Police Chen Shu

Chapter 611 Beating

Everyone nestled in the car was at a loss for a while, not knowing whether to continue to act or call back the troops to withdraw the team.

A few days ago, while the city was cracking down on ashes and evil, it also mopped up many protection san. It is said that several small officials and grassroots policemen were only confinement according to the most severe punishment in the early years. This time, they all took off their uniforms and changed them. Prison uniform.

According to the old one who was recently airborne from the Municipal Bureau: It is best not to commit a crime, but as long as the bottom line is touched, even if it is only a little bit, it must be dealt with severely and strictly.

Therefore, even if it is just a violation of disciplinary norms, it may be turned into a criminal offense and thrown into prison.

Therefore, for the guy in the disciplinary department who can send the police into a cage, whether it is the captain of the security team who promises everything, or the grassroots old fritters covered in grease, or even the hot-blooded new youth who just came out of school, they all have a natural fear. .

And Zhao Feifei, who wanted to fight for her old leader, was originally the most staunch supporter of this operation, but now a guy from the discipline department jumped out and directly shaken her original intention.

Although the other party didn't mention A_PARTY a word on the phone, they kept on saying a punishment, and asked them to reply to the punishment result the next day. In the middle of the night, I made a special phone call, and Zhao Feifei would be the first to not believe it if the beating was not intentional.

It is very important to repay the old leader's kindness, but now that she has secured her position as the number one in law and order, she has done a lot of work for the Horse Bureau. In the future, the horse bureau will not be able to let her advance to another level, so she can't be blamed.

Zhao Feifei was the first to express her opinion: "Everyone heard the phone call. Although the other party didn't make it clear, what they meant was clear. My opinion is to close the team."

Because the old horse was suspected, Li Chaoyang, who had been silent all this time, found an excuse at this moment. This antenna has been poked into the disciplinary department of the bureau, so he, a small police station, is naturally not exempt, I believe everyone will not be surprised if they see it.

Li Chaoyang agreed to close the team, and the two security policemen who followed him seconded the meeting.

Zhu Yiba knew that the people in the disciplinary department were similar to the white hats in the army, and they were guys that ordinary people couldn't afford to mess with. Although he has a great desire for this sweeping orange operation, but after all, he is a newcomer who has just transferred to the police, and all he can do is keep silent.

Chen Shu thought for a while and explained: "I didn't mention this matter on the phone, let alone tell us to withdraw the team. The current situation is that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, and the brothers below have all dispersed. If we retreat once again, Don't talk about whether morale will be hit."

Speaking of the latter, even he himself felt that it was far-fetched, and his voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and no one else spoke up.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rang again.

Frowning, Chen Shu took out his phone and glanced at it. It turned out to be a call from the discipline department. Could this be urging them to withdraw?

Press the speakerphone button.

"Hi, I'm Chen Shu, is there anything else?"

"Tsk tsk, your special police are amazing. I thought there would only be two or three people going to the KTV, but I didn't expect that there were more than ten people going here." The voice of the phone was ridiculed, not serious at all.

More than ten people?

Everyone was taken aback, what is going on?

Listening to Chen Shu's plan earlier, it was obvious that only three police officers entered the A_PARTY in makeup, so how come there are more than a dozen more out of nothing?

"Da Chen, you have to take good care of your team. There are so many people going to KTV to play in the middle of the night, if something happens to you, you will be responsible."

This is beating why they haven't evacuated yet, everyone is staring at it!

Everyone in the car thought at the same time.

"I see, I'll contact them immediately." Chen Shu could only bite the bullet and respond.

"It's not bad. No policeman has been found to be involved. Of course, the phone calls that should be made must be made, and there must be reminders. If the policeman comes out, I will be unable to deal with it. It's not just for you. You know how easy it is for the leader to make a phone call?" The voice on the other side changed from teasing to meaningful.

This is a warning!

The meaning must be to take advantage of the fact that the matter can be restored now, and the police with law enforcement powers have not yet appeared, so there is still room for maneuver in the matter.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they were pondering every word of this person over and over again.

"Remember, call them later, you have to keep an eye on it, but don't let anything happen to you." The other person spoke quickly, and hung up the phone after speaking.

At this moment, there was silence in the carriage.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this action might be dangerous. After all, the power of the disciplinary department sometimes even surpassed that of the immediate superior.

Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and do nothing wrong.

Handling a case has never been a simple indicator, task or job.

This point has not changed from ancient times to modern times, from the feudal society two thousand years ago to the present society.

Before deciding to raid A_PARTY, Chen Shu had already made mental preparations. Originally thought that the presence of a captain like Zhao Feifei on the scene represented the acquiescence of the bureau leaders, but I didn't expect that the Tao was as high as the devil.

The water in this five-star hotel is really unfathomable.

"Hehe, what are you all afraid of?"

The button of the armrest on the inside of Chen Chuan's car door, and the glass of the car window slid down.

He slowly took out the yellow leather cigarette from his pocket, lit it for himself naturally, then stuffed it back into his pocket, and did not distribute it to anyone else.

When everyone turned their attention to him, Chen Chuan said with a smile: "You guys just don't know much. Didn't you just call from the disciplinary department? Look at you, what are you all afraid of? No There must be ghosts in my heart. Hehe."

As a leader, which ass is clean?

Zhao Feifei didn't say a word, but her eyes almost burst into flames when she stared at Chen Chuan. If it hadn't been for the fact that the other party was a policeman from the Municipal Bureau and she didn't care at all, and the luxury car sitting under his buttocks was a well-deserved luxury car, she might have slapped him.

Li Chaoyang did have pimples in his heart, but when he was provoked by Chen Chuan, his reaction became stronger: "I don't know if other people are ghosts or not, but you are the only one with so many people here every day in the night market. Don't think we don't know you."

This is a bit heavy.

As a policeman, he goes to nightclubs every day, either singing with girls or dancing with little girls. It's really not nice to say it. However, neither the laws nor the disciplinary system expressly prohibits the police from going to bars or mass selling KTV.

So this cannot be said to be wrong.

Generally speaking, young policemen who have some ideas about their political future will fundamentally stop thinking about going to entertainment venues. Going out to socialize on weekends is basically a dinner until ten or eleven, and then go home after the show.

Unlike the early years, after drinking the red wine at dinner, you have to go to the beer in the second half, or even the foreign wine at the midnight show, and then drink some white wine in the morning show.

However, some old policemen with no hope of political future are more courageous. Especially the group of people who have experienced the ups and downs of the early years will still be the same, but their behavior may be a little low-key.

From a management point of view, there is a one-size-fits-all approach for the police to go to entertainment venues, but from a practical point of view, the one-size-fits-all approach does not control how many undisciplined people are, but it controls those who work hard.

There is a saying that today's young police officers are just paying off the debts owed by the older generation of police officers more than ten years ago. The injustice is very injustice. They are domineering and now they are the leaders, and then let the new forces take the blame to cater to the progress of the times.

But there are also advantages, at least the current salary and treatment are far higher than those in the past.

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