Police Chen Shu

Chapter 794 Complete Logical Reasoning

Chen Shu stood up, opened all the windows with a bang, stuck his head out and looked down at the bottom of the building.

This is a path behind the hotel. At the bottom is a long strip of mud grass along the wall of the main building. Although it is daytime, not even half a person can be seen.

The mud on the curtain cloth should be on the mud grass downstairs, but why does it fall on the curtain cloth?

Zheng Jie who lives upstairs. alibi

The deceased who lived downstairs. Disguised shoe prints.

Curtains upstairs and mud grass downstairs

Upstairs and downstairs


The missing second rope

Chen Shu continued to push his thoughts back and forth to confirm his previous assumptions.

After a moment, he confirmed the feasibility of his hypothesis.

Chen Shu's eyes were calm, he clenched the thick rope in his hand, and said, "I know how Zheng Jie escaped from the scene and got rid of the rope that should have been left in the house, and the ridiculous alibi he created. "


Hearing Chen Shu's determined voice, the air in the scene suddenly solidified, and everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on him.

Huang Mao, the police officer in charge of the murder case, was speechless. His lips trembled slightly but he could not make any sound.

He Chengfeng, who had just walked in after making a phone call, suppressed his excitement and felt that he could really do it this time.

Chen Shu quickly walked to the door, reached for the handle and opened the door. He turned around and said, "Let's go downstairs."

The group of people came to the path behind the main hotel building.

Chen Shu placed the chair he had brought from the roadside on the roadside, stood up, and glanced at the corner of the wall with a condescending gaze. Everyone also followed his gaze.

The grass laid all the way along the corner of the building is green and full of life.

Only a small patch of grass had obvious traces of repeated trampling, and then followed the traces to the wall. Everyone looked up again.

Yo! What a coincidence, the window above is the window of the room where the crime occurred!

A group of people stood on the side of the path, raised their heads and saluted at the high wall.

If the sun hadn't been shining brightly, these guys might have been pinned to the ground by the hotel security guards because of their huge bodies and faces that didn't look easy to bully.

"There are traces of crushing on the grass in this area." Chen Shu, who was standing on the chair, had a much clearer vision than the others. He pointed at a location near the corner and said confidently.

Chen Shu continued: "Heda, if you guessed correctly, Zheng Jie should have done this. First, he booked a room in the hotel, and the room was located above the deceased. In order to get a clear location, Zheng Jie's booking time It must have been later than the deceased.

"In the second step, he tied a rope hanging outside the wall in his room and extended it to the ground. There are few people here and there are no lights at night, so no one will notice.

"Then he left the hotel openly and went to the bar. In the bar, he drank with his friends and the deceased until the evening. Then he put the deceased in a taxi and returned to the bar to continue drinking with his friends.

"During this process, he must have been waiting for an opportunity to run back to the back door of the hotel. You can find any reason. I guess he had an upset stomach and ran to the toilet. After all, he had to free up a small amount of time and a small space where the door could be locked."

Chen Shu lowered his head to look at He Brigade and asked with a smile: "I don't know where he drank at night, but it must be very close to here."

"The bar is on the street next door. Let me see how long it will take to get here." Huang Mao, who has developed good habits in recent times, immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the map navigation APP after receiving Chen Shu's instructions. Quickly tap on it.

Everyone waited quietly. The atmosphere was a bit like the lottery drawing time after the TV news ended at 7:30 in the evening.

Looking forward to it, I slowly held my breath.

"Well, there is a river across the front, so we have to go around the bridge. Well, that's not right, Chen Da, it takes more than half an hour to go back and forth, which is not enough time at all!"

Chen Shu looked at the alley outside the guardrail and chuckled: "There may be a traffic jam now, or you should switch to 'walking mode' and have a look."

"I'll give it a try. It'll still take more than half an hour. Wait!" Huang Mao stared at the phone screen and suddenly reacted, excitedly, "Haha, how could Zheng Jie come over slowly! Well, I'll switch to 'ride' immediately. Line mode'...hey, it only takes seven minutes! That's fourteen minutes to go back and forth!"

"In the middle of the night, switching to a powerful electric motorcycle will probably shorten the time." Chen Shu stopped looking at the alley, turned around and looked up at the stairs, "Well... I remember that Zheng Jie has a motorcycle under his name. , you can look for it, it may be the vehicle involved.”

He Chengfeng nodded slightly, a hint of admiration flashing in his eyes.

The other party's reasoning is very logical, and the details are also very accurate. Each link is connected, and the screws in the chain are not missed. Step by step, the truth of the matter gradually becomes clear.

Chen Shu pointed to the outer wall and continued: "After returning here, he used the rope that was thrown outside from his room earlier to successfully climb up to the third floor, kill people, and then disguise himself. After the incident was over, he climbed down again through the rope. , rushed to the bar.

"Then I continued drinking with my friends until I jumped out of the time period of the deceased's death. Then I returned to my room in the hotel openly and under surveillance. Finally, before dawn, I took back the rope tied to the window."

He Chengfeng took Chen Shu's words and said with a little excitement: "And Zheng Jie's mother, Zheng Amei, the hotel's cleaning staff, entered the crime scene the next day in the name of cleaning the room.

"Because the rope has been taken away by Zheng Jie, she only needs to lock the window opened by Zheng Jie. And this simple action only takes four seconds!"

Chen Shu nodded, jumped down from his chair, and concluded: "In this way, the entire case has completed a theoretical closed loop."

"So, where's the evidence?"

"The motorcycle, the second rope, the window ledge of the bar toilet."

Chen Shu put his right hand on the chair, looked at the guardrails on the other side, pointed at them and smiled: "It hasn't rained recently, there may still be Zheng Jie's fingerprints on them, scan them all, I guess there will be something harvested.

"Since it can be hung out of the window, the rope that Zheng Jie pulled up must be very long. It would not be easy to hide it on your body and take it away.

"Burning is not allowed in the hotel room, so I follow the surveillance camera and watch Zheng Jie as he leaves the room, and I can always find clues.

“There are also motorcycles with license plates, which are big and even throwing or burning them is not an easy task in the city.

"The windows of the bar toilet and the guardrail of the hotel are the only places Zheng Jie must pass through to climb, and there will definitely be traces of him on them.

"To complete the murder and forge the scene in just half an hour, Zheng Jie had no time or energy to spend in these corners."

He Chengfeng nodded, his thoughts straightened out, and other things fell into place naturally. When he was about to leave, he was stopped by Chen Shu.

Chen Shu chuckled and said, "Suddenly I thought of another thing."

He pointed to the outer wall of the hotel and said: "The person has already been sent in anyway, and the shoes are either worn on the body or left in the rental room. No matter how cautious a person is, he will never be prepared for this."

He Chengfeng's eyes lit up and he knew clearly that this was direct evidence.

Unless you have received professional training, most people use thick ropes to climb walls, and the shoe prints are left on the walls and exterior windowsills.

Especially since these two places are outside the house, and the floor where the crime occurred is not high. The wind blows sand every day. As long as it doesn't rain, there is basically a thick layer of dust.

Shoe prints can be accurately scanned.

"There are also windows in the bar and toilets that need to be swept." Chen Shu was in a happy mood, as if he had solved his own case, and spoke very quickly, "Of course, if Zheng Jie really slipped out from there, of."

"The front and back doors of the bar are all under surveillance. If he wants to escape, he can only escape through the toilet. There is no way to escape from that place! I will ask someone to go to the bar right now!"

He Chengfeng, whose flowers had faded from waiting, waved his phone with one hand, feeling full of strength and couldn't wait to go back and compete with the guy who was preparing to give zero confession.

It looked like a director who had an in-depth discussion about life with the heroine the night before. After taking control of the producer's purse, he was eager to start work. He was both tired and excited.

"Thank you, Officer Chen! Once we finish the case, I will definitely treat you to fungi!"

After getting the answer, He Chengfeng hurried away with Huang Mao.

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