Police Chen Shu

Chapter 365 Emergency

Li Meng, who was guarding the corridor, watched helplessly as Chen Shu and other members of the SWAT team slowly surrounded the place where old A was sitting according to the established plan.

He was unwilling.

He was the first to get the clues of this case, and he led the team to arrange and implement the preliminary investigation and disposal work.

He was the first to arrive at the scene, and also the first to find Old A eating, but why did he have to give up this opportunity when it came to the final arrest.

He somewhat regretted his caution in advance. Even in the early stage of the investigation, it is quite possible to swarm the fugitive A, who is a fugitive with a gun. After all, there were more than a dozen police officers in their criminal university, and each of them could drown him with a mouthful of saliva.

Why did he foolishly report to his superiors at the beginning, and then waited for support?

Why did the special police who came to support him take the credit?

Aren't their special police always thugs?

Why did you pick the fruit directly this time?

Li Meng couldn't hold back his restless heart, and jumped on the spot, feeling that he had suppressed his emotions a little bit, but his hands began to shake slightly.

Staring at the bloodshot eyes, he stared at Old A in a daze.

"Made, those special police officers are cheaper!"

Wen Zhao complained from behind, Li Meng's heart jumped twice, he clenched his fists, his nails sank into his palm.

"This 'Chen An'an', he was the one who got involved in the murder case last time, and he jumped out again to catch the murderer this time. I really can't figure out whether he has a grudge against us!" Wen Zhao, who was standing behind, continued Angrily, he dug out all the old accounts and settled them.

The reservoir murder case that happened in Yangyi street a year ago caused the entire Criminal University to be severely slapped in the face in front of the leaders of the city bureau. For some of the criminal policemen who witnessed the case, it is still a pain in the throat.


Li Meng suddenly felt blood rushing from his feet to his head, and his eyes could only see the back of Chen Shu swaggering.

The back seems to be proud, it seems to be showing off.

They are punished with great incompetence and powerlessness.

Li Meng couldn't help it anymore, gritted his teeth and said, "Wen Zhao, old A will definitely not be able to escape from the corner now. Let's rush over and pin him down together now!"

He couldn't take anything else into his eyes, and he seemed to have forgotten the original intention of their criminal investigation brigade to ask for help from the special police brigade: Old A had a gun and killed someone.

Wen Zhao took a few steps closer, and said in a low voice: "Li Da, the special police and the others have all passed by, will it be too late for us to go there again?"

"Who will write "The Passage of Capture"?" Li Meng asked without turning her head, staring at the front.

After the criminal suspect is captured, the arresting personnel will issue a "Catch Process" stamped with the Bureau's seal. This document will be included in the case file and sent to the court until the case is over and sealed. It will be an important basis for future awards for the case.

Several of them are old detectives who have worked for many years, so they are very clear about these details. Furthermore, Li Meng was still the youngest cadre in the sub-bureau. With him in the lead, Wen Zhao and the other policemen had no other ideas other than eager to try.

In a few seconds, the four criminal policemen had unified their thinking. In order to catch up with the special police, they followed behind Li Meng, spread their legs and rushed towards Old A.

Since it is the peak period of evening dining, there are many people eating in the restaurant, squeezing each other and there is no extra space.

With the running of Li Meng and others, the sound of the collision of tables, chairs and benches and the sound of cursing from the crowd suddenly sounded.

Over here, old A heard the sudden noise, and suddenly raised his head to look at the position where Li Meng and others rushed over.

Seeing this, I was shocked, and found that four or five burly men rushed towards the place where he was sitting.

police! !

run! !

Old A stood up and raised his feet, and saw that several young people who had been following the proprietress before, all focused their eyes on him surprisingly unanimously at this moment.

Old A has a bad heart and knows that these people are also policemen. Immediately, he decisively raised his hand and turned the table to the right, resisting the approach of the few police officers who were nearby.

"The police are here to arrest people! Run!"

At the moment of lightning and flint, old A didn't even think about it, first shouted "the police are here" to cause chaos on the scene, and then waited for the opportunity to run to the toilet on the other side.

There is an escape route that he stepped on earlier.

And as old A shouted, the group of people in the restaurant who were betting on the top suddenly exploded like new oil in a hot pan.

A group of them rushed out like crazy, and then fled in all directions like birds and beasts.

This time, the organization of the arresting team previously arranged in the restaurant was completely disrupted in an instant as the crowd suddenly scattered and rushed.

The whole scene suddenly got out of control.

Li Meng and others who were among them were also squeezed by the flow of people, and they had no room to move around. They could only watch helplessly as Old A escaped the flow of people and slipped into the toilet next to the corner like a loach.

But Chen Shu, who was hit by food and drink, didn't expect it, and he didn't have time to issue an order. All the combatants could only do their best to push away the fleeing crowd, and tried their best to rush to the door or the toilet.

Outside the restaurant.

Special police chief Li Da and criminal police chief Ren Guoqing were sitting in a black car parked by the side of the road.

Ren Guoqing stared at the door of the restaurant, only waiting for Chen Shu and others to escort the murderer, Old A, out of the restaurant.

"Ren Da, this is the first time I have caught a murderer. It is said that this kind of person is vicious and murderous without blinking an eye. What did you say earlier, that person is still carrying a gun?"

On the surface, Li Da said something false, but his tone sounded a little joyful. He must also be convinced that under the leadership of their deputy captain Chen Shu, this criminal must be easily caught.

Ren Guoqing, who was over fifty years old, narrowed his eyes. After waiting for so long, there was still no movement inside. He felt a little uneasy, and casually taught Li Da's question:

"Da Li, you are over 40 years old, and you are still a captain. You are more calm in your work, but you are just a murderer. Why are you nervous? Thanks to you, you are still a special police officer."

They were all captains, and Ren Guoqing, the captain of the criminal investigation team, was much more arrogant than Li Da.

In the Zhengming District Public Security Bureau, the captain of the Criminal Division is the leader of the team that entered the bureau, and his rank is at the sub-section level. And the rank of the special police team leader is a stock, not to mention joining the team. Usually, the sub-bureau organizes a meeting of the overall middle-level cadres, and sometimes they will not notify them of the special police.

Li Da scratched his scalp and smiled sarcastically. He actually wanted to earn some face in front of Ren Guoqing, after all, Chen Shu was a member of their special police. Unexpectedly, in Ren Guoqing's heart, Chen Shu had already been regarded as a member of their criminal university.

Therefore, one does not feel ashamed, and the other naturally does not feel that he has earned face.

Suddenly, there were bursts of screams outside the car.


"The police are coming! The police are coming!"

"The police have arrested someone!"


A large group of people poured out from the entrance of the restaurant. They ran around on the road like crazy. The policemen who were guarding outside stretched their necks at this moment, and they couldn't find a little shadow of Old A from inside.

"No, something went wrong!"

Ren Guoqing and Li Da immediately rushed out of the car, stood on the road, watching the crowds running around, helpless.

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