned and said with some dissatisfaction, “Kuangye, eavesdropping on others is a good habit.”

“I didn’t eavesdrop.” Kuangye Dubu said with a chuckle, “It’s just that you talked too loudly, and I could hear what you said even though I was sitting not far away.”

“Then why did you sit next to me?” Horikita Suzune continued, “It doesn’t prove that you don’t have the habit of eavesdropping.”

“I just happened to be helping Chihiro and Kosuke in the class with tutoring, and I heard that you were a little noisy, so I came to see what was going on.” Kuangye Dubu pointed to the two girls sitting not far behind him.

After seeing this, Horikita Suzune knew that the boy was not lying again, so she breathed a sigh of relief, “Sorry, we were really too loud just now and disturbed your study.”

The library was originally a quiet place for reading.

But just now, a guy like Sudo didn’t understand the atmosphere here at all, and Horikita Suzune was also angry with these people, so the noise she made was indeed a bit loud.

If you do something wrong, you should admit it.

Horikita Suzune is still quite polite.

“Come to think of it, I didn’t expect Suzune to take the initiative to help her classmates with their studies.” Kirano Dopo smiled slightly, his eyes falling on the brown-haired boy next to him, “Is this a suggestion from Kiyotaka?”

Ayanokoji denied expressionlessly, “No, this is Horikita’s decision, I was just forced to come here to make up the numbers.”

This is a lie.

But with Horikita’s personality, she shouldn’t expose it.

Hearing what Kirano said, Horikita Suzune narrowed her eyes slightly, crossed her arms and said, “Kirano, why do you think it was Ayanokoji’s suggestion?”

“If I hadn’t pulled him here, he would probably just be wasting time in the dormitory and not spending time studying.”

Ayanokoji was a little speechless, “Horikita, you don’t have to say that so much, I feel hurt after hearing it.”

“Really? I’m really sorry.”

“But from your tone, it seems likeI don’t feel any apology at all.”

“That’s your illusion.”

After Horikita Suzune had a quarrel with the boy next to her, Huang Ye Dupu said, “With Suzune’s personality, she probably wouldn’t have the idea of ​​helping the weak, let alone helping Sudo Ken and the others.”

“Don’t say it’s me. Even if it was Suzune a month ago, you wouldn’t have thought that you would take the initiative to help these people a month later, right?”

Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment.

It seems to make some sense.

In fact, let alone yourself a month ago.

Even if it was yourself two days ago, you would never have thought that you would take the initiative to tutor Sudo and the others.

But if you admit it at this time, the momentum of the conversation will be weakened.

So, Horikita Suzune said stubbornly, “I just started to change my combat style after knowing the truth about the school.”

“Although I really don’t want to guide them, I judged that even their strength is necessary to be promoted to Class A, so I took action to tutor them. ”

“If you think I will still maintain my previous course of action after knowing the true nature of this school, you are totally wrong.”

After hearing the girl’s words, Huang Ye Du Bu smiled, “Suzune-san, you have a very flexible mind and can think of a very suitable excuse as a reason in such a short time.”

“If it is a stranger, he should believe your words. But if it is someone you know, he can probably see through it easily.”

Hearing this, Horikita Suzune frowned and looked a little dissatisfied, “Kuang Ye-san, from what you said, it seems that you know me very well.”

“But we have only met a few times. It is too arbitrary to judge me based on this impression.”

Horikita Suzune did not believe that Huang Ye saw through her character.

“Then please listen to my opinion.” Huang Ye Du Bu said with a smile, “Although I have not been with Suzune-san many times, I can also feel that you are not someone who will give up easily. ”

“If you really wanted to tutor Sudo Ken and the others, you wouldn’t give up after failing once, but would continue to persuade them.”

Huang Ye Du Bu paused, then smiled and said in a teasing tone, “Or did I really misjudge that Suzune-san is the type who can’t stand the blow and will give up quickly after encountering setbacks?”

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