Police Chen Shu

Chapter 710 Extra 713: Zhu Yiba’s past (9)

The next day, in the evening.

It was Xiaopang's turn to stand guard at the gate, while Huang Mao sat in the guard box to rest.

A slender figure turned around the corner and walked slowly towards their border station.

Because he could tell she was a woman from afar, Xiaopang didn't have too much vigilance even though it was past twelve o'clock in the morning.

When the woman got closer, she realized that she had a small fruit knife in her hand.

Xiaopang took a closer look and saw that the person was about ten years old and very beautiful, but with an inexplicable smile on his face. Then he slowly walked towards Xiaopang step by step with a fruit knife.

"What's the matter!" Xiaopang shouted loudly, but he was a little confused in his heart. Why did a little girl come towards them with a knife? It looked a bit weird.

His first reaction was that the girl might be a psychopath.

The girl didn't react at all, her pace didn't slow down or speed up because of the warning from the armed police soldiers, she still walked over slowly at her own pace.

At this time, Huang Mao, who was sitting in the guard box, also noticed something unusual. He walked out of the guard box and stood next to the fat man. He subconsciously handed over the magazine filled with live ammunition in his hand.

The fat guy carrying the rifle didn't pick up the magazine. He didn't think that a thin girl, even if she was holding a fruit knife, could cause much harm to them.

"Stop!" Xiaopang warned for the second time. The voice carried far on the quiet road at night, but the girl still didn't react at all. As she got closer, she could clearly see the extremely stiff smile on her face.

Seeing this weird scene, it was the first time he met Xiaopang who rushed to the whistle, and he started to feel panic. Huang Mao took out his walkie-talkie and called the rapid response team.

"Stop, or I'll shoot!" Little Fatty opened the safety and fired a warning shot in the air. Due to his nervousness, he even forgot to manually remove the cartridge case after firing the first shot. He froze on the platform, all alone. of.

Because the gun was loaded with three blank bullets, Xiaopang's forgetfulness was more likely to be a hesitation.

Until the end, he did not take the live ammunition magazine handed over by Huang Mao.

The girl was not disturbed by the sudden gunfire. She still held the knife and leaned over with a smile on her face.

At this time, the little fat man's head was empty. Apart from raising the muzzle of the gun with a stiff arm, he no longer knew what to do.

Thump thump thump.

A burst of footsteps sounded from the door behind him. Zhu Yiba quickly rushed over with his rapid response team. He subdued the girl with just a simple grapple without using a gun.

Although the movement was simple, it was unknown whether Zhu Yiba failed to control the strength of his hand or because he mistook the person as an extremely dangerous person. The girl's right arm was dislocated, and the scream was harsh and sharp.

Then he was taken into the station like a chicken.

Then, two soldiers from the quick-attack team came to stand guard in place of Xiaopang and Huangmao, and asked them to follow the platoon leader Zhu Yiba inside to report the situation to the station commander.

In the office, the stationmaster and the instructor patiently listened to Xiaopang and Huangmao's stories and stated that the case would be handed over to the detachment's case handling team for continued investigation. Yiba took the two of them back to the dormitory to rest.

On the way back, Zhu Yiba saw Xiaopang's nervousness and deliberately joked: "It sounds quite weird to have a little girl come over with a knife in the middle of the night."

Huang Mao, who was walking behind, echoed: "Hey, row of seats, it's midnight, this little girl is more scary than the bearded man. When I saw it clearly for the first time, I thought it was a ghost in the middle of the night. At that time, I tried my best to Wiped my eyes a few times.”

Xiaopang was still frightened: "Yeah, I didn't pay attention before. You know, on weekdays, children from nearby villages like to come over to our place to watch the guns when they have nothing to do, so they didn't pay too much attention. Now think about it, how can it be in the middle of the night? Kids out to play. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhingingingtingtingtingting undergoingting?

After a pause, Xiaopang, who had been thinking very fast, stopped and said doubtfully: "Platoon leader, for such a young child, why do I think there is a greater possibility of being instigated by others? Maybe there was someone hiding in the dark just now to take pictures. , if Xiaopang shoots, then this video will be of great use. Then there may be a public opinion war!"

Zhu Yiba said: "In this remote station like ours, there is no such advanced tactic. It is just a trial at most. But the girl will hand over the investigation, and there will be a result in the end."

Thinking of Xiaopang's previous expectations for the medal, Zhu Yiba said casually: "Actually, if you had killed him directly for what happened just now, he would definitely have received third-class merit. Now it's a bit uncertain. I'll arrange one for you at the end of the year. Commendation.”

If someone is shot to death and a person dies, he will either be punished or meritorious service will be given. Especially this kind of behavior like rushing to the sentry with a knife in the middle of the night, the location is still at the border guard station near the national border, it is a sensitive case, and the leaders will desperately seek credit for the soldiers, otherwise they will also be punished.

Zhu Yiba, who was awarded the Medal of the Special Service Platoon, is also experienced in this area, so he has an instinct for the follow-up handling of such matters.

Xiaopang shrank his neck: "She is still so young, I would rather not have this third-class meritorious service. Well, even if it is a first-class meritorious service, I don't want it!"

The yellow hair next to him also muttered "I don't dare" or "I can't do it".

"Have you forgotten about the Vietnam War? Women and children are also in danger." Zhu Yiba laughed at their cowardice. "According to regulations, as sentries, you have the power to make decisive decisions, so..."

Xiaopang scratched his nose and interrupted unintentionally: "Platoon leader, I think from a personal point of view, this is really a difficult decision to make."

Huang Mao nodded pretentiously, but in the middle of the nod he suddenly realized and said anxiously: "Seating arrangement, I still think you have a point. Actually, as long as this person is older or the knife is bigger, we won't be entangled. ”

Zhu Yiba first smiled bitterly at Huang Mao's deliberate flattery, and then was stunned.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that the "killing" in his mouth was so simple and easy. Could it be that his years of fighting as a special service agent made his attitude towards life seem more indifferent than others?

For a moment, Zhu Yiba suddenly felt that Xiaopang and Huangmao were right. After all, this place was already within a safe national border and was no longer a dangerous and chaotic place abroad.

In order to appease the two of them, Zhu Yiba tried to imitate the instructor's words and said comfortingly: "Well, this must be a misunderstanding. It is probably the children in the village playing games or something. Children, just give them ten knives." It’s not a problem.”

When Xiaopang and Huangmao heard this, their tense emotions immediately relaxed.

After sending the two people back to the dormitory, Zhu Yiba returned to the duty room and looked at the cage where the girl was held through the window. Listening to the wails coming from Ruoyouruowu, he suddenly regretted that he had been too aggressive earlier. Heavy. (End of chapter)

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