Police Chen Shu

Chapter 807 The Master is the One Who Has Achieved Achievement

"The murder is not important?"

Chen Shu blurted out, pushed away the table and chairs, and stood up.

In Dongzhou, the basic common sense is that no case is as important as a murder case. Even the criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau has specially arranged a police brigade to continue to solve the backlog of murder cases over the years.

Even if no new evidence emerges, they will visit the relevant scenes and relevant personnel involved in the case every once in a while.

The degree to which he takes the murder case seriously is evident.

He Chengfeng looked complicated, drank another drink, and said helplessly: "The police force is in short supply. This is an old story again, so I won't mention it. What I want to emphasize is that we all know that we must use our strength in key places, well, Here with us."

As he spoke, he tapped the table with his finger and said seriously: "For decades, drug control has been the first priority. In recent years, another troublesome anti-fraud has emerged. Hey, this thing , it’s so new that old policemen like us simply can’t bear it.

"In the past, we only focused on drug control. After decades of hard work, not to mention 100% cleaning of the ground, at least we can free up some police force to protect other cases. But in recent years, the number of electronic fraud cases has increased sharply. National! It takes up almost most of our resources and police force.”

As he spoke, he sighed, with a flash of worry in his eyes, and said, "So, reality forces us to reconsider the priorities and resource allocation of our police officers."

And this is the main reason why Huang Mao accepted the murder.

After all, at the beginning, everyone thought it was just an ordinary suicide case.

Chen Shu remained silent, knowing that every word He Chengfeng said was the truth. Nowadays, telecommunications fraud is spreading rapidly in China like a plague, eroding the tranquility of society.

After a while, Chen Shu insisted: "I admit that anti-fraud is the most urgent task in the country at present, but this does not mean that we can ignore the investigation of murder cases. Heda, a person's life is only once, and it is gone once it is gone. "

"Officer Chen, the murder case is indeed important, but sometimes, the actual situation and the pressure from superiors." He Chengfeng looked directly at the police officer from the prosperous coastal province. In his eyes, it was a harmonious and peaceful place, a place for retirement. A good place to retire, a place where the police are very safe.

A few seconds later, his eyes moved to the wine glass on the table, his eyelids were half-closed, and he whispered softly: "We have to make a difficult choice."

Don't try to persuade others if you haven't experienced their suffering.

As Yun Province police officers, the pressure and danger they face, as well as the sacrifices they make, are definitely many times that of their counterparts in other provinces of the Republic. This is something that everyone can see.

Chen Shu, who knew he was being gentle, picked up his wine glass and drank with the other party.

The red-faced He Chengfeng's eyes became confused under the influence of alcohol.

He murmured: "To put it bluntly, it is really a murder case, and it only costs one human life. If we let go of the drug dealers and electronic fraudsters who are about to be caught for this, it will cost thousands of lives, and There are more broken families behind them.”

Chen Shu was noncommittal and could only raise his glass again: "Heda, let's drink."

He Chengfeng nodded, his eyes calmed down, and he said calmly: "Drink."

The two of them raised their heads and filled their glasses again.

Sitting on the side and watching the scene of these formal police officers drinking together, Jiang Hai secretly smacked his lips and moved his butt towards Chen Chuan, lowered his head and asked quietly: "Brother Chuan, is it that the police here in Yun Province have a good drinking capacity?" , Or do we Chinese policemen drink like this? Isn’t this too exaggerated? They drink one glass after another, and those who don’t know think it is boiled water!”

Chen Chuan, who was watching the show with his legs crossed, was smacking peanuts and said cheerfully: "Haha, it's not even close, it's not even close. When we first started working, if we had any action at night, we would drink some wine with dinner. Work!"

As he said that, Chen Chuan shook his head and said regretfully: "It's not like now. You can't drink on working days. It's not like being a policeman."

Jiang Hai subconsciously took a few steps back, and the chair made a squeaking sound as it rubbed against the ground.

He was a little surprised and confused, but in his heart he felt novel and looking forward to this "tough guy" work attitude.

During the free time at the police academy, the most talked about topic among classmates was their jobs after graduation, so they were somewhat familiar with the drinking style at work.

Jiang Hai picked up the cup with a little Coke and asked cautiously: "Brother Chuan, are you going to arrest someone after drinking? Won't this delay the case? I'm feeling dizzy, is that okay?"

Chen Chuan looked over with squinting eyes, threw a peanut into his mouth with a smile, and then filled the cup for his innocent junior brother.

The unspoken rule of the Donghai Police Force is that if you can't drink alcohol, just drink a full glass of soda.

Chen Chuan affirmed without hesitation, his tone was very firm: "Of course, after drinking wine, your body will be warm and you will be able to catch thieves! Those little thieves, under the iron fist of our socialism, how can they use their brains? "

Just as Chen Chuan was taking advantage of Jiang Hai's lack of work experience and teasing him with the anecdotes of the older generation of policemen in their early years, on the other side, forensic doctor Lao Tang walked around the large round table with a glass filled with white wine and walked to Chen Shu.

When Chen Shu saw this, he quickly picked up the wine glass and stood up. When he was about to speak, Old Tang gently patted the forearm holding the wine.

Old Tang smiled softly, his eyebrows were crooked, and his attitude was gentle. He was not at all serious like the usual blathering in the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Seeing Old Tang at this time, Chen Shu, who had been scolded bloody at the crime scene, suddenly felt that the world was unstable. It turned out that the cold-blooded forensic doctor had another side, one that was strangely kind.

Old Tang smiled and said: "Don't be busy drinking now, let me say a few words."

"Forensic Doctor Tang, please tell me."

"Tang Forensic Doctor Tang Forensic Doctor." Old Tang squinted his eyes and muttered repeatedly at the corner of his mouth, and then seemed to suddenly wake up. He smiled apologetically at Chen Shu and said, "Officer Chen, I respect you this time. I admire your ability and sincerely thank you.”

"Oh, Medical Examiner Tang, you have spoken too harshly. How can this be allowed? When it comes to seniority in our police department, you are mine."

"The master is the teacher." Old Tang pressed Chen Shu's forearm that he raised again, stopping the other party's explanation, and recalled, "Officer Chen, in my career, I have handled countless cases. Well, I also dissected I passed countless corpses, including men and women, old and young, complete and mutilated, sour and smelly, too many.

"I regard all this as a pure public security work. My only emotion is that this thing is unprofessional and I have never thought much about the morality and emotions involved. However, in this case I cooperated with you, I discovered that Touched and different over the years.”

Chen Shu was stunned at first, recalling the scene when he worked with Old Tang in his mind. After thinking for a long time, he didn't find anything particularly different.

Old Tang happily watched the young provincial policeman in front of him pondering for a long time but still couldn't figure out the reason.

He then said slowly: "When dealing with the victim, I found that your attitude towards the deceased is completely different from ours."

"Different? You mean."

"Respect and goodwill." Old Tang paused, recalling Chen Shu's attitude in the forensic room, and said, "When there is no breakthrough in the case, my habit has always been to conduct autopsies and seek other evidence. Including those present. Others took it for granted, but you seemed extremely cautious at that time, as if you were cutting your own flesh with this knife."

Chen Shu was a little embarrassed, raised his wine glass and said, "No, I think everyone is dead, if not..."

"I laughed at you for being superstitious at that time." Old Tang gently patted Chen Shu's forearm holding the wine glass for the third time and said cheerfully, "Later I calmed down and thought about it, this is not superstitious, this is respect for life. and kindness to victims.”

"Forensic Doctor Tang, I really didn't think so much."

"It's precisely because you didn't think so much and it was a subconscious move that this attitude is so precious. Otherwise, you should think about it again and say something so that everyone can learn from it. After all, you drank tonight So much wine.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the old detectives and Cheng Feng standing nearby, as well as Jiang Hai and Chen Chuan, who had been watching secretly for a long time, all pricked up their ears.

"Forensic doctor Tang, I simply feel that every dead victim was once a living person. They had their own lives and careers, and had friends and family who loved them. As police, what we deal with is not just The cold corpse is a life carrying many emotions and memories.”

Chen Shu spoke slowly, his eyes bright.

"Officer Chen, I don't believe in the lines on the palm, but I believe in the power of the palm and the fingers."

This time, Old Tang did not pat Chen Shu's forearm and speak like an elder as before.

He seriously picked up the wine glass, touched the rim of the glass to Chen Shu, and said sincerely: "Officer Chen, I agree with your statement."

After a pause, Old Tang took the first step, drained the white wine in his glass, and repeated: "I totally agree."

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