"I'll be nice." He asked for 100,000 achievement points.

Xia Ren was not only a little stunned.

From the time he owned the system until now, the total number of achievement points he had gained was less than 10,000. As a result, a Immortal Sand Resurrection Jar cost 100,000.

I checked with my eyes that it is an item that cannot be exchanged.

There are only a few days left before all the contamination manuscripts are consumed. Xia Ren's body returned to its peak while reading the slate. What he needs to do after seeing the doctor has basically been completed. There is nothing left to continue to stay here. significance.

According to what the doctor said, Xia Ren's blood aura of Cthulhu had been covered up by a magical force when he walked out of the library, so he can now walk on the street openly without worrying about being attacked by the Beast Brothers. The meeting people suddenly attacked.

Xia Ren speculated that the masked aura was probably related to the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Sutra" mentioned by the system. The tentacles behind his head had undergone some changes, but they had not yet reached perfection.

Xia Ren had a hunch that perhaps this tentacle would be able to play its true role until the first chapter of the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture" was completely unsealed, and it would no longer be as simple as having an extra arm like it is now.

After Yi Zhiyu sneaked out last time and had an accident, the doctor kept his promise and gave him special care. He couldn't get out of bed these days. Xia Ren and Tang Tangtang went over to check on him. The latter's body recovered. The speed is quite fast, but the speech still feels a bit stupid, and words like "Don't stop" come out of his mouth from time to time.

There is still no treatment plan for Tang Tangtang's hypothermia, and it seems that he will have to endure this torture for a short time.

Xia Ren originally wanted to say goodbye to the doctor, but was rejected. The doctor left a message saying that he was going to confirm something and didn't know when he would be back. If Xia Ren wanted to leave, he didn't need to say hello to anyone and left directly. That’s it.

"I feel really reassured about my safety."

Xia Ren originally thought that if he was leaving, the foundation would send at least a few people to escort him, but thinking about it carefully, what he was most afraid of before was that his aura would be exposed, leading to him being hunted down by the Beast Brotherhood.

Now that the aura has been hidden, there is no need to worry about this biggest source of danger. However, there are still ghosts inside the foundation. If they are asked to escort them, they will definitely leave traces, which may put themselves in more danger. situation.

After figuring this out, he felt relieved.

Although he has lived in the foundation headquarters for a few days, to be honest, Xia Ren doesn't like the atmosphere here at all, so there is nothing to miss.

According to what the doctor said, he didn't say hello to anyone, put on his backpack and left the ward where he lived.

"Classmate Xiaoai."

"I'm here~"

"Navigator, I want to go to the exit of the foundation headquarters."

"Okay, we have planned the best route for you. Turn left five hundred meters ahead..."

The roads inside the foundation are complicated, and the roads in some areas are all the same metal corridors. The buildings and elevator locations on each floor are different. It is simply a multi-layered super large maze. Without navigation, Xia Ren estimates that he will be able to do it alone. Even if you go around for two days, you may not be able to get out.

Even with the help of the mastermind, it took Xia Ren two hours to get from the tenth floor underground to the top.

"I don't know why the master brain, which is so full of technology, should be named Xiao Ai."

But all in all, it's a very cute name.

The metal door opened a gap, and the fierce wind carried the yellow sand and poured in from the gap, ruffling Xia Ren's slightly long hair.

The heat wave was rolling, the scorching sun hung overhead, there was no cloud in the entire sky, and the air was filled with dry heat.

Everything he could see was filled with yellow sand. Xia Ren squinted his eyes out of habit and walked directly into the desert without hesitation.

The two metal doors behind him were closed together. He looked back and saw the magnificent metal pyramid shining in the sun.

"I forgot to bring two bottles of water, but...it doesn't matter."

The afterglow of the setting sun shone from the horizon, and the clouds in the distance were dyed a blood-red color.

The cool wind blew the tired people, bringing some refreshment.

"Just camp here, we can't go any further."

Several off-road vehicles gathered together to block the wind and sand. A dozen adventurers got out of the car to rest for a while and began to prepare tent tools.

A fat photographer wearing a sun protection hat took pictures with the camera in his hand and said:

"Sure enough, only deserted places like this can have the most beautiful scenery in the world."

A local tour guide said with emotion: "It's beautiful, but it's also very dangerous. The sandstorms here kill countless tour group tourists or adventurers like you every year."

He takes at least 40 groups of people to this desert every year. However, even with such rich experience, he does not dare to be careless at all. The Moka Desert is ruthless. You never know when it will become your tomb. .

"what is that?"

The tour guide suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of the sunset.


The photographer pressed the shutter and took a photo. Seeing the tour guide's surprised look, he also looked over there.


It seemed to him that for a long time, there were only sand dunes and the setting sun that was about to sink under the sand dunes.

"Then...it should be me, but I was wrong."

The tour guide felt that his legs were a little weak. He reached out and groped backwards, stepped back half a step, and leaned on the front hood of the off-road vehicle.

Sweat was on his forehead and flowed into his eyes.

He took off his sunglasses and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe them, but he couldn't hold the sunglasses firmly and fell on the sand.

The tour guide stared blankly at the place where the sunglasses fell, forgetting to pick them up for a moment.

"Director Li, your hands are shaking..."

The tour guide didn't know what frightened him. He seemed to have lost his soul and couldn't even speak clearly.

After some discussion, everyone decided to go back tomorrow morning and end the expedition. After all, without a tour guide, it would be tantamount to seeking death for them to go deep into the Moka Desert.

The photographer was also confused about what the tour guide saw.

Until night, he checked the photos he took during the day in the tent and found one that was special.

The photographer remembered that this photo was taken when the tour guide started to have accidents. In the photo, the sunset is hidden behind the flaming clouds, revealing half of the orange figure. However, where the sunset meets the sky, there is an area that shows a strange The image is blurry, the image quality is severely distorted, and there are even colorful spots like a flower screen.

"Is there something wrong with my camera?"

The photographer looked at the photo over and over again, and the more he looked at it, the more he got a headache.


"The camera shouldn't be able to capture me."

Late at night, Xia Ren was sitting on the plane heading to Dongzhou, recalling the situation he encountered when he just came out of the desert in the evening.

At that time, he was walking with his tentacles. He noticed the light emitted by the camera flash at the moment of exposure, and looked over there.

"I hope it's not a good camera, otherwise it will be dangerous if my photos are leaked."

If nothing happens, he will be able to return to Dongpu City tomorrow and meet Qin Yun and the others.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~

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