Police Chen Shu

Chapter 501 Nightmare Comes

Lao Zheng went to the locker room to unload his equipment, then turned around and went to the cafeteria to get food.

Like most of the workers who went to the mine, Lao Zheng could not stay indoors after work, so he went out of the cafeteria after finishing the meal.

Smiling, he walked to the steps with an iron plate full of food, and sat down regardless of the dust on the ground.

A young man who was also dirty, wearing glasses and eating on the steps covered with a layer of newspapers, took out a folded newspaper from behind and handed it over.

Old Zheng shook his head: "No, it's already much cleaner than the mine."

The young man took back the newspaper and lowered his head to eat again.

The young man's name is Ma Dacheng, a native of Northern Province. He has studied in university but dropped out early. In the mine, except for Lao Zheng, he is recognized as the most frugal worker.

"Little Ma, I have saved money for so many years, and it is enough for your sister's dowry. When will you ask for a wife?" Old Zheng lowered his head and asked casually.

A few years ago, Ma Dacheng came to report to the mining area with a lot of college students. Lao Zheng looked at it from a distance and thought it was useless, and he was too lazy to interact with them. Because based on Lao Zheng's many years of experience, he knew that these young people who had studied could not be retained.

They came here for high wages, but they didn't know the blood and sweat behind the huge income.

Really, hard-earned money.

In the end, as expected, most of them ran away, leaving Ma Dacheng alone.

Although Ma Dacheng's habit of loving cleanliness that he had accumulated for more than 20 years was shattered on the first day of work, but he just stayed.

Then Ma Dacheng, who didn't finish college, became the one with the highest diploma in the mine, so he was trained by the leaders to become a skilled worker. It is said that when the training was over and rushing to work, Ma Dacheng refused to take up the post because the salary of skilled workers was 1,000 lower than that of workers in the production team.

Later, afraid of wasting this good seed, the leader could only appease him and pay overtime pay for the late shift, so that Ma Dacheng calmed down.

This was a big joke at the time.

Everyone else went to the office desperately, but he went to the front line with a single muscle, just for the extra one thousand yuan post allowance.

Ma Dacheng took out a tissue from his jacket pocket and wiped his mouth, then said in a muffled voice, "With more dowry, she can live better in her husband's house."

After dinner, Ma Dacheng carefully tidied up the people who had eaten and the vegetable dregs that fell on the ground, refolded the newspapers on the ground and put them back in his pocket, and walked up to the dormitory building.

"Uncle Zheng, I couldn't stand staying up late last night to repair the machine. I went to the bathroom to take a shower before going back to sleep. Call me if you need anything."

"No overtime work tonight, you can rest assured to sleep, everything will be discussed tomorrow! By the way, there will be a sandstorm in the middle of the night, you have blocked the door firmly!"

"Understood, thank you, Uncle Zheng."

As a technical worker, Ma Dacheng has a single dormitory in the mine, but it is on the top floor of the dormitory building, rebuilt from a corner of a row of abandoned computer rooms. Can't find people living in it.

Soon, several old vans quietly drove through the gate of the unguarded work area and disappeared into the shadows between the walls.

On the flat concrete road, a few small whirlwinds were gently rolled up.

Today is a good day for salary, and Tuohuti received a large sum of money.

After allocating most of the tuition fees to be transferred to the family for the younger siblings and the medical expenses of the parents, there is not much money left, but he doesn't care at all. Because the mine includes food and lodging, he is going to be like Old Zheng, leaving five hundred yuan for himself to buy cigarettes and alcohol is enough.

Such a good day is something that Tuohuti never dared to think about before. He was just a poor boy who hadn't finished junior high school. If it wasn't for the good policy in the community to help Shao Min, how could it be his turn to work in the mine.

In the salary of the mine, there is also an off-site subsidy specially set up for Shao Min. Although it is only a little, the feeling of being respected is very good, and this money can buy an extra pack of cigarettes.

On weekdays, Lao Zheng has been talking with him that true equality and freedom should come from their equal treatment of Chinese and Wei people.

But when Lao Zheng said this with airs, what was in his hand was not the cigarettes he bought with a little extra salary.

Tuohuti, who was walking on the road, couldn't help it for a while, and laughed.

Thinking of the good grades in the exams that my younger siblings passed on to others, I can't even mention how happy I am. The life of this family is really getting higher and higher, and the health of the parents is getting better day by day.

When his younger brothers and sisters finish their studies, he will be able to really settle down and find a good wife for himself.

"Xiaofang, who drives the winch, seems to have been looking at me and laughing. When Ablimiti and Anaguli graduate next year, I will ask Xiaofang to sing and dance. Xiaofang, she is gentler than our Wei girls. too much"

Thinking of the happy place, Tuohuti couldn't help singing: "Young people in NX, live freely like pigeons soaring in the sky, our future is full of hope"

Tuohuti returned to the dormitory whistling and humming a song, and went to the cafeteria to buy a lot of good wine and food with his friends.

It is a rare festive day in this month. They are going to have a few drinks. It is not only a reward for themselves after hard work, but also a yearning for a better life in the future.

In the middle of the night, in the corner of the parking lot.

Under the moonlight, a group of people held machetes and axes, stared at the lights of the dormitory building that were gradually dimming not far away.

Black Hawk asked Eckel to take off the newly purchased black burqas from the car and distribute them to everyone, requiring them to wear hoods.

He was also wrapped in black robes, but without a hat, and his face was covered by a silver mask that only showed his chin and lips.

When all the staff were ready, Black Eagle stood at the front, squinting his cold blue eyes, and bewitched: "The road we have traveled is so difficult that our family members can't understand it, but they will eventually understand what we have done today. Our dedication and bravery. In order to make the "XX Jing" into law, we will not hesitate to shed blood."

Tonight will be a sleepless night, a bloody night, but unfortunately it won't be our blood!

Black Hawk is full of spirits, and he finally looks forward to the day when he will be on the stage of history, even though this day is destined to be a dark day for the people of NX.

But Black Hawk, it doesn't matter.




Everyone tried their best to suppress their excitement and grabbed the weapons in their hands, knowing that the resentment they had spent in the wild these days and nights would be vented immediately. And the target is just a group of unarmed miners.

According to the information obtained by the black eagle a few days ago, after puncturing the tires of other vehicles in the parking lot, the gangsters divided into four groups and went straight to the living area like hungry wolves.

The originally quiet and peaceful night at the Keji Coal Mine was completely torn apart by this group of K elements.

Most of the miners were raped in their sleep, and the others who reacted were hiding everywhere in the huge coal mining company.

The sounds of the innocent people and the K elements filled the air, endlessly.

Standing in the middle of the square, Black Eagle squinted his eyes and enjoyed all this.

He felt himself a general as well as a king.

Now that he has won a battle, he should let his soldiers enjoy the fruits of victory. What disgusted him was far from the ugliness of the world, but the beautiful masks it wore. All he has to do is to tear it off, and do whatever he wants.

Evil is what the world should mean.

In the distance, a limping black figure ran out from the door of the office building, and it was naturally the disgusting criminal Elke.

Elke walked closer and handed over a satellite phone with a flattering smile: "Mr. Black Hawk, what do you think I found?"

Black Eagle nodded and accepted, and the directory approved.

Elke then took a few steps closer, with a sinister smile on his face: "Mr. Black Eagle, this satellite phone was taken in their duty room. There was a young woman in the room at the time. Hehe, I knocked you out Tied up!"

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