Police Chen Shu

Chapter 80 Two Hours of Sleep

Before Chen Shu left the case handling area, he followed Wang Chongming to the interrogation room and printed out a copy of the identity information and transcripts of the three suspects and other case materials.

The main reason why Wang Chongming regretted running a lookout earlier was that the lookout in the casino was disguised as an ordinary person hiding in a dark corner outside, watching the movement near the road.

Whenever there was movement in the casino, he was outside, and he would be the first to run away; if there was movement on the road outside, he was outside, and he was the first to notice it, and he was the first to run away.

Therefore, the watchdog has the lowest risk of being caught on the spot, so the salary of this position in the casino is also the lowest.

The market price in Dongzhou is 500-1000 yuan a day, regardless of the bonus.

Actually, this is a misunderstanding.

The other managers of the casino have all been caught, and as long as they don't have a brain, they will confess the lookout. And as long as his identity information is confirmed, it will be a matter of time before he is wanted by the public security organs online.

Therefore, this is a position with the lowest cost performance.

Generally speaking, in addition to the boss of the general manager, there are usually several positions under the opening of a casino. They are the driver who picks up and drops off people, the guy who exchanges chips, the person who pumps water, the person who keeps accounts, and the "eyes" who look out for the wind.

In a slightly larger casino, there will be some loan sharks. It is what we usually call "aircraft guns". As the name suggests, its interest is as high as that of anti-aircraft guns.

Chen Shu took the case file and flipped through it while walking to the duty hall.

Zhu Chaoran, who had disappeared after seeing off Zheng Tianyou and the other four, was standing at the front desk on duty chatting with Xiao Wang.

Chen Shu walked over, patted Zhu Chaoran's thick shoulder, and asked with a smile: "I worked overtime all night, why don't you catch up on sleep?"

Zhu Chaoran said righteously: "The revolution is not yet complete, and comrades still need to work hard!"

Chen Shu gave a big thumbs-up: "Young man is motivated! We will send him to the detention center after we finish eating the breakfast."


Zhu Chaoran suddenly lost his original serious and fat face.

Chen Shu was amused by his colorful expressions: "Okay, I'll give you a double serving later."

"I ordered double orders for him at first. As soon as this fat man heard that it was recorded on the account of the security team, he yelled that he must have double orders. This cheek, tsk tsk, is really the number one in Zhongshan Institute." Xiao Wangyin said In the corner, he complained coldly.

The king of gossip at the Zhongshan Institute --- Comrade Xiao Wang hand-picked it. It seems that Zhu Chaoran will probably have another famous name tomorrow besides "the first person in line to eat in the cafeteria".

Zhu Chaoran looked melancholy: "I'm planning to sleep until night after breakfast. I can't skip this meal at noon."

Chen Shu sighed: "You are so calculating, it's a pity not to go to the audit."

"Brother Shu, I still like to send the object to the detention center or something in our institution!"

Chen Shu said: "I'm bluffing you! Go to sleep after breakfast, you can sleep for about ten hours. Let's go to the detention center for a medical examination at three o'clock in the afternoon. You just sleep later, and I will call you when the time is up. "

Because the case has been almost handled, the next step is to wait for approval, there is no need to leave extra police officers to work in the office.

Chen Shu asked Xiao Wang to hurry up and ask them to bring it as soon as possible, so that everyone can rest early after eating.

After explaining about breakfast, he walked to the office of the plainclothes team. There were bright incandescent lights inside, but the captain Zheng Jie was not inside.

After thinking for a while, Chen Shu took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to the other party, asking him to arrange for six members of today's administrative class to gather in the duty hall on time at three o'clock in the afternoon, and they were required to take a physical examination and send them to the detention center.

The remaining 24-hour summons period for the three subjects in the gambling case is not enough, and there is no need to rush to the detention center for immediate medical examination.

No, the gambling case materials will have to be sent to the sub-bureau's Legal Team for approval next morning.

Chen Shu was patient, enduring his drowsiness as he cleaned up step by step and started arranging the work for the next day.

Ma Suo, who had previously run to the deputy director's office on the third floor, came down the stairs and ran straight to the case handling area.

He stopped while passing the corridor on the first floor, and saw Chen Shu sitting in the office of the plainclothes team.

Ma Suo asked, "Chen Shu, what's the current situation of the case?"

Chen Shu thought to himself that this case was sponsored by Wang Chongming. Although he also participated in it, it is not easy to go beyond and talk about it. But Ma Suo is the leader, since he asked, he had to tell some unnutritious facts.

He put away the mobile phone that had sent the message, picked up the information that he had put on the side table just now for sending the message, and handed it to the horse office: "The horse office, the case is still being processed. This is the relevant file, please take a look. This time We are planning to detain three people."

As long as the masters of the legal team of the sub-bureau have not approved it, and the leaders of the sub-bureau have not signed it, all the work is just "preparation".

Ma Suo took the materials, flipped through a few pages quickly, and then handed them back to Chen Shu. He didn't mention the case anymore, but talked about escorting the gamblers back to the place at night and throwing money on the road.

After listening to Chen Shu's suggestion, he returned to the office and directly contacted the deputy director on duty of the sub-bureau, reporting the ins and outs of the incident.

On the phone, the deputy director on duty hung up the phone after listening to the report, without saying anything. It was several hours later that I returned a call to the Horse Office.

Let him not worry about losing money, but in the future, he must do his best to continue investigating the case, and he must handle the case quickly and to the point.

The meaning inside and outside the words is actually to arrest the few people who opened the casino, and as soon as possible.

It's hard for people below to speculate on the big leader's intentions, but he has already given specific goals. So after Ma Suo put down the phone, he hurried to the case handling area on the first floor.

After listening to Chen Shu, he was a little thankful that he didn't say too much just now. This all involved matters at the leadership level of the sub-bureau.

After Ma Zuo and Chen Shu had a quick chat, they went to the case handling area on the first floor to look for Wang Chongming. But before leaving, he still expressed his thanks to Chen Shu coyly.

After all, when he was hesitating earlier, Chen Shu proposed a solution that was quite suitable for now.

Chen Shu walked out of the plainclothes team's office and looked around. There were not many people left in the huge duty hall.

He took out Liqun from his trouser pocket, lit one, and walked slowly back to his own dormitory, closing the curtains to block the gradually brightening light outside.

The dormitory immediately darkened.

He set his phone to ring at 8:30 in the morning, put it on the bedside table beside him, and lay down.

Tomorrow morning, I have to fight with all my strength and the masters of the legal brigade of the sub-bureau.

Chen Shu was thinking about something and closed his eyes.

"Well, I can still sleep for more than two hours."

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