Police Chen Shu

Chapter 580 Money? Money, money!

Floor manager's office.

Manager Li politely let Lily into the room.

It happened that he was eating supper. It was a famous porridge shop in Dongzhou, "Dongzhou People", open 24 hours, and delivered 24 hours.

Manager Li, who always appeared in front of everyone with rigor in the company, took off his suit and put it on the back of the chair. He also unbuttoned his shirt a few times. His brows did not frown anymore, and he became very talkative.

He opened the door of the small cabinet under the desk, took out a transparent plastic bowl and chopsticks basket, took out a small bowl and a spoon from it, mixed a lot of viscous porridge into the bowl, blew on it, and handed it to Lily , laughed:

"After eating too many greasy bubbles, hot pots and barbecues, it's good to have porridge once in a while to clear the stomach. The preserved egg and lean meat porridge is really well boiled, with a strong fragrance and not too thick. The preserved eggs and lean meat are also sufficient. , the gold medal dish of Dong Congee, try it? Hangover."

Lily was a little flattered. Manager Li, the boss, and Sister Zhang belonged to the company's top management and belonged to the same circle. On weekdays, they treat the low-level employees of the company with a lukewarm attitude, and there is still a well-known discrimination in their bones. Why did they suddenly become so friendly today?

"Thank you, Manager Li." Lily held up the small bowl with both hands, stood up and said respectfully.

Manager Li smiled and waved his hand, motioning the other party to sit down: "You don't have to be polite. Mr. Li called me just now, um, I understand everything. I have also conveyed to the following people, and then you Just work in peace."

Lily got up again, speaking very quickly: "Thank you, Manager Li! Then I will go to the base camp to find Wang Lili for a girl."

Manager Li pressed his hand and said with a smile, "Why are you in such a hurry? She will send someone over to you later."

"Huh?" A look of doubt flashed in Lily's eyes. With Wang Lili's temper tantrum, she was lucky to be able to let her go, and she would send her to her door?

What happened?

It's not like the sun comes out from the west.

"Do you smoke?"

Manager Li behind the desk unpacked a new pack of cigarettes. Seeing that Lily didn't smoke, he lit one himself. After thinking about it, he leaned over and put one in front of her.

After a long spit, he finally showed his hole card: "From tomorrow onwards, you will be sitting in my seat, and Wang Lili and the others are under your control."


Push away the table and chair with a bang.

At this moment, Lily couldn't hide the astonishment and surprise on her face.

"You, Sister Lily, are the new Supervision Manager of our A_PARTY." Manager Li looked at Lily with a smile, and specially emphasized the nasal sound on the word "Sister", a playful flash of light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Lily slumped on the chair, her eyes glazed over, and she didn't digest this shocking news for a long time.

The irony is that in the past few years, she has been the only mommy in the company who resisted the introduction, and she was ridiculed and ridiculed by the mommy and team leader of the whole company.

Right now, she is the manager of those people.

Make money, shabby?

No! ! !

"Work hard, what we want, if we work honestly outside, we won't get it even if we fuck his mother 24 hours a day.

"But follow our boss, hey, yes, it will be soon."

Manager Li walked up to Lily, who was slumped in a chair and was powerless, and patted her on the shoulder meaningfully.

Lily trembled her lips: "Manager Li, we... our company doesn't directly manage Mommy and Miss Sister?"


Manager Li suddenly spit out, startling Lily.

He lightly took a few paper towels from the table and wiped his mouth, he said with a smile: "From now on, I have to start taking care of it. Lily, work hard. The boss will not miss any money from you. Oh, Wrong, I will definitely give you more. As for how much more, it depends on your performance, but it must be beyond your imagination."

"You're welcome, we are our own people."

As he spoke, he pushed an employment contract with the official seal in front of Lily.

"Sign it, and the money is waiting for you."


Faced with Manager Li's thick and seductive voice, Lily seemed to see countless banknotes waving to her.

As if she couldn't control it, she nodded mechanically.

Only during the period of time before the opening of the night show, Lily could feel that she was a student in the music department of a real university.

No one in the venue knew about this.

The DJ booth is not just a flat table with a few complex tuning equipment, and then put a coquettish woman twisting her body on top of it and it's done.

Not to mention that the price of a series of hardware from disc players to audio systems varies greatly, but the height of the transparent glass baffle in front of it must be accurately measured.

It is necessary for the guests on the dance floor to feel that they are communicating with the DJ who is leaning over and bowing their heads, but also to make them unable to touch the DJ's waist.

"A woman's face is more visible in the dark than in the bright." Lily asked Xueyi to stand on the DJ stage for a demonstration, and said while adjusting the angle of the spotlights in the box, "You have to keep your eyes Hiding in half-darkness and half-light is the only way to attract people."

A_PARTY is known as a party-style KTV. The professional DJ booth and dance floor in the box are the most important highlights for attracting guests and distinguishing them from other ordinary KTVs.

The company's management, including the boss, are all following the style of the magic city, and they only think that making the boxes bigger and stuffing them with dance floors and DJ booths is the most popular party style in international cities at present.

This made Lily very tired for the first time, but later she entered the venue as a mother and drank, so she didn't have the energy to worry about whether the DJ was professional or not.

Lily wiped her forehead. Although she was extremely tired and knew that the guests who came to Happy at night didn't care about these professional adjustments, she was still happy like a child in her heart.

"Xueyi, let's go. Let's touch up our makeup and get ready to pick up the guests."

Lily squinted her eyes and looked at her masterpiece, clapped her hands, and led Xueyi out of the box.

Manager's office.

Lily, who no longer wore a cheongsam for moms, was now wearing a tight black suit and skirt, sitting on the boss chair to answer the phone.

There is still heavy professional makeup on her face, but her expression is as gentle as an ordinary woman with some care for her family.

"Thank you sister!"

"After the new house is finished this time, my mother said that I must leave you a separate room, and then all the furniture will be bought new! You will live in your hometown!"

"By the way, mom even went to the town to buy a lot of old goods. She was not willing to give it to my dad and me, so she specified that she would send it to you!"

"Dad is recovering well. The doctor said it's best to buy some good food. Sister, Mom told you to transfer some money to her, and she has to go to the town to buy some supplements."

"Sister, my mobile phone has been stuck for two years, can I change it?"

"My sister, my family, my money."

"Sister money."



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