Police Chen Shu

Chapter 622

When passing the monitoring room, Zhao Feifei who was sitting inside called her in.

"Chen Shu, it's done." Zhao Feifei frowned and patted the thick note paper on the table like a baby, with a happy face.

"Congratulations." Chen Shu casually found a chair and sat down.

"Chen Shu, what's the matter with you? The case went smoothly." Zhao Feifei sensed Chen Shu's bad mood and asked.

Yang Yang couldn't say anything about it. Chen Shu found an excuse to stay up late and felt uncomfortable, then took the top copy of the stack of notes on the table, and changed the subject:

"Sister Feifei, do you recognize them all?"

Zhao Feifei slapped her thigh and said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You are very skilled, but I didn't expect that there is a good hand in the interrogation. Nuo, he has been interrogated!"

According to Chen Shu's understanding of him, since college, Chen Chuan was the kind of person who would live forever if he passed the exam. And when the test score is less than sixty, he will always use various methods to achieve his goal through his amazing IQ and EQ. On the contrary, if the score is far more than 60 points, he will easily choose to lie flat and learn to push as long as he can.

Chen Shu responded and focused his attention on the transcript. When looking at the transcripts of one of them, I would occasionally free up a hand to take the transcripts of other people over and over for comparison and checking.

Zhao Feifei, who was sitting on the edge drinking tea, felt relieved when she saw this.

During interrogation, policemen with little experience will often focus on a transcript, thinking that everything will be fine after the object of their interrogation is finished, and they will go to the leader to ask for credit, but they don't know that there is still a big pit waiting for them. .

For example, in large-scale cases, where dozens of transcripts may come out at once, each transcript must be self-certifying and directional, that is, self-proving that you have committed a crime and pointing at others to commit a crime, especially for gang crimes. No.

In addition to acknowledging the criminal facts committed by the person being interrogated, that is, the criminal facts committed by oneself, the criminal facts of other suspects must be pointed to in a purposeful and clear direction, to the point of mutual confirmation, forming a logical chain that radiates to the confession.

For example, in a gambling case, the pumper must point out who and where the watchman is after explaining his case; the watchman has to point out the person who provided the venue Who and where; the person who provided the venue had to point out who and where the person who led the organization after explaining himself; the person who led the organization had to point out who the person who pumped the water was after explaining himself .

The above is a bit complicated. Everyone only reads the first and last two sentences. If you shorten it, it means "the person who pumps the water must also point out who the person is." Such a meaning.

"Tomorrow there will definitely be big news in Dongzhou. Chen Shu, I must be the one to show my face!" Chen Chuan yelled loudly and pushed the door open, obviously very satisfied with his interrogation results this time.

Chen Shu put down the transcript, smiled and said: "You are so handsome, it would be better to represent our special police. Maybe it will be better for us to recruit people next time. But I can't make the decision on this matter, Zhao Da agrees."

Chen Chuan rolled his eyes, and followed Chen Shu to call out Zhao Feifei's name: "Sister Feifei, you see, the main criminals are all the ones I broke through, so I have to be on the news tomorrow, or I will be rewarded and punished." It doesn't matter."

Of course Zhao Feifei, who wanted to get to the bottom of this case, was happy, but she evaded a few words on the face, and finally agreed, and she was very satisfied in her heart. Feel very feminine.

The three chatted about the case for a while, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning. Many other normal working people came to the special police compound one after another. The ground left.

As soon as Zhao Feifei left, Chen Chuan's expression immediately turned down, gloomy, as if water was dripping, and even the surrounding air became much colder.

After Chen Shu found the other party's completely inconsistent expression, he asked a little strangely: "Chen Chuan, what's going on? Do you have any objections to Zhao Feifei?"

Chen Chuan snorted coldly and said, "How dare I have a problem with such a ruthless person? Chen Shu, this woman is not simple, you have to be careful in the future, maybe you have to swallow your bones after eating your meat, and in the end even the soup Pour it all into the dog bowl."

Chen Shu was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Zhao Feifei was quite bold, how could Chen Chuan feel this way. It stands to reason that people with high emotional intelligence like Chen Chuan belong to the category with the highest tolerance, and they will not easily break their morals behind their backs and make people believe in it.

He turned his head and glanced at the parking lot of the compound through the window. Seeing that Zhao Feifei had already boarded her own car, he asked, "What happened? Is it so exaggerated? Didn't she call us here?"

Chen Chuan took a deep breath and calmed down: "I feel much better when you say that. Originally, we called her here as a shield, and used her to plug the opening of the leader in the first round. So far, the effect is not bad. Chen Shu, the bureau leader didn't make a single call tonight, did he?"

Chen Shu thought for a while about the on-duty leader of the sub-bureau tonight, Ma Ju, and indeed there was no phone call. Then he shook his head and affirmed Chen Chuan's question, but he still raised his own question:

"Chen Chuan, I didn't receive a call from the leader of the bureau, but what if the leader of the bureau directly called Zhao Da? You see, she is the highest-ranking leader on the scene, and she is also the captain of the security team. Horse bureau, if I were the leader of the duty bureau, I would definitely choose to call her, how could I call the special police to inquire about the case."

Chen Chuan clapped his hands together: "Let me just say, there must be something wrong here. Chen Shu, think, suppose, I said, suppose the bureau leader called Zhao Feifei last night, then at least this matter is in the eyes of the leader It fell on Zhao Feifei's shoulders. Whether it is the responsibility or the case, she has to be carried by her security brigade, don't you think so? Otherwise, if she shirks and says it was organized by our special police, the bureau leader will definitely call you next time , but did the bureau leader call you last night?"

Chen Shu thought for a while, then slowly shook his head.

Chen Chuan clapped his hands again, this time heavier: "That's right, the next two results, either the bureau leader we discussed above called Zhao Feifei, but not you. As a result, Zhao Feifei just arrived in the morning He left the case and ran away. Is this what a leader who accepts the task of a case should look like?

"Either the leader of the bureau didn't even call Zhao Feifei last night. Chen Shu, the entertainment department of the five-star hotel was sealed off, and the leader of the bureau on duty didn't make a call to the case handling unit below. Is it possible! Think about it, why Not a single phone call? Who was the leader on duty last night in your branch office, right? I guess he must be responsible for this case!"

Speaking of the latter, Chen Chuan's voice became louder and more excited.

Fans of the authorities!

Chen Chuan's words struck Chen Shu's mind like a thunderbolt, and it was the first time that his calm and composed face showed violent mood swings.

Previously, what Chen Shu had been thinking about was Xu Chaofan, Yang Yang, and Xiaoling. He alone forgot about himself, and perhaps he was the dragon who was finally besieged in this game of Go?

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