Police Chen Shu

Chapter 394 Didn't You Go Back Home?

Inside Box 888.

Seeing Sister Mommy Yao leaving the box with a group of girls, Yan Chenxi, who was still not satisfied, said in surprise, "Brother Shu, why are you all gone?"

Chen Shu explained with a smile: "KTV is always led by mommy to attract customers. A mommy will have more or less 20 girls under his command. This is fixed. If no customer is selected, according to the rules I need to get another mommy over here."

Correspondingly, the mothers of Gu Xiaoxue and Sister Hua should be the same person.

As soon as the words fell, a woman with a strong figure and a good face in a small suit pushed the door and walked in: "Hello bosses, shall I call someone in?"

Chen Chuan nodded, and deliberately said impatiently: "Hurry up!"


After a while, a line of young girls came in. The leading mummy in a small suit sat beside Chen Chuan and asked cautiously, "Boss, do you like it?"

"Fuck, why do you dare to do this kind of virtue? If you are crooked, hurry up and change it for me. Hey, the schoolgirls in the school are more beautiful and pure." Chen Chuan frowned, bluntly commented.

Sister Yao from before was considered an acquaintance, so he couldn't bear to complain. The mommy who came here at this moment had never seen her before, so Chen Chuan began to complain at will, carrying forward his usual spirit of making things difficult.

Mommy in a small suit should know that the young man in front of her is a well-known VIP of the company, but she didn't look unhappy at all when the girl under her hand was being counted down, and even echoed her.

"Okay, okay. Boss, are you looking for a student girl?"

Chen Chuan thought about the notes he had made during the day, and that Sister Hua was only about 20 years old, which was in line with the age of schoolgirls, so he opened his mouth and agreed.

Mommy in a small suit smiled and led a group of girls out of the room. After about ten minutes, another group of girls came in. The age of this group of girls looks much younger than the previous ones.

"Call the boss." Mommy in the little suit said to the girls.

"Hello boss~~"

"Hello boss~~"

The girls saluted and bowed in unison, their voices were soft to the bone, and there were faint patches of white tenderness.

The mommy in a small suit standing in front of them smiled with satisfaction, thinking that tonight must be a good harvest night. She turned her head to look at the two male guests sitting on the sofa, and saw that the two men had fallen in love with a girl, their backs straightened and their eyes glowed.

Thinking of the big red banknotes, the smile on the corner of Mummy in the little suit became brighter.

What two generous distinguished guests!

"Introduce yourself."

"I'm 00, from X province, and I'm still studying."

"I'm from 2003, from Province Y, Dongzhou University."

"I'm from 02, a local."


The lights in the box were not particularly bright, but Chen Chuan and Chen Shu could spot Gu Xiaoxue who was frowning at the tail of the line with a worried face.

They looked at each other and knew that they had found the right mommy.

Chen Chuan raised his hand and nodded to Gu Xiaoxue who was standing behind, and said to the little suit mommy, "That's her."

"Huh? Oh!"

Gu Xiaoxue, whose thoughts were flying wild, was pushed by the little sister next to her, and only then did she realize that she had been ordered by the boss, and then she took two steps forward, bowed to the boss who was seated at the top according to the company's training requirements, and then took a small step Go over and sit next to the boss.

Maybe it was because of the dim light in the box, or Gu Xiaoxue didn't expect that the policeman she bumped into during the day would go to the KTV to order girls' entertainment at night.

Sitting next to Chen Chuan at the moment, she didn't notice anything unusual, she just lowered her head and waited for the beauty pageant to end, and began to sing and drink with her.

The mommy in a small suit turned her attention to another VIP. Originally, she wanted to sell her student girl, but now she saw a beautiful beauty sitting next to the VIP. She thought that the two had a close relationship, so she closed her eyes on her own initiative. The mouth waited for the distinguished guest to speak by himself.

Chen Shu waved to Mommy, and patted the empty seat beside him.

Mommy Shi Shiran sat over, and just when she was about to say something, she saw this distinguished guest approach her ear and whisper a few words.

"Hey, didn't you go back to your hometown?"

It's like thunder!

Mommy's eyes widened when she heard the words, and she immediately thought of the call from the police at the police station not long ago. She turned her numb head inch by inch, looked at the handsome guy in front of her, and wondered if she heard it wrong just now.

Chen Shu waved at the little girls in the row, signaling them all to leave the room, then glared at Chen Chuan, and asked him to walk out of the room with Gu Xiaoxue beside him.

This time the action was mainly to catch the mother of Sister Hua, there was no need for Gu Xiaoxue to get involved, after all, she would still have to make a living here in the future.

After a few clicks, only Chen Shu, Yan Chenxi and Mommy were left in the huge box.

Chen Shu took out his police officer ID and flashed it quickly in front of the mommy, then put it in his pocket. This action has to be quick, after all, if you look at the details, the title column is "SWAT Brigade".

This kind of police can't scare this kind of social people on weekdays.

After a few seconds for Mommy to digest, Chen Shu said with a smile: "Do you want to go back to the office and chat with us slowly, or pour it all out here, and then continue with your class?"

Outside the box.

Chen Chuan leaned against the wall beside the corridor, lit a yellow cigarette, and exhaled puff after puff of smoke rings. Hearing the indistinct howls coming from several boxes nearby, he suddenly felt that this familiar place did not attract him as much as before.

Even, a little disgusted.

"Brother Chuan, what's going on inside?"

It was supposed to be the message from the group of Miss Leaving, the old acquaintance, Yao, hurried over, swaying her sexy waist.

This person also felt tacky. Chen Chuan threw away the cigarette, and spread his hands with a smile: "My elder brother has something to ask that mommy, it's not a big problem."

Sister Yao turned her head and looked in through the small glass on the door for a few times, as if she wanted to break in.

Standing by the side, Chen Chuan reached out his hand to stop her, took Sister Yao into his arms, pressed against her nose, and joked, "Aren't you competitors? Why do you still care about it?"

Sister Yao looked helpless: "Brother Chuan, after all, you are my guest. If the company asks about it later, I have to explain."

Loosening his arms and letting go of the soft body with bumps, Chen Chuan raised his palms and propped them on the door, showing an expression of impatience on purpose: "If your company has any objections, let them go to the University of Criminal Justice tomorrow to ask them. "

"What is 'Xingda'?" Sister Yao asked in confusion, not understanding.

Chen Chuan gave thumbs up to the inside of the box: "The police station, the captain of the criminal police, Li Meng."

"Police! Criminal police!" Sister Yao covered her mouth, and looked inside a few more times, but now there was a bit of schadenfreude in her eyes.

"Brother Chuan, our President Ma is just over there, do you want him to come over and toast Brother Li later?"

Chen Chuan said in a low voice: "That's right. But my eldest brother is not very good-natured and has a bad temper. Your interruption may close down your shop. You guys, do whatever you need to do, I will find you if necessary."

"Okay okay."

Sister Yao hurriedly responded, turned around, and walked back with all sorts of coquettish twists and turns.

Right now, it's much slower.

When he turned the corner, he turned his head and blew an ambiguous kiss to Chen Chuan who was standing at the door and looking over here.

Chen Chuan, who still had a smile on his face, suddenly felt sick.

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