Beizhou, a small town covered in ice and snow.

The weather here is very cold, with snowflakes falling for eight months of the year. Although it is only the end of November, students have already gone on vacation early. The only middle school in the town and the tallest building in the town has also The building was empty.

It is obviously just a small town with a total population of less than a thousand, but for some reason a five-story teaching building was built.

The time had just reached five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun seemed to be avoiding the cold and couldn't wait to go down the mountain.

The teaching building was empty and the corridors were dark. Because there were not many students, only three floors of the teaching building were actually used. The stairs on the higher fourth and fifth floors were locked with iron doors, and no students were allowed to enter. Enter.

The most mysterious thing in the entire teaching building is the classroom on the fifth floor that was originally planned to be used as a student audio-visual room.

All the windows in the classroom are covered by thick black curtains, so no light can shine in. Similarly, what happens inside is absolutely unknown to the outside.

This classroom is as big as the other two classrooms. In the middle of the empty room, there is an oval solid wood conference table. Beside the table, there are forty-eight chairs arranged neatly, with the back of each chair They are all engraved with numbers from one to twenty-eight. These chairs and conference tables are by no means cheap in appearance. Instead, they have a restrained luxury that is incompatible with the entire dilapidated teaching building.

Suddenly, a circle of lights lit up on the dark classroom wall. The next moment, those empty chairs were filled with people, and only seat number one was still empty.

They are all blurry shadows, their faces cannot be seen, and their body shapes cannot even be distinguished.

The source of the light is a series of strange-looking projectors hung on the ceiling.

"It's time for the monthly meeting again. The last meeting seems like yesterday. Time flies really fast."

"After all, they are old bones, but there is still a lot of time in the future."

"That's right, hahahaha."

Everyone's voices are mechanical and electronic sounds that have been specially processed. Not to mention men and women, even the speech speed has been adjusted. No one can know the other's situation.

"A bunch of old immortals, needless to say such useless words. I haven't woken up yet, so I'll fart as soon as possible."

No. 10's voice was processed and sounded slow, but anyone could hear his dissatisfaction.

The other members all looked this way, but no one cared about his rudeness.

After silence, everyone got down to business.

The first thing to discuss is the big event that just happened yesterday.

No. 25: "You must have learned about the red beam of light in Xizhou yesterday through various channels, right?"

No. 7: "But I haven't heard any other news. I guess the matter has been suppressed."

No. 46: "It seems that the plan we have been preparing for half a year has not been successful."

No. 18: "It's a pity that no messenger came to attend the meeting today, otherwise we would have known the details."

No. 6: “I don’t know if the ceremony has been completed.”

No. 8: "The red light means that the ritual has been successful, but the old god seems to have not fully arrived, so he must have been stopped."

No. 33: "Originally, the old god couldn't have had much impact. As soon as it came, the Foundation and the Superman Association would definitely respond immediately. I learned more news that the Hoover Dam has already After the collapse, the polluted water source smoothly flowed into the river system of the entire lower reaches of Xizhou, so it cannot be said that the mission failed."

No. 7: "No matter what, Esela City will no longer exist. I still remember going there when I was young. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed. What a pity."

No. 46: "What's there to be sentimental about? It's just a city. The worst thing you can do is build one yourself and kill some untouchables. It won't have any impact on us."

No. 10: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, everyone is secretive. With your power, can't you understand such a trivial matter? You are a turtle."

The alliance government has begun to control the tap water system in the lower reaches of Xizhou. The original goal has been successfully completed long ago. A bunch of old people are still trying it out, which is ridiculous. "

Fortunately, it was a mechanical electronic sound, otherwise No. 10's original voice would have been even worse.

No. 28: "No. 10, don't go too far."

No. 31: "Okay, okay, everyone's time is precious. Did you come here just to quarrel?"

Although there were forty-seven people in the conference room, most people were accustomed to remaining silent.

Seeing that the argument was over, No. 10 stopped deliberately provoking and said, "Speaking of which, I recently discovered an interesting place. I wonder if any of you are interested."

The conference room was quiet, and no one answered his words.

No. 10 asked for trouble and continued: "There is a well-hidden town near Dallas, the capital of Maryland in Western Europe. I heard that the residents there are all descendants of a certain noble from the original island country."

"Island country?"

Everyone was whispering to each other, obviously unfamiliar with this.

No. 10 mocked: "Your intelligence is very backward. You don't even know about the pirate country."

In fact, among everyone present, there must be someone who knows about it, but this place is quite special. Whoever speaks first will almost indicate the area he is in. This is a taboo for them, and they must not let others have any information about them. , not even just a general area.

No. 10 also understood this, so he deliberately used provocation to catch the fish.

But obviously, everyone present was a human being, and no one would fall for such a simple trap.

Everyone was silent for two minutes.

No. 31: "Isn't the messenger coming today?"

No. 10: "Who knows, they usually shrink deeper than you old turtles."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bald monk wearing a red cassock appeared at the No. 1 position.

The monk had a kind look on his face, clasped his hands together, and nodded towards everyone.

No one knows how he appeared here. The strength of the messenger is unfathomable.

"About what happened yesterday..."

The monk briefly told everyone about the situation of the Hoover Dam.

"There are no important things recently. I hope everyone can stay calm. In addition, the medicine to inhibit green rot will be delivered to me this month. Please pay attention to confidentiality measures."

After saying that, the monk disappeared as quietly as he came.

As soon as the monk left, No. 10 immediately began to yawn: "Do you have anything else to press for?"

No one spoke.


No. 31 stood up and concluded: "This meeting is over. Members of the Ageless Society, see you next month."

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