Police Chen Shu

Chapter 375

In the office, Chen Shu, who was originally frowning, listened intently at this moment, stretched his neck, and asked Xu Mingliang, "Brother Xu, what happened afterwards? Your apprentice doesn't know how to do it."

Xu Mingliang shook his head with a wry smile, and said with tears in his eyes, "He's not dead, but most of his hands are useless. Hey, he's only in his twenties, and he's not even married yet. He mentioned the transfer, so he didn't think about how a young boy like him could have no idea. He must have no idea in his heart."

As he spoke, there was a little choking and deep guilt in his tone.

After so many years, he still kept condemning his irresponsible self in his heart. Perhaps, after his apprentice suffered an accident, Xu Mingliang's own heart also collapsed.

So he finally chose to escape, retreating from the only EOD operator of the famous city bureau detachment to an ordinary patrol squadron leader of the district and county brigade.

For capable people, lying flat is actually more of a pain.

The EOD man who was in charge at the beginning has now become a salty fish that no one cares about in the brigade. Perhaps for Xu Mingliang, this is a kind of spiritual self-salvation.

This accident is estimated to follow Brother Xu for the rest of his life, and he must have felt uncomfortable for so many years, so he fled here. Chen Shu leaned back on the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

After a while, Xu Mingliang's voice came slowly: "In this case, Chen Chuan's safety is already the luckiest thing for us. In comparison, you don't have to worry too much about whether old A is dead or not." He is a murderer, and he attacked the police with a gun. If we catch him and send him inside, he will also be executed.”

Chen Shu just looked at the ceiling, and responded casually with "hmm" on his mouth, without any special reaction.

Xu Mingliang scratched his nose, feeling that his level of comforting people was not enough, so he summed up the matter hastily.

"Chen Shu, since old A dares to shoot at the police with a gun, he must be prepared to be killed by the police."

Chen Shu, who was leaning on the chair, slowly raised his legs to put them on the desk, rubbed his arms gently on the armrests of the office chair, and murmured:

"Since we police can shoot and kill criminals, we must also be prepared to be killed by them."

The office suddenly fell silent.

In the dead of night, Chen Shu sat alone in the office, recalling the arrests during the day, and wrote "The Capture Process". This is the basic process of handling a case. Chen Shu, who has worked in the police station for many years, is extremely proficient, and he finished writing it in a few hours.

After completing the "Capture Process", Chen Shu had to write a shooting report, starting from the surrounding environment and personnel situation at that time, including but not limited to ballistics, impact, necessity and consequences of shooting. Be clear.

If the firing bullet is lost or cannot be found, it is necessary to add the reason why the bullet cannot be found. The procedure is relatively complicated, and it is very different from the situation decades ago when the police could carry guns and shoot at will.

Chen Shu graduated from the police academy and joined the police after several years of strict control and standardization of the use of police guns in country H. So in the past seven or eight years he has been working, under the general environment, the police don't even want to take this gadget with them, let alone shoot them.

Unless it is facing an extremely dangerous situation, it is generally not to use a gun. But no one can say how to grasp the degree of "extremely dangerous", including the police involved who fired the gun under the circumstances at that time.

Because the internal inspection department with indicators and the external public opinion that speculate on hot spots may not accept your point of view.

Sitting on the desk, Chen Shu tapped the keyboard for a long time and stopped for a long time. When he was dissatisfied, he had to keep pressing the "delete key" to erase a large section.

In addition to the actual actions of the police, the work of written materials is also cumbersome, and the two are divided in half.

Repeatedly like this until dawn, before hitting the Enter key hard, and the report was completed with difficulty.

Chen Shu turned off the computer, raised his arms and twisted his numb neck a few times. He was exhausted physically and mentally, but he still didn't feel sleepy.

He simply got up and walked to the window to open the window, letting the cold morning wind pour into the room to blow away his tiredness.

The coldness reminded Chen Shu of the scene before Old A's death.

It was also very cold at that time, but there was only nostalgia for his family in his gradually gloomy eyes.

the next day.

Chen Shu, who had been sleepless all night, met with the assistant instructor Xie Chi who came over to hand over after his shift at 8:30, and stuffed the "capture process" and "shooting report" of last night's operation.

He didn't even eat breakfast, and drove his black Volkswagen Golf straight to Yong'an County.

Last night, he checked old A's files through the public security intranet, and got information about his wife and daughter and their current address, which is in Yong'an County, north of Zhengming District.

According to the "Regulations on the Use of Police Equipment and Weapons by the Police", when encountering violent crimes, the police can shoot directly when it is too late to warn.

From a legal point of view, Chen Shu, who shot at that time, was justified. But after he learned that Chen Chuan, who was shot by old A, was not in danger of life, he remembered his resolute killing behavior dominated by anger, and he couldn't help feeling a few ripples in his heart.

Old A may deserve to die, but his family shouldn't have to bear such pain.

Ordinarily, the follow-up after the shooting did not require the participation of the police involved, but Chen Shu had a lump in his heart since then. Whether you call the Holy Mother Biao or hypocrisy, he is just such a person.

After driving north for more than an hour, we arrived at our destination. Chen Shu parked the car in a remote corner of the village entrance, and then walked to the place where old A's wife and daughter lived.

Standing in this two-story farmer's self-built house, Chen Shu hesitated. He didn't know how to introduce himself.

"Your husband was legally shot by me?"

"Your father was killed by me on the spot because he was carrying a murder case and attacked the police with a gun?"

"I acted in accordance with the law."


Chen Shu couldn't imagine such a cruel scene, and felt ashamed of the old A's wife and daughter.

But he came today with a purpose.

That was the whistleblower mentioned by old A before his death that night, that is, little B and the others still owed him a million clean money.

With a "squeak", the iron door on the first floor was opened from the inside, and a plainly dressed woman who was nearly forty years old walked out of the house with her head down and a red bucket in small steps.

She looked very tired.

When he walked out of the gate, he bumped into Chen Shu standing outside the house, and asked in confusion, "Who are you looking for?"

This caught Chen Shu by surprise. He wanted to tell the truth, but the words were stuck in his mouth and he couldn't get out.

The scene was a little awkward.

Seeing that the woman's brows were getting more and more wrinkled, vigilance gradually appeared in her eyes.

"Old A asked me to pass a message to you." Chen Shu stepped back half a step, looked sideways and did not dare to meet his eyes, and hurriedly said, "Some people who hung around with him in the early years, and the people named Little B are still there." I owe him one million, saying it is clean money, so you can just ask them for it. After you get the money, you will share half of it with a mother named Xiao Ming."

After speaking, he took two steps forward and threw a common white note into the empty bucket that the woman was carrying, and fled without looking back.

A small ponytailed head protruded from the south-facing window on the second floor, and shouted at the woman standing downstairs:

"Mom, who was that guy just now?"

Since her husband's accident, she has been struggling alone to support the elderly and the small family. The woman suddenly let out a sigh of relief, freed her left hand to take out the small note from the bucket, looked at the string of mobile phone numbers written on it, and recalled The man just now was undisguisedly nervous, and murmured:

"Maybe a nice guy."

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