Police Chen Shu

Chapter 824 Li Xia

Big L's painful howl echoed in the boxing gym, tearing his heart and lungs, with bloody despair.

Every boxer who participated in the black market boxing had an expectation of what he would do after failure, either fainting, or being injured, or at most being disabled.

No one would have thought that he would go blind. Even Big L, the man known as the strongest man in the new city, could not bear such a result.

Fear, like the tide of the night, instantly submerged Big L.

He was like a person who couldn't swim and fell into the sea, and could only desperately survive without any resistance.

Big L tried to push away the opponent who was pressing on him, but the temporary loss of vision made him lose his perception all of a sudden, and he retreated in panic and waved his hands in the air.

Li Xia did not stop, and used his almost broken body to forcibly hang on Big L, and then used the one hand and one foot that could still move to imprison the frantically struggling Big L, and finally used a headbutt to put an end to this black market boxing.

Big L's screams stopped abruptly, and the boxing gym and the live broadcast room fell into a dead silence.

Li Xia loosened his hands and feet, and Big L fell to the ground like a puppet that lost its traction rope in a stage play, and his head turned sideways on the ground, motionless.

The room was very quiet, with only Li Xia's heavy breathing echoing inside.

Slowly, the staff wearing Yaksha masks around began to make suppressed exclamations and whispers. The failure of Shuanghua Honggun, who had always been invincible in the gang, made them a little flustered, and even the referee who announced the victory and defeat was stunned.

"It's incredible! That Big L actually lost?"

"Damn, what a monster!"

"Oh my god, I lost badly this time, but why do I feel so good?"


After a short silence, the fans in the live broadcast room exploded in the comment area, and a variety of barrages and luxurious and colorful gifts began to dominate the screen again, as if all this was free, vowing to blow the silence to pieces.

"Damn! Who is this guy?"

"Big L actually fell into his hands? It's really out of line!"

"Oh! I witnessed the birth of a new king!"

"Too crazy! Too crazy! Too crazy!"


The VIP room was also very lively.

The bald fat man knelt on the ground, completely stunned, his head full of the two million he lost.

His subordinate Xiao Li was very excited, jumping up and down, cheering that he had made the right bet this time and predicted the dealer's prediction.

According to the odds, even if he deducted the 100,000 yuan he bet, he could still receive a full 1.8 million in the end. Such a large sum of money, how could Xiao Li not be excited.

He was so happy that he even hugged the charming princess into his arms without thinking and kissed her white face hard.

The princess, who had looked down on Xiao Li before, now saw something fishy.

She didn't dislike Xiao Li's sudden affection at all. Instead, she opened her big smoky eyes and asked curiously, "Brother Xiao Li, how much money did you make this time?"

"Two million!" Xiao Li raised his head and laughed, then turned to look at the bald fat man, "Boss, you are really amazing! Fortunately, I listened to you this time! Haha, I'm rich now!"

"Fuck you!" The bald fat man was so angry that he picked up the crystal ashtray on the coffee table and threw it at Xiao Li, "Get out of here!"

It hit his forehead with a bang, breaking a hole and bleeding. Xiao Li covered his forehead and felt very aggrieved.

The bald fat man began to curse uncontrollably, and the vicious words flew around the room with saliva. Little did he know that at this time, he was no different from those gamblers who were exposed.

The field and the line were all exploded, and the instigator just sat quietly on the concrete floor, supported by one hand, looked up, looked at the ceiling light, and exhaled a long breath.

At this time, Big L's fingers moved slightly, and then his eyes slowly opened halfway. Thanks to his strong physical fitness, in just half a minute, the strongest man in Xincheng District has recovered.

Although his vision was a little blurry, he could still see the outline of the figure in front of him.

Anger surged up all of a sudden, Big L shouted, kicked in the direction where Li Xia was sitting, and then slowly got up, muttering:

"Fuck your mother, I'm going to fuck you to death. Fuck you to death."

The staff on the scene and the fans in the live broadcast room were stunned by this scene. They habitually held their breath and watched nervously.

Li Xia sat on the ground with a cold look in his eyes.

Judging from the force of the opponent's kick just now, he knew that Big L had no strength left.

Li Xia's body was also at its limit, but he knew that as long as Big L was still standing, the game was not over, just like the last time he fought against Doge.

Li Hao, who had one hand and one foot, had no intention of getting up at this moment. He just tried to crawl towards the shaky figure.

About half an hour ago, he still felt that the other party was out of reach.

Now, he felt that as long as he stretched out his hand and pulled, this behemoth would fall to the ground with a bang.

The fact was just as he expected. Big L stood up just after Li Xia crawled close, and then fell to the ground again with a bang.

Li Xia came up and held Big L with one foot without using his hands, and then punched the other party in the head with two fists.

Big L couldn't bear it, so he put on his heavy boxing gloves and put them in front of him. He didn't expect that these boxing gloves, which were originally for stage effects to show that he was much stronger than his opponent, would become his amulet in the end.

Li Xia took advantage of his upper position and directly hit the opponent's slightly exposed cheek with an elbow. As Big L groaned and relaxed his strength, Li Xia continued to hit him.

After a few hits, Li Xia ran out of strength.

"I fuck your mother. I'll kill you." Big L kept talking, and his confidence was getting stronger and stronger. Li Xia knew from the feedback from his hands that although Big L had been beaten, he was slowly recovering his strength.

Li Xia, whose arms had already lost strength, didn't care at all. He smiled coldly. He was really not nervous at all at this moment. He leaned down and bit Big L's forearm fiercely.

"Ah!" Big L screamed in pain. He had been a veteran of black boxing for a long time, but this was the first time he encountered such a rogue style of fighting. First, he dug his eyes, and then he bit people like a dog.

He gave up defense and rushed at the mad dog lying on him desperately, but wearing heavy boxing gloves, how could he cause much damage to the mad dog at such a close distance.

Li Xia bit deeper and deeper, but Big L cursed harder and harder, and his voice became louder and louder.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the balance of victory and defeat had begun to tilt back to Big L, a professional black boxer.

Li Xia repeated his old tricks, taking advantage of the opponent's attention on the bitten arm, and freed up one hand to dig into the opponent's eyes again.

Who would have thought that in this game, the power of bare fists was actually reflected in digging eyes.


The howl that had been rang out for the nth time was different from the previous anger. This time it was more of fear and despair. Big L was afraid.

Li Xia barely sat up and looked coldly at Big L, who was pressed to the ground by him, covering his eyes and screaming.

Various scenes and sounds flew in his mind.

"The appearance fee is one thousand, and the victory is ten thousand. By the way, hehe, if you can kill the opponent in the boxing ring, you will get a bonus of one hundred thousand." The words of the bald fat man before the game repeatedly appeared in Li Xia's mind.

"Woo. Woo." Doge's wife collapsed alone outside the emergency room. She cried until the end and had no strength. Only the sound of whirring sounded faintly in Li Xia's ears.

His nose twitched slightly, and the salty smell of blood was swept away for some reason. There was even a little more aroma of the red meat that their mother had cooked for them since they were young, which was still so tempting.

Li Xia had overdrawn everything after fighting in the black market to this point.

He could no longer feel the pain of his broken hands and feet. Instead, he felt numb and empty, and his consciousness seemed to be mixed with water, becoming thinner and thinner.

He was as sleepy as if he had been up for several days and nights. His eyelids were heavy and he was about to collapse.

If he drags on, as long as Big L recovers a little, he will be dead.

And now, while Big L is still immersed in the temporary blindness and fear, Li Xia can move his head, the only part of his head that can still move.

Lean back, lean back again, and continue to lean back, lean back to the extreme.

It's like a long bow that is stretched to the limit.

Then, let go.


Yunnan Province, border port.

Zhang Yang walked in the front, Li Xia lagged behind by many steps, and there was another person who followed closely behind him, almost sticking to him. It was the photographer Xiao Zhao.

"Brother Xia, what happened to the man named Big L? Was he killed by your hammer in the end?" Xiao Zhao followed closely, like a young star-chasing youth, and asked shamelessly.

Li Xia paused, glanced down at the roadside, and was a little stunned for a moment.

Xiao Zhao, who was following behind, couldn't stop and bumped into him: "Hey, Brother Xia, why did you stop suddenly?"

"Sorry." Li Xia smiled and walked away.

"Brother Xia, what happened later?" Xiao Zhao touched his bumped nose and chased after him reluctantly.

"Later? Later my mother recovered from her illness and my brother went to college smoothly."

"So you continued to do it?"



Under the streetlight, a wild flower that Li Xia had accidentally seen before grew in a dark corner.

The weather was a little cold at this time, but the deep yellow flower still stubbornly raised its head and tried hard to bloom.

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