Police Chen Shu

Chapter 802: Award delivery

The next afternoon.

In a small village far from KM city, a burst of sirens broke the silence.

Three police cars lined up and drove into the village one after another, all the way to the gate of the village committee compound in the west.

The compound was closed with an iron gate, and the police car stopped on the side of the road.

Although the village is quite remote, the villagers have seen police and police cars before, but it is quite rare to see three police cars driving in at once.

The villagers standing on the side of the road chatting idly saw this scene and gathered around.

"Who has committed a crime? Why are there so many policemen at once?"

"What else can these old men and women in our village do?"

"Could it be those young men working outside who caused trouble?"

"If they are making trouble, the police don't have to come to the village? Even if they come to find someone to question, there is no need to bring so many people."

As he was talking, he saw the door of the police car open, and many neatly dressed policemen wearing ties walked down.

After getting off the bus, they all put on police hats. Under the sun, the police badges on the hats were so bright that they were blinding.

A group of police officers stood by the car, raising their hands to adjust their police hats and uniforms, as if they were preparing for an extremely important scene.

One of the older police officers, who looked like a leader, approached the crowd and asked, "Excuse me, how do I get to Huang Sansheng's house?"

"I'm Xiao Huang's cousin. What do you want from Xiao Huang?" An old sister-in-law with half white hair stood up and looked at the other person up and down.

"Oh, something important." The leader smiled, without any official airs.

My cousin saw that the other person was dark and didn't look like those pampered big leaders at all. She felt a little strange and looked at the police standing behind him.

Those police officers were talking together, and my cousin didn't understand, but she knew that these police officers were probably not locals.

My cousin looked at the police suspiciously and asked, "Can I see your ID?"

"Yes! Let me see your ID! Who knows if you are real police or fake police?"

"Now that fraud is so rampant, maybe they are scammers!"

"Yes, yes. The clothes of these policemen have no name tags or service badges, and they are fake at first glance!"

"Second uncle, you should watch less Douyin. You said that those are only for soldiers in the army."


The crowd watching the excitement nearby talked a lot, perhaps because they felt that this group of policemen who came over were too friendly, a little different from what they usually met.

The leader first turned around and whispered a few words to the young policeman behind him, and then turned back to answer everyone's questions in a friendly manner.

"I am the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team where Huang Sansheng is located. My surname is He, and this is my ID."

Deputy Captain He took out his ID with a kind expression that the villagers had basically never seen on the faces of other policemen, and slowly showed it to everyone.

For some reason, my cousin, who was standing at the front, felt a little cold for no reason at this time, and a scene that was often seen on TV news and mobile phone TikTok appeared in her mind.

A group of soldiers in uniforms and hats walked towards her with serious faces, with sympathy, comfort, and more sadness on their faces.

The team walked all the way to her, and then separated from the middle. An officer with a straight back, marching in a snapping step, brought out a wooden box.

The officer kept saying "Please mourn, the country and the people thank him", "We will always remember him", "Xiao Huang is a real hero", etc.

It's scary!

Just as my cousin was thinking about it, she saw the leader standing in front of him move to the side, and a young policeman behind him really walked out of the team holding something covered with red cloth.

That thing really looks like a wooden box for ashes.

The size is just right!


My cousin took a breath of cold air, and her steps suddenly couldn't support her body. She staggered and her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Her lips trembled, and she asked with all her strength: "Did Xiao Huang die?"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole place was boiling, and the people standing behind immediately surrounded my cousin and the police.

He Chengfeng didn't react at first, and then he immediately explained: "No, he didn't die!"

"Where is that person! Why isn't he here?" My cousin widened her originally narrowed eyes and looked around for Huang Sansheng's figure.

"He... He is working overtime at the unit." He Chengfeng's momentum weakened before, and his voice became much lower.

There were quite a lot of people crowded around my cousin at this moment, and she couldn't hear He Chengfeng's explanation clearly, so she could only ask again in a loud voice.

"Hey! Huang Sansheng died?"

This was a bit loud, and some villagers who were standing far away heard that someone in their village had died, and they rushed over and talked about it. There were all kinds of noises at the scene.

"Who died?"

"The son of the Huang family! Huang Sansheng!"

"What? Didn't he become a policeman? Died?"

"A drug enforcement policeman? Oh, how could a policeman kill himself?"

"When I was a soldier, I was told it was dangerous. I didn't expect being a policeman would be even more dangerous!"


There was a lot of discussion in front of the village committee compound. At this time, the iron gate of the compound opened and a man who looked like the village chief ran out.

Perhaps he was used to being the village chief, and his voice was quite loud as he ran and screamed.

"Is Huang Sansheng dead?"

"Huang Sansheng is dead."

"Huang Sansheng is dead!"

Under the village chief's harassment, the crowd became even more emotional, like a turbulent wave, one after another hitting the police team standing in the middle.

He Chengfeng, who was blocking the front, felt that his head was about to burst.

Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, he could only open his arms and shout in a louder voice, "Not dead! Not dead! No one is dead! No one is dead!"

The whole place fell silent for a while, and just as He Chengfeng was somewhat grateful for his clever response, a voice suddenly rang out from the crowd, like that yellow-haired cousin, and penetrated the whole place.

Bang, it exploded again.

"How can one perform meritorious service if he is not dead?"

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Isn’t this how it’s played out on TV, in movies, and in the news?

Police or soldiers heroically sacrificed their lives while performing their duties outside. Then a large number of colleagues, wearing uniforms, lined up neatly to deliver the urns and certificates to the homes of the fallen soldiers.

With a bang, the crowd was excited again.

"Xiao Huang must be dead! Otherwise, why would there be so many police here?"

"Yes! That makes sense! Oh, how pitiful! Xiao Huang is not married yet, right?"

"Who says it's not the case? This is Lao Huang's only son!"

"Old Huang sold that house in the county to find a wife, and he will probably have another one!"

"You're still giving birth to a fart at this age? Little girls nowadays are not simple. Be careful, they just eat him up, including the soup and meat, and then pat his butt and leave."

"But the house still has to be sold. It's inconvenient for him to live alone in the county. After selling the house, I can save some money for myself to return to the village, and we can take better care of him."

"How lonely it is to be alone. I think Lao Huang could consider looking for Zhang Ma in the east of the village. She knows everything and is not afraid of anything happening."

"Yes, it just so happens that Zhang Ma has a son! One lacks a son, and the other has no father. This thing will definitely happen!"

"Can her son agree?"


From Xiao Huang's death, it went directly to the topic of Lao Huang marrying a widow in the village. He Chengfeng felt that his IQ had been absolutely crushed.

Although they didn’t know where the topic went from the topic later in the conversation, the villagers seemed to be talking to each other very seriously, and many of them with serious faces nodded along.

I feel this is a very important thing.

He Chengfeng, who has been on the road to fighting crime for a long time, was completely confused. He was at a loss and didn't know what to do next.

You have to say that the villagers were a little sad that someone from their own village had died. Even if the news was misunderstood, he could come forward to comfort everyone and clear up everyone's misunderstanding.

In other words, even if he was just gossiping, He Chengfeng could frown his signature sword-shaped eyebrows, point his hands on his hips and scold these ignorant peasants.

But the problem is that the scene is a bit chaotic, there are gossips and nonsense, but the noise is actually mixed with the concern for Lao Huang and the regret for Xiao Huang.

There were so many villagers, and He Chengfeng was a little overwhelmed by what you said to each other.

It turns out that it’s not easy for police officers in rural police stations! (End of chapter)

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