Police Chen Shu

Chapter 804 Your Police Academy Admission Score

"Good leadership! Good leadership!"

It was only then that Huang Daniu came to his senses and found that the leader in front of him was followed by many policemen in uniforms, and the village chief was carefully accompanying him. He must be a high official.

If this high-ranking official could go to such a poor place, it was probably because of his son who was a policeman.

"Haha, it doesn't matter whether I am good or not." He Chengfeng stretched out his right hand to Huang Daniu and joked, "Your son must do well to be really good!"

Huang Daniu wiped his clean hands, then firmly held He Chengfeng's outstretched hand, and said emotionally: "Good leader, my son is really good! Leader, I thank you!"

The words are crude but I don't know how Huang Daniu, who has been doing farm work all his life with his back to the sun and his face to the land, could speak such a sensible truth today.

Perhaps in Huang Daniu's heart, he simply believed that this big leader who came all the way from the provincial capital for his son was indeed the best person in the world.

After all, even the village chief, who was usually bullish in his eyes, had to be careful to be by his side at this moment, looking at him with an extremely bright smile.

"It's our turn to thank you for training such an excellent police officer." He Chengfeng smiled, and his gentle eyes made Huang Daniu relax a little, "Xiao Huang worked very well in the unit and is a good policeman. This time he broke It was a murder case, so I received third-class merit!”

As he said that, he took out a big red envelope from his coat pocket and stuffed it into Huang Sansheng: "This is a little thought from the unit, please accept it!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Huang Daniu wiped his hands, a little afraid to accept the red envelope, "You came all the way here, why do you have to spend money? Come on, come on! Come in, let's go in and drink water!"

He Chengfeng forced the red envelope into Huang Daniu's hand, and gently patted the back of Huang Daniu's hand in a gesture that would not allow him to refuse.

Then he raised his head, looked at Huang Daniu's courtyard gate, and said, "Don't worry, let's hang the plaque first. Look, I'll hang it on this gate so that the neighbors passing by can see it clearly. what do you think?"


Huang Daniu became excited again and nodded repeatedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the village chief, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly lowered his raised right arm, and the village band immediately played cheerful music in unison.

The plaque was successfully hung on Huang Daniu's door, and then the wooden box carried by Jiang Hai was also handed over.

He Chengfeng deliberately opened the wooden box in front of the villagers.

Under the sun, there was a shiny medal inside, shining brightly.

Chen Shu, who was standing behind, took a glance and confirmed that it was a genuine third-class public security merit medal.

And He Chengfeng also raised the wooden box with the lid high high and circled it around the small open space at the door so that the surrounding villagers could see clearly.

After this set of actions, the honest farmer Huang Daniu really felt relieved. When the village chief greeted him and took pictures, he smiled happily, with tears of excitement in his eyes.

After living in the village for so many years, this moment was the most glorious scene in his life. His originally stooped back seemed to straighten a little when everyone gathered to take pictures.

The villagers who were watching applauded warmly, and the scene was filled with joy.

He Chengfeng excused himself that the unit still had important tasks, and left with his people. Even though the police car drove far away, the banging music in the village and the children's singing and laughter continued to reach their ears.

On the way back, He Chengfeng drove the police car, Chen Shu sat in the passenger seat, and Chen Chuan, Zhu Yiba and Jiang Hai sat in the back seat.

The mountain road was bumpy, and the older Santana police car shuddered, and the people in the car could not help but sway along with the ups and downs of the car.

Just like how they feel at the moment.

"If you have any questions, just ask them."

He Chengfeng rested his hands on the peeled leather steering wheel and smoked a cigarette leisurely. The red banner used in the village was stuffed in the space on the center armrest beside him.

At this time, they were squeezed into a ball and stuffed inside, and what was exposed was the line "Warmly congratulate Comrade Huang Sansheng on winning the third class merit" with the word "three" in yellow font on the banner.

Jiang Hai, who was sitting in the middle seat in the back row, endured it all the way out of politeness. Now that he heard He Chengfeng take the initiative to mention it, he naturally had no reason to hold back anymore.

He leaned forward, put his hands on the backs of the two seats in the front row, and asked: "Heda, it was so lively in the village just now, and my head was a little dizzy from behind. By the way, do all of you third-class practitioners do this?"

Although Jiang Hai has not graduated from the police academy, he still has basic knowledge. A third-class public security service like this is quite worthless in Donghai Province.

Except for the cash reward of 5,000 yuan, it was of no help at all, whether it was to improve my career or receive preferential treatment from close relatives.

Because they are not good, third-level skills are quite common. At the grassroots level, as long as some achievements are made, the unit can achieve third-class merit.

It may be an exaggeration to walk all over the place with third-class merit, but if you open an office casually, the people sitting in it must be more police officers who have obtained third-class merit than those who have not.

As for leadership, basically 99% of them have it.

The remaining 1% should have obtained second-class merit.

He Chengfeng smiled slightly, with calm eyes, and said: "As long as we are front-line police officers, we all operate this way."

Jiang Hai's face was full of doubts. Looking at He Chengfeng's square face, he blurted out: "Is drug control also done this way?"

As we all know, drug control is an unavoidable topic in the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau.

It is said that those who work in drug control can only take photos of their backs. Under such strict defense, it is impossible to make a fuss about everything. Isn't this asking for trouble?

He Chengfeng did not answer.

The car passed a turning corner on the mountain road where the oncoming lane could not be seen. He Chengfeng honked the horn a few times, slowed down and passed through, pretending to be nothing and changed the topic: "In your place, is the third-class merit not a big deal?"

"That's not what I mean."

"But here, the situation is a little different." He Chengfeng paused again, as if he was organizing his words, and then asked an irrelevant question in return, "Xiao Hai, I remember you are still a student at the police academy. What is the college entrance examination admission score for your academy?"

At this time, a motorcycle that was obviously modified suddenly jumped out from the front of the road. The colorful lights in broad daylight were swaying on the car, and there was even explosive rock music booming.

With a squeak, He Chengfeng stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel sharply to the right. The two cars scraped against each other and squeaked. A second later, the two cars barely crossed each other.

After driving past, He Chengfeng did not look back. He continued to drive the car with a calm face, as if nothing had happened.

"Admission score?"

This sudden turn distracted Jiang Hai a little. He looked back at the back of the car window.

The motorcycle that almost collided with them staggered away without any intention of stopping. It seemed that the passing by the police car just now was a very common thing.

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