Police Chen Shu

Chapter 748 Chen Chuan’s Responsibility

Bang bang, Chen Chuan ran over with Zhu Yiba and Jiang Hai who were eating melons, and said in shock: "Silly B! Why don't you chase me!"

Chen Shu opened his mouth. He could never understand Zhang Yang's talking eyes.

Looking at Zhang Yang's retreating figure, Chen Shu shook his head and said, "We still have to go back to Dongzhou to get approval from our work unit to go abroad. It's too late. Besides, how can our police go abroad to enforce the law without authorization? This is going to cause big problems."

Chen Chuan looked at Chen Shu in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that this guy took a group of them across the border a year ago and went straight to the most dangerous hinterland of another country to fish for people.

It has only been a while, but it has become as old as a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard!

He mocked: "Haha, you have more excuses than I do for not going to the gym. Coward!"

Zhu Yiba held his chin and ate the melon without saying a word.

Jiang Hai was keenly aware that there was definitely a lot of secrets between the previous woman and his "brother-in-law". Now he pricked up his ears and listened, preparing to send word-for-word messages to his sister afterwards.

Chen Shu did not refute Chen Chuan as usual, he just looked at the three people one by one, and then left with a wry smile. At this moment, he thought of the danger and the sacrifices of Xiaoqiang and Xu Mingliang.

He could only secretly hope that Zhang Yang would learn the lesson from the last time and would not take risks easily.

After Chen Shu left, Chen Chuan asked the other two people to sit down and ordered three more cups of coffee with a snap of his fingers.

To be honest, Chen Chuan was actually a little envious of Chen Shu, not only because the women who were looking for him were all very beautiful, but more importantly because these women all had commendable qualities.

When he was in college, Chen Chuan dated a girl from the art school next door.

Those who can get into art schools are naturally confident in their appearance and figure. And Chen Chuan's girlfriend Xiao Zhou is the star of the acting department, and her quality is naturally extraordinary.

But later the two broke up, and the reason was very simple. Xiao Zhou found a new boyfriend, who was also a super rich second generation. He was rich and willing to spend money on women, so he was naturally poached.

Some locks have been opened by gold keys and are stained with a little gold dust. They think they are gold or diamond locks, and they look forward to living the luxurious life of a rich young lady after graduating from college.

Naturally, I look down on ordinary people like Chen Chuan who work conscientiously and get paid after graduation.

But those super rich second generations know that the woman they are looking for will most likely not get married, so they only choose beautiful and sexy ones and play with them first, and nothing else matters.

When it's time to talk about marriage, the main thing is that one family doesn't agree with it and it's a good match.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhou, who had been drifting in the clouds and mist, finally ended up in a position where he couldn't achieve a high level or a low level.

Many years after graduation, Xiao Zhou found out from where he found out that his former boyfriend was also a wealthy second-generation man. Shi Shiran wore black stockings and rushed to Chen Chuan's city bureau unit.

Chen Chuan was so frightened that he took the initiative to ask his subordinates for training and went to the grassroots level in hiding.

"Brother Shu looks very melancholy. He won't leave us and run to find that woman." Jiang Hai glanced at the direction Chen Shu left and lowered his voice and said, "That woman is indeed very elegant, but Brother Shu doesn't either. It’s like licking a dog.”

Chen Chuan almost laughed out loud at Jiang Hai's wild imagination: "If Chen Shu is a dog licker, I'll have to thank God."

Zhu Yiba said curiously: "This is not a compliment."

Chen Chuan curled his lips and said: "For Chen Shu, it is a compliment. You may not know, but Chen Shu, despite his great popularity with women, he has never been in love until now!"

"Huh??" Zhu Yiba and Jiang Hai looked at each other.

Jiang Hai was even a little disappointed and mocked himself: "Brother Shu, such an outstanding person, doesn't have a girlfriend. My conditions are so difficult!"

"I'm very pleased that you have such self-awareness." Chen Chuan pursed his lips and nodded repeatedly, affirming his self-evaluation.

"Brother Chuan, can't you comfort me?" Jiang Hai was speechless, feeling that senior brother Chen Chuan didn't have the demeanor of a senior at all.

Instead, Chen Chuan straightened his expression and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if your family conditions are poor, it doesn't matter if your academic performance is not good, and it doesn't even matter if you are ugly."

Zhu Yiba, who was sitting next to him, rarely saw Chen Chuan teasing others. He picked up his coffee and sipped it while watching the show. He felt that this public security brother was much more interesting than the previous border guard brothers.

Chen Chuan continued to educate: "You don't have to be handsome, outstanding, or even hardworking."

Jiang Hai looked at Chen Chuan's serious look and felt that there must be comforting words behind him.

The corners of Chen Chuan's mouth raised slightly, he crossed his arms and raised his chin and said, "Because of your sister! And your perfect brother-in-law! I have money and everything I want, and you still work so hard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment, and then became so angry that he jumped up and was ready to beat someone regardless of the police academy inheritance that respects the teacher.

After a bit of banter, the two finally calmed down and started talking about business.

Zhu Yiba analyzed: "Mrs. Chen takes her career seriously and restrains herself before things are done. She is really a bit timid."

Chen Chuan had previously scolded Chen Shu for being a coward, but he could scold him if he dared. Now that he heard others scolding him, he felt a little uncomfortable and unhappy.

He tore the bag of coffee mate, slowly poured it into the cup, and after cutting it, said: "Xiaohai, you and our brother Ba will talk about Chen Shu's affairs in southern Xinjiang and Myanmar."

Jiang Hai was really familiar with this matter. When he was studying in the police academy, he had communicated with all the adopted sons during night talks after lights out in the dormitory.

At this time, after receiving Chen Chuan's signal, Jiang Hai straightened his back, and vividly and vividly told the story of Chen Shu's violent events in southern Xinjiang and Burma.

Zhu Yiba had heard about the affairs in southern Xinjiang when he was working at the border defense in Yun Province. He admired him very much at that time. Now that he knew that Chen Shu secretly crossed the border just to fish for people, he was even more shocked.

He was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning. Remembering that he had changed his job early because he had committed a crime by crossing the border illegally, Zhu Yiba hesitated for a long time and asked: "Chen Chuan, Chen Da, did he really cross the border illegally? Just to save that person A female reporter named Zhang Yang?"

Chen Chuan said proudly: "That guy is extraordinary. By the way, he didn't cross the border secretly. We have formal procedures."

After a pause, he whispered in his heart, although it was added later.

After hearing this, Zhu Yiba fell into deep thought. After a moment, he said decisively: "It can be seen that Zhang Yang is completely interested in Chen Shu, and Chen Shu should also have thoughts about Zhang Yang."

Chen Chuan nodded frequently: "Without a doubt."

Jiang Hai couldn't listen anymore and jumped out and said: "They didn't say anything, what are you two making blind judgments about!"

Chen Chuan frowned and pretended to scold him: "My lord is talking, why does Xiao Hai get in the way?"

Jiang Hai couldn't help it and wanted to fight with this senior brother again.

Zhu Yiba held his chin and continued his analysis without being affected: "Zhang Yang hopes that Chen Shu can accompany her to Myanmar. This is not only a personal trust and reliance on Chen Da, but also recognition of his role as a protector. .In fact, as long as Chen Da nods, the matter between these two people will be settled.

"But Chen Da still refused. His rejection was not only a rejection of Zhang Yang's plan to go to Myanmar, but also a rejection of Zhang Yang's emotional expression."

Young people love this. At this time, Jiang Hai couldn't help but added: "Surely, someone as fierce as Brother Shu shouldn't be afraid. Besides, this time I am accompanying Zhang Yang to Mianbei, so I'm not He fights those electronic fraudsters head-on, and no one is killed, so what is he afraid of?"

The word "dead man" directly awakened Zhu Yiba. He looked at Chen Chuan. Their eyes met, and they also confirmed this inference.

Chen Shu was afraid of another death.

Chen Chuan looked out the window and said leisurely: "Haha, are you afraid?"

Zhu Yiba smiled: "I'm afraid of a ball."

Jiang Hai was a little confused, and it took him a few seconds to react.

As expected of the guy who had seen the world in the cannibalism case, Jiang Hai kept rubbing his hands and almost howled with excitement: "Last time in southern Xinjiang, I was forced to go back to school. Hehe, this time it's okay. No one cares about me anymore, no, I have to keep an eye on Brother Shu!"

Chen Chuan crossed his arms and felt that it was time to use his financial abilities. He had both public and private responsibilities to let his good friend embrace the beauty.

He took out his cell phone and called.

"Hey, Director Ma, I want to ask you for something."

"Haha, Brother Ma, it must be Brother Ma!"

"Haha, little things, little things, little things."

"No, a few colleagues and I are on vacation in Yun Province, and we want to go and have fun next door."

"Please help us check it on the passport. Hey, it's Myanmar."

"Haha, I just wanted to go over and bring some jade to my parents."

"Handling cases? Do you think I like someone who handles cases? It's too late to escape. Brother Ma, you are thinking too much."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! How long will it take to get it done?"

"Three days? Okay, that's it."

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring some dazzling goods to my sister-in-law!"

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