Police Chen Shu

Chapter 287 Supermarket Theft Case

In the evening, fine snow fell in the sky, and the Spring Festival approached, and the busy city in the past became much more peaceful.

However, the police station is still busy and busy.

Standing on the steps of the compound, Chen Shu, who had just returned from the meeting all day, naturally remembered the song, "The First Snow in 2002".

Yu Yu, a community policeman, came over and said with a smile: "Chen Suo, you, the deputy director, are acting as a substitute for the police, and you are combining the leader and the police on duty into one, but our branch is the only one. Absolutely!"

When Chen Shu was still a policeman, he got along with Yu Yu better, and now they chatted very casually.

After taking a bite, Chen Shu said helplessly: "You also know that our office lacks police force. Last time, we handled several cases overnight, so we have to rest for a few days to catch our breath."

Yu Yu said in a low voice, "I'm just afraid of accidents. If something happens, the responsibility will be on your shoulders."

Chen Shu shrugged, noncommittal to this question.

Yu Yu suddenly laughed, and said with a smothered smile, "However, Director Wu of our community can't stand up if your security team comes here. In the future, let's see how he has the nerve to arrange for us to work overtime!"

Chen Shu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think about the feelings of his colleague, and he immediately felt relieved: "Hehe, it looks like your community is working overtime."

"There is an alarm coming, please accept it!"

"There is an alarm coming, please accept it!"

There was an electronic sound from the front desk on duty, and Yu Yu joked, "Chen Suo, it's your turn to call the police."

Since handling the O production and trafficking case of Boss Luo and others last time, Chen Shu gave the security team a week's vacation. During this period of time, Lao Ding, an old comrade in the security team who no longer handles cases, was in charge of the security and police situation in the office during the day, and Chen Shu, who had finished his daytime administrative shift, took over at night.

Chen Shu kicked lightly, and scolded with a smile: "I'll take it back to the office in a while and mediate with you all night!"

The atmosphere was relaxed. Obviously, the atmosphere of approaching the end of the year made the policemen who had been busy for a year relax a little bit.

"Comrade policeman, the thief is in the office."

When they arrived at the scene, the manager of the supermarket who had been waiting at the door led Chen Shu and his party to the small office in the corner. It is said to be an office, but it is actually a slightly larger dressing room. There are two rows of iron lockers with upper and lower doors in the room for employees to store their personal belongings, and a dilapidated desk is placed outside.

At this time, a middle-aged woman who was about forty years old and dressed in old but clean clothes was sitting on a chair beside the desk with a dull expression, neither speaking nor moving, just sitting there stupidly.

A fat supermarket employee stood by her side, with a fully packaged calculator on the desk.

Chen Shu walked over to pick up the calculator and weighed it, and found that it was a Casio scientific function calculator with a size of several hundred, and it was obvious that it was not for someone like her to use it.

"You took it?"

After all, it's not a big mistake for her to be a woman. Chen Shu tried his best to keep his tone a little more casual and his words less sensitive.

The woman looked up and saw that the police had really arrived, she didn't hold back all of a sudden, she slid off the chair, knelt on the ground, covered her face and cried loudly.

"Wuuu. Brother policeman, brother boss, I beg you, please. Huuuu, I don't dare anymore. I really don't dare. Huuuu"

Chen Shu also saw a lot of this kind of rogue people when things happen, so he turned to the manager with a calculator and asked, "How many times is this?"

The manager thought for a while: "This is the first time I've been caught. I don't know if I've ever stolen here before."

"No no!"

The woman who was kneeling and crying on the ground heard the manager's answer, and immediately crawled over with her knees, pulled the manager's trousers and cried, "Brother Boss, this is really the first time for me, it's really the first time! Son! I have to use it for this exam, and I can't help it!"

The manager disliked the snot in the woman's hands, and pulled his legs back hard, broke free, and said disgustedly: "Who's money is not money, don't use your children to do things! You don't even want to steal things!" Thinking about going to jail? Are you scared now? Talk to the police yourself!"

When the woman heard this, she turned her body and kowtowed to Chen Shu again and again. The sound of "dong dong dong" was not light, and she stood up and choked with sobs after a while and said:

"Brother policeman, my father is paralyzed at home and can't work. The child is now in high school, and the family relies on me to do odd jobs outside alone for food. If I go to jail, the child will definitely not be able to study, and her life will be over. My poor child. If I hadn’t had a child, I really wanted to jump off the building with my father. Our lives are so miserable.”

Zhu Chaoran on the side couldn't see it, and stepped forward to help the woman to sit on the chair.

Chen Shu asked: "Manager, do you have monitoring here? I want to take a look."

The manager took Chen Shu to the computer room next door, and watched the surveillance video at that time.

After the middle-aged woman entered the supermarket, she went straight to the school supplies area. She was obviously familiar with this place, and she was probably ready to steal today.

After arriving at the ground, the woman slowed down instead. Squatting next to the shelf, I looked at the models one by one, picked and picked, and finally stuffed one of the calculators into the clothes.

Holding the calculator in his hand, Chen Shu still had some doubts in his heart. He also came from high school, and his grades were not bad and he just touched the mark line of a book, so he knew what kind of calculator high school students should use.

Obviously, the calculator in my hand does not meet the high (kao) standard, and no student would use a substandard calculator in their daily studies. But according to the picking and picking actions of this middle-aged woman when stealing, it is estimated that she is also looking for a suitable model.

The result of his reasoning told him that the middle-aged woman was lying, but after so many years of experience in being a vigilant and discerning person, he was desperately beating the counterclockwise in his mind.

The manager who also stood by and watched the surveillance together complained angrily: "Comrade police, it is really not easy for us to open a store. A few days ago, more than 3,000 things were stolen in this month's time. Hey! I I was almost scolded to death by the boss! This time I finally caught one, you must lock this woman up for a few days!"

Chen Shu thought for a while, and prepared to take the man back to the office first.

For the convenience of returning, the manager drove to the police station by himself, and the middle-aged woman naturally followed Chen Shu back in the police car.

Before getting into the car, Zhu Chaoran secretly pulled Chen Shu aside, and said in a low voice: "Brother Shu, I asked, this woman's family is really miserable, she shouldn't be lying. Or just let her go. "

Fatty doesn't understand, how can such a case with a victim be let go as soon as it is said.

Chen Shu smiled and patted the pure and kind Zhu Chaoran on the shoulder: "Fatty, don't worry, I know your book brother well."

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