Police Chen Shu

Chapter 216 Became a hacker

Late night, Inspectorate Brigade, Complaint Center

"What! Zhang Da means that Chen Shu will not be done?"

Deng Xiaochao's heart was half cold, and he stood up from the office chair at once, clenched his hands into fists, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Originally, after returning from the Zhongshan Police Station, he took the initiative to work overtime and stay in the office to sort out materials, just to make the case look good, but at this time he received a formal notice from the leader to withdraw the case.

Lynch nodded with a bitter face: "Zhang Da didn't want to. We also lack indicators recently. Originally, Chen Shu's matter was delivered to the door, but it turned out."

He closed his mouth halfway through, stretched out a finger and pointed to the ceiling above, then closed his eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

"Could it be Zhang Ju's intention?" Deng Xiaochao fell onto the chair without any strength left.

Lynch shrugged noncommittally, just leaned over from the desk, and lightly patted Deng Xiaochao's shoulder twice.


Deng Xiaochao's desk is located in the corner on the northwest side of the complaint center. On weekdays, he also particularly likes this remote position, because sitting in this position, he will be the first person in the entire office to see the leader come in from the outside.

He can react faster.

For example, when answering the phone, the attitude is polite and polite; for example, when checking the information, the sitting posture is good and straight. And so on, just to impress the leaders.

He thought that this time the leader allowed him to go to the Zhongshan Police Station to handle Chen Shu, a big star in the sub-bureau, as an affirmation of his hard work for so long.

He thought that if Chen Shu successfully punished Chen Shu for abusing his power and beating a criminal suspect this time, it would be the first step for him to transfer to a field post.

As a result, until now, he was still sitting alone in this corner. And tomorrow, he will start answering complaint calls and record and file.

In fact, this kind of nine-to-five life is the dream job of many grassroots policemen. However, Deng Xiaochao's thoughts were not on this aspect.

At this moment, he watched Lynch's back walk out of the office, and then thought of the other party's comfort and persuasion just now, letting him handle the work at hand with peace of mind, and stop thinking about going out to handle the case.

His heart was full of anger.

"Chen Shu! Just wait, this matter is not over yet!"

That night, Deng Xiaochao, who was furious, registered several new media accounts and Dongzhou local forum accounts, cut off the beginning and end of the complaint video, added some (fire-fan) inflammatory words, and posted it on the Internet.

In the early morning, everything was quiet, Dongzhou City fell into a deep sleep except for the street lights along the road that were still shining dutifully.

However, right now is the time when many night owls on the Internet come and go.

A video news of "police beating someone" spread all over Dongzhou's large and small forums or post bars in a short period of time. Even several big Vs in the province reposted the link one after another. There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, the number of likes was high, and the enthusiasm of the comments was shocking.

Chen Shu, a policeman from the Zhongshan Police Station, was on the cusp of this public opinion involving the police.

"Scum among police officers! Disgrace among the ranks!"

"Looking at his skillful posture of beating people is definitely protection-(san), I suggest you check it out! Wearing a tiger skin, no human affairs!"

"The black sheep! Take off your clothes and leave! Now the police, if you take off your clothes, they are all hooligans!"

"Is this kind of person still not expelled? Keep it for the Chinese New Year?"

"The world is as black as crows! If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be aggravated!"

"I know this, I was there at the time. The man who was beaten is a criminal!"

"Can criminals be beaten like this? This is a violation of people (mu-again)!"

"Please publish the full video content, otherwise no comment will be made."

There are also some objective and fair comments. There are not many words, and there are very few likes. I only showed my face in the tide of online reviews and was completely drowned out.

In order to attract attention and increase click-through rates, some websites and individuals concocted a series of articles such as "Gotham City Surprised in Eastern State" and "Drunken Police Beat Someone" in the name of exercising news supervision rights to spread rumors on the Internet.

Dongzhou Chen Shu is on fire.

In the early morning, Zhengming District Public Security Bureau, Internet Surveillance Brigade, Public Opinion and Stability Maintenance Office.

Li Shimin, a police officer, just came to the office after having breakfast in the canteen of his unit. Taking advantage of the early hours and before working hours, he made a cup of instant coffee, habitually took out his mobile phone and logged in to the post bar "Dongzhou Bar" to browse posts.

As the head of the online review team under the Internet Surveillance Brigade, Tieba, Douyin, local forums, and news apps are all his main battlegrounds, and he must stay online at all times.

It's both work and play.

Those who can treat work as entertainment, and entertainment as work, are the public opinion room of the Internet Surveillance Brigade in the public security system.

Li Shimin couldn't help secretly laughing when he remembered that the colleagues in the office next door who accompanied the investigators and the competition were still working overtime, let alone working overtime, he hadn't seen him on duty for a long time.

He swiped the phone screen with his right hand, took a sip of coffee with his left hand, and was wondering if he forgot to add sugar in the morning, when he suddenly saw several popular posts pushed to a very prominent position in the post bar.

"Dongzhou Public Security, the black sheep!"

"Police C hit someone!"

Surprised, he spilled the coffee in his left hand all over the floor.

Not caring about other things, Li Shimin quit the post bar, turned on the computer and entered several local forums in Dongzhou, which were also filled with similar content to the post bar. Because the incident happened in the local area, there were even more quarrels in the post than in the bar. Depending on the situation, the wave of public opinion was extremely fierce.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out his phone again and turned on Douyin Local, and what he saw was a scene of singing and dancing, as usual.

fine! Hope in time!

Li Shimin grabbed the phone and ran to the office of the leader on duty next door.

Zhongshan Police Station, meeting room

Zeng Hong, Chen Shu, and Wu Haojie sat at the conference table, looking at each other.

When the army was transferred to a cadre, Zeng Hong, a front-line law enforcement veteran, frowned and said "hmm" for a long time, but couldn't explain why.

Over 50 years old, Wu Haojie, who is in charge of the patrol team of Zhongshan Police Station and community policing, is also at a loss: "I have never encountered this matter."

Chen Shu pointed to the printed materials on the table, and said with a wry smile, "Am I becoming an Internet celebrity?"

Zeng Hong slapped the table: "This matter is done! I will go to the bureau to find the leader, and you should take good care of your home. By the way, Lao Wu, you will arrange all the police forces for today's street patrol, and then you will lead the team in person. "

Wu Haojie nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it now."

Chen Shu watched Wu Haojie walk out of the conference room and close the door, then turned his head and said, "Zeng Jiao, why don't I go to the bureau?"

Zeng Hong stared at him: "What are you going to do? Are you guilty? Just do what you should do in the prison, and wait for my news."

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