Police Chen Shu

Chapter 720 I need to go out and relax

In an instant, the little policeman's cheerful gesture of taking out his mobile phone from his pocket turned into pressing the handle of the pistol in his belt, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Chen Chuan explained with a grimace: "My junior brother, we are really here to support you."

Don’t know who to support?

The young policeman nodded in agreement, but slowly took out his pistol from the holster and still pointed it straight at Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan looked at Zhu Yiba standing beside him as if asking for help. The other person shrugged and expressed his helplessness.

However, Zhu Yiba's sharp eyes found that the young policeman standing opposite had not opened the bumper of his pistol, so there was no danger, so he happily watched the show.

Chen Chuan spread his hands and tried to get closer and said: "We are really here to support you. If you don't believe it, call and ask Team Cai from the Criminal Branch. By the way, what's the progress on your side? Do you need our help?"

Do you really think I'm a fool?

The little policeman glanced at the coat that had been thrown carelessly on the coffee table, the empty mineral water bottle, and the faint smell of alcohol in the air, and snorted heavily.

Chen Chuan, who had just finished bragging in front of Zhu Yiba, felt a little embarrassed. The young policeman in front of him was young, so his tone became a little aggressive: "You call Captain Cai! Make a call, you understand, call." Call me, okay? Let me tell you, what’s wrong with you? Everyone is nervous!"

The young policeman said seriously: "Brother, the leaders took away our mobile phones before we started the operation, so we can't make calls."

Chen Chuan pointed to the walkie-talkie hanging on the other party's shoulder: "Use the walkie-talkie."

The little policeman stared at Chen Chuan without explaining.

"I'm going to conquer you! I conquer you!" Chen Chuan fell back on the sofa with a look of despair on his face, letting Zhu Yiba laugh at him, feeling that he was really unlucky for eight lifetimes. Today he bumped into As for this tough guy, Zhu Yiba will definitely laugh at him for a month when he returns to the brigade tomorrow.

The little policeman stood at the door, staring at Chen and Chuan, while taking a few steps back, standing with one foot inside the room and the other outside. He shouted towards the corridor outside the door: "Instructor! Instructor! Here it is. There are two suspicious subjects! They claim to be from our Zhengming Special Police Brigade!"

After waiting for a while and seeing no response, the young policeman slowly took off the walkie-talkie from his shoulder and called for support. He didn't know whether it was because he was really busy or because he was really short of people. The commander asked the young policeman to watch by himself first.

On the contrary, Chen Chuan felt that it was a bit embarrassing for the other party to call everyone here, like an animal being watched, so he decided to go out and find an acquaintance, Captain Cai, to explain it to him.

As soon as he raised his feet, he was stopped by a young policeman with a gun. His tone was gentle, but his attitude was firm. The black muzzle of the gun was raised towards the sofa against the wall of the financial room.

"Senior brother, why don't you just sit on the sofa and rest for a while?"

So, Chen Chuan, Zhu Yiba and the little policeman stayed in this small financial room for two or three hours, staring at each other with big eyes. During this period, some interesting conversations also took place.

For example, because he had drank a lot at the bar, Chen Chuan wanted to go to the toilet. However, since the policeman was alone, he could not keep an eye on Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba at the same time, so he asked Chen Chuan to go out directly by the window. Head pee.

For example, Chen Chuan tried to bring the two of them closer to each other by adding WeChat, but he got blocked by saying that his phone was out of battery. Of course, it is also possible that the boss took it away before taking action.

In addition to not adding WeChat, the police officer also refused to allow Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba to use their mobile phones on the grounds of informing them. However, when the police officer was about to take away their mobile phones, Chen Chuan sternly refused.

This is the last bit of stubbornness that Chen Chuan, as the eldest brother of the city bureau and a senior fellow in the police academy, can persist in.

The result was pretty good. After finishing his work, Team Cai suddenly remembered the incident on the walkie-talkie and hurriedly came over to take out Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba as if they were picking up children from a kindergarten.

Even if Chen Chuan was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he couldn't stand the trouble anymore and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

However, since people have come to support, they have to do something substantial. Otherwise, with so many pairs of eyes and mouths at the scene, if you go back the next night, some weird gossip may spread out.

At Chen Chuan's insistence, Team Cai arranged the simplest escort task.

At this time, it is enough to see Chen Chuan's experience at the grassroots level.

There is definitely no professional escort vehicle.

When there are many people and few cars, people who look inconspicuous and are not afraid of colluding or changing their confessions are all packed into vans and brought back together. The only risk factor is the loose brakes caused by overloading. The situation definitely doesn't require SWAT to follow the car.

Therefore, the task of escorting one of the many principal criminals fell on Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba.

In a Sartana, the assistant police officer of the criminal investigation detachment was responsible for driving. Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba were sitting on both sides of the back seat. Sandwiched in the middle was naturally the principal criminal being escorted. This was the most standard escort posture at the grassroots level.

Chen Chuan, who was experienced at the grassroots level, immediately picked a thin young man with short ribs. He and Zhu Yiba elbowed each other with their elbows, then tightened the strength a little bit, lowered the window slightly, and waited. To Chen Chuan, escaping early would be like a place called "Abi Hell".

"Mr. Chen, you didn't treat me well. Come and play again next time~" Team Cai, who was standing by the car, waved goodbye without smiling. His expression was very much like that of a madam or a turtle.

Not to mention, the special police officers who came to support were restrained by the criminal police and the police from the police station twice in a row. They stayed in the financial room for two hours in a daze. No matter what time it was, it was quite explosive for drunken conversation.

After contacting the relevant participant, Mr. Chen, who is well-known in the city bureau, the fun level of this gossip can at least allow Team Cai to get a few bucks from other colleagues.

Thinking about it, Captain Cai finally couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha!"

"Bah!" Boss Chen Chuan responded rudely. After thinking about it, he felt that he still couldn't fully express his feelings at the moment, so he shot again, "Go, go, go!"

When the police car was on its way, Zhu Yiba sighed in his heart. Such a serious old detective like him could get along with Chen Chuan, who was quite different in age, like a good friend. He had to admire the other person's smooth behavior, and this This is what he has been lacking all along.

The two looked at each other and laughed. After laughing, their faces suddenly darkened at the same time, because they both thought of the brainless guy in the unit.

"How about taking him out to play next time, have a drink or something?" Zhu Yiba suggested, thinking of Captain Cai's farewell before leaving.

"Drinking is no longer useful. I think we should take him out for a walk, preferably somewhere far away, to relax." Chen Chuan said seriously.

"Eh? Didn't you say before that no injured man can withstand the effects of wine and beautiful women?" Zhu Yiba saw that the other party was serious, so he started to explore.

Chen Chuan took out a hand from the main criminal's small bamboo pole-like arm, spread his fingers and counted slowly: "You can count how many confidantes our deputy captain has. Intellectual, sexy, and aloof. , Loli’s, I can’t even count them.”

Zhu Yiba nodded in agreement, but frowned and asked, "What does this have to do with traveling to relax?"

Chen Chuan grinned, like a teacher trying to solve a puzzle: "Stupid! That idiot has seen too many beauties from Dongzhou and has been immune for a long time. He probably has no effect anymore. We have to help him change his taste!" "

"Excuse! It's because you want to find a woman yourself."

"What are you thinking! Am I so dirty? This is all for my brother!"

The two quarreled with each other.

"Officer, I have something to say." Sitting in the main seat, the thin bamboo pole who had been ignored by Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba carefully raised his hand.

"If you fart, hurry up." Chen Chuan lowered his face, and he was very experienced in changing his face.

"Well, if the police officers are interested in beautiful women, I can be the host next time." Shou Zhugan suddenly remembered the farewell words of the previous leader named Cai and added, "When the time comes, invite Captain Cai as well. , yes, and the pony police officer is here, let’s come and play together.”

Officer Xiao Ma was the young policeman who pointed a gun at Chen Chuan all night.

Shou Zhugan didn't know the previous relationship, but when he saw these two people hanging out with Chen Chuan later, he thought they were quite familiar colleagues, so he wanted to invite them both over.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

Which pot is not mentioned?

With a snap, Chen Chuan, who might have become the global news tomorrow morning, slapped the thin bamboo pole on the forehead with a frosty face, and immediately stopped the other person's words.

Zhu Yiba covered his mouth and smiled happily. He was already thinking about how to promote Mr. Chen well after returning to the brigade.

Shou Zhugan had a confused look on his face, not knowing where he had said something wrong.

The police car drove away with its red and blue lights flashing.

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