Police Chen Shu

Chapter 603 Looked for it, but didn't do it

The next day, Chen Shu, who had a rare deep sleep, opened the door of his office, ready to roll up his sleeves and go to work.

But when he saw Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba suddenly chatting about the three-way affairs in his office, Chen Shu felt like a flat tire, and his whole body was not well.

"The sun is coming out of the west! I said, why do you two come to work so early?"

Chen Shu hung his commuting backpack on the floor hanger behind the door, and then changed into a police shirt. Thinking about it, he felt a little cold, and took out a spring and autumn duty uniform from the closet next to him to put it on.

There is no need to change the trousers and leather shoes, because they have been worn all the time.

Chen Chuan rubbed his hands together, and said excitedly: "This is not going to be the time to sweep the orange. This stick must make a name for our special police! This first battle is very important!"

Zhu Yiba, who was sitting in front of the office computer and fingering the keyboard with one finger, was also very excited. He stuck out half of his head and said to Chen Shu: "Yes, what Chen Chuan said is very reasonable. Mr. Chen, we now Can we file a case first?"

From this posture, it seems that he turned on Chen Shu's office computer privately and fiddled with it. Originally, when Zhu Yiba first changed jobs and came to the brigade, he looked like a serious and serious person, but now he looks a little unreliable. Looks more like a bad boy.

Maybe it was infected by Chen Chuan?

"Filing a case?"

Chen Shu couldn't laugh or cry, now that the rate of case detection is hanging over his head, the correct approach of the grassroots case handling units is to solve the case first, and then enter the case in the system, that is, file the case.

"Aren't you going to file a case?" Zhu Yiba was discouraged, pushed aside the table and chairs, got up, went to sit beside Chen Chuan, and poked the person next to him, "Chen Chuan, continue to tell me about your police sweeping oranges."

"It's our police." After correcting Chen Chuan, he glanced at Chen Shu who entered the door, and said cheerfully, "We are the most familiar with this matter, Mr. Chen."

Zhu Yiba shook his head and said, "You've already said half of what you said, and I'll have to listen again if someone changes."

After Chen Shu sat down, he took the breakfast bag spread out on the coffee table, and while eating the meat bun, he raised his chin to signal Chen Chuan to continue.

"After we catch the girl, we will check the ticket customers who have played tricks through WeChat chat and payment records, and then make a phone call to ask them to voluntarily surrender to the police station. Generally speaking, they will admit it and then accept punishment. Well, that's it. Fine a few hundred yuan, and then go to the detention center for a few days."

This happened a long time ago, but Chen Shu just learned about the latest anti-pornography technology from Li Chaoyang. He took a sip of the tea, and planned to wait for Chen Chuan to finish speaking later before adding more.

Here Zhu Yiba listened carefully, and put forward his own opinion while thinking: "Is it possible, if you don't admit it, just ask and say you forgot, maybe you don't have to wait for a day?"

Chen Shu and Chen Chuan looked at each other and smiled without explaining.

Chen Chuan shook his head and continued: "Of course, in the past, the case of female tickets like this is to pursue people who have stolen goods, that is to say, they must be caught at the scene. In addition to men and women, it is best to have a condom. So the police came in. After that, I will go to the trash can or toilet for the first time.”

"I understand this!"

Zhu Yiba interrupted Chen Chuan's narration, and smiled slightly: "When you're done, wrap the condom in a tissue and throw it down the toilet, otherwise, the condom will still float up."

Surprised, Chen Chuan politely handed a yellow cigarette to Zhu Yiba: "Brother, I can't see that you are quite capable. I was a classmate just now. You can talk about it later, let me learn too."

Chen Shu scolded with a smile: "Be serious, still learning? Why don't you go to actual combat?"

Chen Chuan squinted his eyes and said contemptuously: "How do you know that I haven't actually fought? It's not like someone, who is almost thirty, who doesn't have a serious relationship with a girl, but knows to date 'Five Girls' every day."


"Haha, Zhu Yiba, don't worry about this prudish person. Go on, we're about to start sweeping oranges, and there's nothing wrong with learning more practical knowledge. This is called knowing yourself and the enemy, and you can win every battle!"

Chen Chuan stood up with Piao'er in his arms, his white face was bright with excitement, and he was even more insane.

Zhu Yiba rubbed his hands, and was also happy to share his personal experience with this casual SWAT brother: "Actually, we have inherited these things, and I learned them from my squad leader."

When the word "squad leader" was mentioned, Zhu Yiba's expression suddenly became sad, but after a flash, he laughed again and started his performance.

According to them, giving cash is already a relatively backward way. In the barracks, everyone only prepares about 1,000 yuan with them, and if they are used once or twice, they will be gone. Generally, they need to contact comrades on duty or transfer money to classmates in their hometown.

You must delete the chat history in person after you are done. Those who have gone through an intermediary have to ask the intermediary to send a screenshot of the deleted record. However, those who look for an intermediary will be despised by the people nearby, because the default intermediary resources are rich and there are many beautiful girls. However, looking for women directly, especially those with difficult conditions, is considered to help the poor, and it is something a responsible man should do.

In terms of time arrangement, the earlier the better, according to this understanding, the morning is actually the best time to play games. It's a pity that this time point is usually people's rest time, so I can only settle for the next best thing and try to arrange it as early as possible in the afternoon, preferably the first to start work.

According to internal statistics, the probability of being the first to get in after the start of construction is currently 0.

Also, if you use social software to make an appointment, you must not mention sensitive words such as "money", "price", and "time" when contacting, just post a few gesture pictures, they are all insiders, and you can understand it at a glance. When contacting a woman directly, only mention the time and place. When contacting an intermediary, call or voice call directly to inform the time and place after selecting a person.

Nvpiao Nvchang is a very small case in the police. At this time, Chen Shu saw that Zhu Yiba was speaking clearly and clearly, and he always felt that there was something wrong with preaching and solving doubts in a serious way.

"Playing with a woman gives you Tom Cruise's sense of sight in Mission: Impossible. Brother Zhu, wow!" Chen Chuan was more direct, and he did not forget to pass Zhu Yiba a good cigarette after sighing, and even called him Everything has changed.

Zhu Yiba was uncommonly humble. After taking the yellow cigarette with both hands, he replied: "Brother, good cigarette!"

Chen Shu was taken aback by the performance of these two people.

But no matter from which angle you look at it, the three of them now belong to the police who are law enforcement and handling cases, so it is a bit annoying to just sit in the office and talk about these facts.

However, he was also quite curious, so he didn't interrupt Chen Chuan's soul to ask questions.

"Brother Zhu, you have so much experience, did you really find Miss Sister? To be honest, I don't believe it from the time we've been together."

Chen Shu also didn't believe it.

Ever since Zhu Yiba transferred to the SWAT team, although his personality was similar to Chen Chuan's, and his demeanor was suave, in the eyes of Chen Shu, who knew countless people, he was all fake.

It's like putting a smiley mask on his own face.

The mask is smiling, and the human face underneath may be crying.

Zhu Yiba suddenly calmed down, recalling the past, his eyes were very gentle.

"Looked for it, but we didn't do it."

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