Police Chen Shu

Chapter 436 Yan Chenxi's Invitation (Part 1)

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Chen Shu went back to his office of the special police brigade under the scorching sun.

He was so dizzy from the heat that he took off his training T-shirt immediately after entering the room, revealing his lean flesh. Then he held the ends of the clothes with both hands and twisted them, squeezing out a lot of water.

This quiet movement inadvertently revealed the good figure that he had trained in the special police this year. The tall (fierce) muscles are strong and have the beauty of flowing lines, and the abdominal muscles behind are well-curved, with a faint luster like warm jade.

Compared to a year ago when he was transferred from a police station with irregular schedules, Chen Shu's changes are not insignificant.

"Brother Shu."

Hearing the shout behind Chen Shu, he turned around naked, and saw Yan Chenxi, who he hadn't seen for a long time, sitting on the sofa by the window, half of his body was bathed in the sun, his fair face seemed to be shining through, and the fine hairs on his face could be seen .

At this moment, the young director of the street, who is one of the best in Yangyi Street, is looking at the shirtless Chen Shu with a stiff and red face. Her eyes involuntarily took a quick glance at Chen Shu's (fierce) mouth, only to see that there was a not-so-short scar there.

Yan Chenxi, who was a little embarrassed at first, was attracted by this scar instead, and she asked nervously: "Brother Shu, what's the matter with this long scar on your body?"

Chen Shu coughed lightly, and laughed at himself as if chatting with his former colleagues: "When I was in the police station, I was accidentally hacked by the other party in order to catch a mentally ill patient who stabbed people all over the street. Hey, it was for nothing. .”

Mentally ill patients are important dangerous elements that the police at grassroots police stations have to face. Sometimes when they fall ill at home, the family members' first choice is not to call the psychiatric hospital, because that requires money.

According to the self-deprecating statement of Yu Yu, a community policeman of the Zhongshan Institute, his greatest wish is to have a good relationship with the director of the mental hospital. good location.

Meaning he's going crazy with all these mental illnesses too.

Hearing the words, Yan Chenxi couldn't help sighing, still staring at the scar on Chen Shu's (fierce) face, and asked softly: "It turns out that this police job is not easy. How do you deal with such mental patients?"

As he said that, he thought of his own brother Jiang Hai, who had experienced the painful lesson of the steakhouse dismemberment case last time. As a result, he resolutely wrote down the six "Donghai Police Academy" Character.

As the elder sister, Yan Chenxi looked distressed, but still approved of the younger brother's choice. Police is a profession that can contribute to society, and Yan Chenxi, who also works in the body, will naturally not object to it.

"Generally, if no one is hurt, they are sent to a mental hospital. However, some mental patients are not stupid even if they say they are stupid. They just think about things indiscriminately. This kind of people have to coax them to go to the hospital. Well, it's like coaxing children."

"What if they can't coax you? Or what if the hospital refuses to accept you in the middle of the night? Do you have to take them back to the police station to stay with you overnight?"

Seeing that Yan Chenxi had diverted his attention, in order to ease the atmosphere, Chen Shu joked: "Hey, I haven't lied much since I was a child, until I became a policeman, I learned to lie without changing my face. Sometimes it's to get The transcripts of criminal suspects are sometimes used to allow these mentally ill patients to cooperate with going to the hospital.

"If the hospital doesn't accept it in the middle of the night. According to what our old comrades said, we have to feel sorry for the people from the brother unit in the next county. Anyway, this kind of people can't be sent to the hospital. It's too easy to cause accidents in the cage. It's all a lesson."

The implied meaning of "I'm sorry for my brother's unit" is to stealthily drag people to a corner in the next county and leave them there. Although this approach is indeed inappropriate, it is also the case for some policemen who have canceled the detention and repatriation station. helpless move.

After all, in the middle of the night, there are only three or four police officers on duty in a police station. There is really no way to allocate a single police force to watch over the mental patient. Sometimes one policeman is not enough. If you don't look at people, there is a high probability that something will happen later.

There was a relatively typical case before. For example, when a normal person hits his head against a wall, the body will actually automatically perform a subconscious and inertial protection action for safety and avoidance. The back of the head was smashed upside down, without any hesitation.

Chen Shu was well aware of the embarrassment of the two before, but seeing Yan Chenxi still staring at his chest without blinking, he could only chat awkwardly about the past, turned his back to the sofa where Yan Chenxi was sitting, and walked to the closet next to the bookcase go.

After a "crash", Chen Shu only heard a rustling sound from behind, and then a few thumping footsteps, knowing that Yan Chenxi had come behind him.

"Brother Shu, your injury must have hurt at the time."

Chen Shu turned around, looked down at Yan Chenxi, who was standing pretty with bowed head and distressed eyes, slowly raising his jade hand to caress the position of his (fierce) front scar, licked his dry tongue and wanted to say something.


At this time, the door of the office was opened from the outside, and the two separated at an extremely fast speed as if struck by lightning.

"Brother Shu, let me tell you, in the future, you are not allowed to agree to others easily! This kind of kneeling person is the most hateful, because you don't know."

A bright figure in a red dress walked into the office stepping on high-heeled shoes, Zhang Yang with an oval face and warm jade eyes glanced at the room, and saw the shirtless Chen Shu and the blushing Yan Chenxi standing together, and the rest of the words were immediately stopped. Zhuche swallowed in his throat.

This sudden shocking scene made her forget the words of persuasion that she had prepared with Chen Shu for a moment.

"You. What are you doing? You don't know what you are doing. Did I go to the wrong room? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Zhang Yang was a little dizzy.

Chen Shu, who reacted all of a sudden, waved his hands and took a few steps back, then quickly stepped to the side of the closet, opened the closet door and took out a change of police uniform from inside. With his back to the two women, he pretended to be calm and explained: "No Why. I just returned to the office after training and changed into dry clothes. I didn't know that Yan Chenxi was waiting for me in the office."

Yan Chenxi, who was bowing his head, felt a flash of disappointment in his heart, but thinking of other women coming in, he couldn't be inferior, so he calmed down and then smiled, raised his head, greeted Zhang Yang as if nothing had happened, and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yang watched Yan Chenxi leave, and felt agitated for some reason. The joy he had rushed to the special police brigade was gone forever.

Although Chen Shu's explanation in front of several people was reasonable, but reporter Zhang Da, who had experienced strong winds and waves, and the warmth and coldness of the world, was so bitter that he couldn't tell what it was like.

The addition is over, once again thank you brothers for your support.

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