Police Chen Shu

Chapter 716 Chen Chuan’s third-class merit

In the evening, the sun sets just right.

A man in a police uniform with his shirt open was lying on the sofa in the office on the second floor of the security room, with his feet propped up on the coffee table and his toes swaying. He looked at the new medal in his hand contentedly, grinning almost to the ears.

"Lao Zhu, how are you? Third-class merit!" The tone rose, and the speaker was obviously quite proud.

Zhu Yiba didn't answer. He walked around the small office a few times and commented: "Chen Chuan, I heard that this is a loft specially built for you by the brigade. The purpose is to separate you from other normal police officers to prevent any influence. arrive"

The word "normal" is deliberately accented.

"Fart! Li Da is just jealous!" Chen Chuan didn't appreciate the captain's affection at all. You know, even the leader of the brigade doesn't have a dedicated parking space, especially since this parking space is in Chen Chuan. Next to Chuan's office.

Commuting to and from get off work is extremely convenient.

Zhu Yiba lay on the window frame, looking down at the Porsche Panamera parked downstairs, pretending to be sober and said: "The office is independent, and even the parking space is exclusive. If not for these two places, they are next to each other. The main door of the unit is convenient for you to commute to and from get off work. Oh, if you think about it in another way, does it mean that you don’t need to go to the main office building of the brigade? "

With that said, Zhu Yiba turned around and faced Chen Chuan, half-smiling but not smiling: "I don't believe it if there isn't some reason behind it. Chen Chuan, are you so annoying?"

Chen Chuan shook the medal in his hand for a few times and said proudly: "Annoying? Have you ever seen an annoying guy receive an award for meritorious service? This is third-class merit! Hey, Lao Zhu, have you ever seen a medal? Do you want to come over? How many touches?"

Zhu Yiba couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was so intense that even his spittle spurted out, and by chance it splashed onto the medal in Chen Chuan's hand.

"You're laughing! Now you beg me and I won't let you touch it!" Chen Chuan frowned and blamed it. He quickly picked up the hem of his uniform and carefully wiped the medal. It could be seen that it must be quite precious.

On normal days, as Chen Chuan showed on the outside, he didn't care about business and was indifferent to work, as if coming to work was the most uncomfortable thing in the world. But this kind of people, once they are recognized by their leaders and units, their emotions are often the highest.

Zhu Yiba came over and said cheerfully: "There is a saying circulating in our border defense that except for martial arts competitions, those with good military qualities and real abilities cannot make meritorious deeds."

This statement aroused Chen Chuan's curiosity and asked: "Why?"

Zhu Yiba gestured: "For example. A group of us received an order to go to a certain place to perform a task. Opposite us was a group of gangsters who were not afraid of death. They dared to rush over and attack the police with a brick, kitchen knife or stick in their hands. This At this time, the well-trained warriors each displayed their true skills.

"Some people grabbed the blade with bare hands, and then kicked the opponent so hard that he couldn't get up for a long time; some people held the rifle behind his back and hit it harder than the opponent's stick, and even one against three could not lose; some people The man's eyes were bright, he went around and put the muzzle of his gun directly on the boss's head, and the battle was over in one fell swoop."

After a pause, Zhu Yiba said mysteriously: "Guess who of these three people will make meritorious deeds?"

Chen Chuan frowned and thought for a long time: "All of them?"

"Haha!" Zhu Yiba covered his stomach with joy and revealed the answer, "None of these three have made meritorious deeds. Do you know who has made meritorious service? A young man who had just gotten out of the car was hit in the head by a brick. He fainted from the beginning of the action. At the end, this guy got a third-class merit award."


"Don't worry, there's still a seat." Zhu Yiba unceremoniously took Chen Chuan's yellow cigarette from the desk, tore off the transparent film, held the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, and continued, "There's still a seat. There was a chubby guy who didn't take training seriously on weekdays. Now he wanted to imitate the handsome move of grabbing the sword with his bare hands. As a result, he was chopped twice with a kitchen knife when he met him.

"One knife was on the upper arm, but other than the appearance, everything was okay, but the other knife was on the thigh, and blood flowed. The fat man was frightened on the spot, and the rest of the time was spent wailing and screaming. Well, at the end of the year, this guy won the second-class merit award."

Chen Chuan clicked his tongue and said hesitantly: "They have no merit, right? It feels like they have embarrassed us."

Zhu Yiba smacked his mouth and said with a smile: "Why, you still look down on them? Let me tell you, teachers are famous, and these two young men are that 'name'. They are very important and are still alive, witness! As long as the follow-up article is well done , publicity is in place, and it is an example for everyone to follow.”

Chen Chuan pondered for a while, understood the reason, and gave the same example: "Like this Qingyue Bridge anti-X operation, you captured the enemy and charged forward. Because your personal protection was complete and you were not injured, you did not make any meritorious service. Like me Although we are on the periphery, we have less work and no risk, but being taken to the hospital with a sprained foot while walking is regarded as a work-related injury, so that’s why we got this third-class merit?”

Zhu Yiba smiled and patted Chen Chuan on the shoulder: "It seems you really understand."

"Fuck you!" Chen Chuan kicked him again angrily.

In essence, in fact, giving merit evaluation when you are injured also conveys the concept of "if there is an accident, the unit will take care of you, just charge with confidence". It mainly plays the role of reducing the psychological burden and eliminating worries for the parties involved. After all, we work on the front line. The police can encounter any situation.

The two of them were fooling around for a while, and Chen Chuan said sternly: "This stabbing will leave sequelae to some extent in the future. Isn't it worth it? If it were me, I wouldn't have done it. There has to be a limit to how cool you look, and you have to look at it. Occasion, isn’t it?”

Zhu Yiba crossed his arms and joked: "It's definitely worth it. That guy doesn't work hard in training, but in the end he was able to get second-class merit by being stabbed. Second-class merit, he can become a civil servant after being demobilized from the army." The pain is not as good as the short-term pain, that's the truth. By the way, Chen Chuan, your fall was too light. If you could break a few bones, maybe I should call you Captain Chen now."


The words were ridiculed. Chen Chuan was really angry. He jumped up and prepared to use force to suppress him. In the end, he was beaten by Zhu Yiba three times. In the end, his right hand was pinned behind his back. It was as uncomfortable as it can be. How uncomfortable.

After a few words of verbal begging for mercy, and when Zhu Yiba let go, Chen Chuan jumped up with a bang, then turned around and ran away, running down the attic stairs, still cursing non-stop, like a young adult. boy.

Zhu Yiba shook his head, raised his head, and looked through the window at the office building not far away, thinking that if that guy who likes to do everything for him had the same virtue as Chen Chuan, ah, no, just half, even if A third, that would be a great thing.

For a moment, Zhu Yiba suddenly remembered the fat man who howled blindly after being stabbed, and Huang Mao who was knocked unconscious by a brick as soon as he got out of the car.

I want to laugh, but I can’t.

I want to cry, but I can't.

At this moment, he suddenly felt Chen Shu's sadness, and the windows seemed to be a little foggy.

"What are you thinking about? Let's go, get off work, go drink!"

Chen Chuan, who originally thought he had run away, came around again at some point, holding a cigarette in his mouth and placing it nonchalantly on Zhu Yiba's shoulder.

Neither of them spoke, and looked quietly at the main office building opposite, where the office lights had been on for several nights and had not been turned off.

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