Police Chen Shu

Chapter 373 Shooting

The end of the alley.



While running, Chen Shu raised his hand and pointed at Old A who was standing on the side of the road not far away and shouted loudly.

Old A was startled when he heard these two shouts coming towards his face, and he didn't have the slightest chance in his heart, knowing that the man who was chasing him was undoubtedly a policeman.

Old A, who has been on the run for many years, is afraid of dreaming about the police even when he is lying in bed at night. In reality, his heart is pounding and his hands are shaking uncontrollably.

He wanted to turn around and run, but his eyes were fixed on the policeman who was getting closer, his legs were weak, and his body was frozen in place, unable to move at all.

As long as he is caught by the police, he will be imprisoned for 20 years in the best case. Besides, his right foot was twisted a little when he jumped out of the window in the restaurant, so he would definitely not be able to run away from the police.

Thinking of my orphans and widows who stayed in their hometown, they were all alone, and life without a man in the family would definitely be worse than death.

Involuntarily, the scene of the wife holding her daughter locked in the corner of the room shivering emerged in her mind.

Old A's heart was suddenly filled with hatred and unwillingness!

Evil comes from the guts!

When he was young, he was also the boss who spent several years in the arena, and he was also responsible for a murder case, and during these years of life-threatening, he also fought for his life with others, so he was naturally full of courage.

At this moment, after calming down for a while, seeing that there was only one person chasing him, he was sure that the police who were alone happened to bump into him, so he had the idea of ​​​​doing nothing.

"If you don't kill this policeman, you won't be able to escape later!"

Old A didn't want to be caught without a fight, so he took out a sharp dagger from his arms, howled a few times to embolden him, and gritted his teeth to fight back.

Under the moonlight, Chen Shu saw the opponent's chest flash slightly, and guessed that he had pulled out a knife.

He smiled coldly, quickly glanced around, and habitually prepared to find a piece of hardware that he could use to have a good fight with this suspect who dared to attack the police, and teach him how to be a qualified thief.

assault police

Assault the police!

In the blink of an eye, the scene of Chen Chuan being shot and falling to the ground flashed through Chen Shu's mind. The anger caused by the powerlessness and frustration of failing to protect the people around him instantly ignited his emotions.

Although there is a voice in my head that keeps advising, "Don't shoot", "Don't shoot", "Don't shoot".

There are also voices repeatedly reminding, "fire the gun for warning", "fire the gun for warning", "fire the gun for warning".

But they are all too light, passing by like the evening wind in summer. Anger had already dominated his thoughts in an instant.

In the end, only one word remained in Chen Shu's mind.


He thought he was calm.

In just a few seconds, he found countless reasons for shooting himself.


Assault on police;


So he stopped hesitating, stood still and pulled out the 92-type pistol from his waist. According to the rhythm of previous training, he drew the gun, opened the safety, loaded it, and took quick sight in one go. He fired several shots at the middle of the opponent's body.

"Bang bang bang!"

All three bullets shot through Old A's body, and the dagger that was tightly held in his hand fell to the ground with a "dang", making a crisp sound in the quiet night.

He staggered a few steps, touched the place where he was shot in the abdomen with one hand, and fell to the ground with a sway. After a long pause, he raised his arm and waved tremblingly at the policeman who shot at him.

This was the first time Chen Shu shot at a real person, a living person and knocked him down. He stiffly maintained the posture of raising the gun to shoot, and looked at the scene in front of him a little dazedly. Seeing the suspect waving to him, he slowly leaned over with the arm hanging down to hold the gun.

Old A sat on the ground panting, disregarding the gunshot wound in his abdomen, just staring intently at the slowly approaching policeman.

He struggled to hold the ground and wanted to stand up, but his hands were shaking non-stop, limp and without any strength.

It takes a lot of effort to even breathe.

In the end, he could only sit slumped on the ground, stretched out his bloody right hand, and begged the police officer who shot him down: "Comrade police. Those who reported me... They still owe me a million and they just don't want to pay it back." money."


Old A only felt like a fishbone was stuck in his throat, and a burst of fishy sweetness rolled in his mouth.

He suddenly realized that if he hadn't asked for more of the one million that didn't belong to him, maybe people wouldn't have reported it to the police.

Old A endured the discomfort, and continued: "Comrade policeman, I am guilty, but the money is clean. Please tell my wife, just say that little B and the others used to hang out with me, and still owe me a million, thank you Thanks"

Old A's arm was already numb, and his body shook several times before he could barely support himself and not fall down.

He lowered his head and stretched out his hands to wipe the sweat from his forehead. When he raised his head again, his face was mixed with blood and water, and he looked a bit hideous, but every word in his words was full of parents' short stories:

"After the money is taken, half will be given to my wife and half will be given to Xiao Ming's mother."

After speaking, he let out a long breath, and smiled at the policeman in front of him who was listening to him with his head bowed, and the previous tyranny was no longer in his eyes.

He tilted his head, and his helpless body fell backwards.

"Thank you, Comrade Policeman." Old A, whose vision was completely darkened, said silently in his heart, without any resentment towards the policeman who shot at him.

Perhaps for him, death is both atonement and relief.

He hit the opponent three times before, and seeing the shot old A fell to the ground and struggled for death, Chen Shu's heart was beating violently, and he felt a heat rising from the soles of his feet, and an unspeakable excitement surged into his heart .

He felt that he had confessed to Chen Chuan.

But the wife and children this man had been nagging about before his death made Chen Shu's heart tremble. Even if old A is a murderer, even if old A attacked the police, his wife and daughter are innocent.

Maybe the two of them are nestling in some corner at the moment, with their eyes wide open, waiting for their husband and father looking forward to the stars and the moon.

Chen Shu watched the person he killed fell to the ground so quietly, feeling waves of coldness pouring down from the top of his head.

Pull it out and cool it down.

Under the dim street lights, the lonely Chen Shu could only hold tightly to the handle of the pistol pinned to his waist, thinking that this was the support of his life. But the bone-piercing, cold metallic feeling rushed from the palm to the atrium, and the hands slowly, slowly began to shake unbearably.

I don't know how long it took, but when he finally heard the siren sound from behind, he woke up suddenly and found that his whole body was shaking non-stop.

He kept taking deep breaths, and then deep breaths.

I just thought it was just a dream, and Chen Chuan would run over with a smile on his face and make irrelevant jokes with him; the fugitive old A was brought to justice, actively reformed in the prison, and waited for the day when he would return to society and his family.

Yes, he has a wife and daughter waiting.

Chen Shu's thoughts scattered again uncontrollably, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the motionless corpse lying on the ground.

The body of the old A.

A burst of icy cold swept over again, sticking to Chen Shu's skin, penetrating directly into his pores, reaching every corner of his body.

"It's cold, it's really cold."

Chen Shu looked down at his slightly trembling hands, mentally feeling the trembling of his whole body in real time, and even the slightest chill in his pores pricked his brain nerves like needle pricks.

It's an early morning in June.


Sirens sounded from behind, and the backup police finally arrived.

After the murder, Chen Shu closed his eyes in pain.

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