Police Chen Shu

Chapter 547 Shocked

In order to avoid unnecessary contact with the masses as much as possible, the Public Security Bureau set up the dissection room in a small courtyard on the west corner of the funeral parlor. Next to the dissection room is a small office, which is usually used for temporary work or meetings by the police of the Criminal University. use.

Walking out of the office, across a path paved with gravel is the brick bungalow built independently by the funeral parlor - the morgue.

According to Zhu Li, the staff of the funeral home called this path "Huangquan Road" privately.

Maybe it's due to Feng Shui, or the carelessness of the architectural layout, anyway, whether it's from the dissection room on the west or the main building on the east, as long as you carry the corpses covered with white cloth and walk on the road, every step you take will feel a sense of coldness. The air rushed to the face, making people feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and the morgue standing alone on the side of Huangquan Road looked particularly gloomy. Chen Shu couldn't help shivering as he walked along the windy path.

As the street lamps on the side of the small road were always on, the dim light hit the glass windows of the morgue, and the rows of square refrigerators with the name cards of the deceased pasted in front of the doors were directly illuminated by the yellow light, giving people a sense of urgency. An eerie feeling that something might come out of it.

The bodies of some long-unsolved dead will be refrigerated here indefinitely, and even if the power fails, generators are also prepared.

Turning on the light in the morgue, Chen Shu called Xiao Ming to transport the headless man's body to the opposite dissection room. In such a hurry, both of them forgot to put on their gloves.

Just after taking the corpse out of the freezer, Chen Shu looked normal, but Xiao Ming's body froze.

His face paled visibly.

The feeling of a floating corpse is completely different from that of a normal dead person. For normal corpses, some of their muscles are elastic, and some are not elastic, but they still maintain the tightness of the muscle tissue, but the feeling of the floating corpse is completely loose, and it feels like a puddle of mud, without elasticity at all. .

Xiao Ming looked down, and the yellow minced meat such as fat and muscle that had been soaked for several days was squeezed out from between his fingers so recklessly. At this moment, his mind went blank, as if all the sensations in his body were concentrated on the nerve endings in his hands, the minced meat in his hands was sticky, goose bumps all over his body, and he stood there dumbfounded while carrying the corpse.

Chen Shu urged him a few times before he could react.

Under Xiao Ming's strong request, the two put the corpse back into the freezer, put on white dissecting suits, and put on two layers of latex gloves before moving the corpse to the dissecting bed.

Afterwards, Xiao Ming ran to the bathroom without looking back.

Chen Shu didn't care, and took out a cold scalpel from under the bed without wasting any time.

He doesn't know how to dissect, but he always feels that holding something in his hands will make him feel at ease, and the thoughts in his head can be turned thoroughly.

This feeling is like the habit of turning the pen when reading and doing problems.

According to the previous report by Zhu Li, according to the traces of the cervical spine wound, the tool used by the suspect to behead his head was an ax with a curved edge and a relatively sharp edge, which is a common logging ax on the market.

From the fact that the suspect threw the body into the river after the murder, took off the jacket and underwear that can be used to check the occupational information, and the practice of beheading and dismembering the body, it is 100% an acquaintance who committed the crime. The fear is that the police will find clues from the facial features or professional attributes of the deceased after discovering the body, and check back.

The point is to be afraid of false checks.

The smooth and vertical wound on the left chest can be inferred that the deceased was lying on his back on the bed before death, and the seven stabs to the heart can further show the suspect's great resentment towards the deceased.

Judging from the knife wound, there is no textile debris brought in by the knife point in the depths, indicating that the upper body must be naked. At the same time, the wound was in a vertical and smooth state, and the tristalum found in the blood sample confirmed that the deceased was in a deep coma state before death.

That is to say, naked from the upper body, lay unconscious on the bed and was stabbed to death.

stabbed to death

With an idea, Chen Shu beckoned to Xiao Ming who had just washed his hands, even though the other party looked constipated.

Together, the two turned the male corpse over and lay face down on the bed.

"Sure enough!" Chen Shu murmured as he touched the back of the corpse's left chest.

Ren Guoqing twitched his eyebrows, knowing that Chen Shu had found a clue, he walked forward quickly and followed Chen Shu's line of sight.

On the back of the left chest of the corpse, there are three or four small penetrating wounds, which should be the traces left by the knife tip passing through the body when the suspect stabbed the knife.

"Oh, so that's the case. But the emergence of this situation, doesn't it further overthrow the possibility that the suspect is a woman?" Ren Guoqing pinched his chin and asked himself.

Xiao Ming's heart itched unbearably, but he glanced at Li Meng and Wen Zhao who stood beside them with indifferent faces, and dared not ask questions.

He moved to Zhu Li's side and said in a low voice, "Director, did you find out what happened?"

Zhu Li nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes hung on Chen Shu's body, and said softly:

"It is impossible for ordinary women to have the strength required for such a penetrating wound, so they judged that the murderer was a man. In the previous reasoning, the bed, undressing, XX, drunkenness, etc. all indicated that there should be something at the scene. The matter of XX."

Xiao Ming raised his right fist and slapped his left palm, suddenly realized, and immediately frowned and said: "So that's the case. But there is no XX that should be left in the deceased's urethra! Hey, what should I do?"

Zhu Li was full of confidence, and her eyes were all on him: "Shh, be quiet. He should have found the answer."

Chen Shu took a deep breath, put his right index finger and middle finger together, and slid along the back of the corpse to its XX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

After a while, he pulled XXX out of XXXX and lifted it into the air for a moment, then solemnly said: "I don't know if it's because of soaking in water for a long time, the body's body shrinkage is very loose, but I think of an interesting point from it." .

"According to our previous speculation, the deceased had XX behavior before his death, so why can't it be XXXX? I think XXXX is very likely."

"This taste is too strong! The deceased is 60 years old, how could he be able to do it?"

"No, then it is more definitely an act of revenge! And the reason for this revenge must involve illegal XXX."

"Because of the deceased's identity as a policeman, I suggest looking back at the deceased's early experience in handling cases to see if he was involved in any relevant cases."

Ren Guoqing came to his senses and immediately instructed Li Meng to use this as a basis to investigate the case and others.

Zhu Li waited for everyone to finish the discussion, and raised a question about the autopsy: "The body has been soaked in water for a long time, will the XX inside be washed away?"

Chen Shu recalled his experience at the police station in the early years. At the beginning, he was worried about the risk of AIDS infection at work, and he privately checked a lot of relevant information about XX disease, XXXXXX.

He said in a deep voice: "Because the body was thrown in the river for half a night, XX is likely to be washed away by the river, but XXXXXXXX."

Everyone exchanged glances, all with expressions of enlightenment_.

Chen Shu added: "We still need to find the extracts that should be in the corpse. If there are any, we can find the suspect through DNA in one step."

Julie nodded: "I will conduct another autopsy on the deceased in accordance with the forensic examination regulations for female corpses."

According to regulations, for suspicious female corpses, in addition to routine XX and XX inspections,

XX swabs, XX swabs, XX swabs and oral swabs will also be extracted, which are all mandatory items.

Xiao Ming clicked his tongue endlessly: "Shh, I didn't expect male corpses to have such a complete set now."

"You don't understand this, it's called advancing with the times."

Chen Shu immediately cast his eyes on Zhu Li, and said solemnly: "Forensic doctor Zhu, originally thought that the deceased was killed in a coma, but now it is found that there was sexual assault, then the nail samples of the deceased should also be taken. If it is Bow though, it is impossible for the dead not to resist!"

"There is nothing in the fingers, I have checked these before."

Zhu Li's expression froze, and then her face turned red, spreading to the base of her ears.

"Then focus on the deceased's XX, there is very likely to be what we are looking for." Under Chen Shu's serious gaze, the blushing Zhu Li could only bow her head and respond in a hurry.

Soon, Chen Shu's suspicion was confirmed by the facts.

Evidence, out.

early morning.

"Xiao Ming, you really don't want to drink it?" Chen Shu handed the steaming milk and meat buns to Xiao Ming for final confirmation.


Xiao Ming's Adam's apple was wriggling up and down quickly. He turned his head and glanced at the dissecting room with the closed door behind him, and quickly waved his hand: "Da Chen, you enjoy."

Chen Shu chuckled, and threw the breakfast bag backhandedly to Wen Zhao who was standing beside him: "Xiao Ming, you are considered a criminal policeman, why are you not prohibited?"

Detective Inspector Wen Zhao licked his lips, took out the meat bun, bit it into his mouth, and started to eat it. The soup in the meat was squeezed out from his lips drop by drop, and then he sucked the milk vigorously, and the white liquid flowed down. The transparent straw poured into his mouth.

"Sorry, I'll go buy some breakfast for the director first."

This situation exceeded Xiao Ming's tolerance in an instant, and he completely forgot that Chen Shu had brought a lot of breakfast, so he turned his head and ran to the gate of the funeral parlor and fled.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Shu and Wen Zhao looked at each other and laughed heartily.

After a night of cooperation, ah no, it should be called Chen Shu's hat-trick and personal show. He won the respect of Wen Zhao, inspector of the Serious Case Squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Why do criminal police naturally have a contemptuous attitude towards other types of police?

Because in their eyes, a policeman who has not experienced criminal investigation is not a policeman, and a policeman who has not solved a serious case is even less trustworthy.

They are both proud and simple.

As long as he can solve the case, he is a brother.

Wen Zhao swallowed the steamed stuffed bun in his mouth, and said sincerely, "Da Chen, I offended you a lot in the past, please forgive me."

Two years ago, because Li Meng secretly spread rumors in the brigade, saying that a security policeman from the police station with no experience in criminal investigation would be promoted to the Criminal University as the captain of the Serious Case Squadron, which chilled Wen Zhao, who was devoted to his career.

He was the one who led the police in the team to oppose Chen Shu's airborne.

However, Chen Shu didn't know about this, and thought it was because Wen Zhao and Li Meng had disrespected him during this period of time.

Chen Shu patted Wen Zhao's left arm, and said with a smile, "They're all my brothers, that's too serious. By the way, where is Li Meng?"

Wen Zhao scratched his head, feeling ashamed of his leader's resignation: "After getting the suspect's DNA, he found a reason to leave."

"This kid is still so thin-skinned."

Chen Shu shook his head with a smile, turned around and walked towards the office: "Come on, there are still many things waiting for us to do."


Wen Zhao couldn't help standing at attention to answer, and then trotted behind Chen Shu.

In the sky, Chen Xu slowly emerged to the east.

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