Police Chen Shu

Chapter 147 The Major Murder Case

The other party's cry for help was quite loud, and Chen Shulian must have had a serious accident, so he left in a hurry just now, and he didn't hear clearly what the other party was shouting.

The two people on the opposite side were wearing peaked caps and jackets, carrying long backpacks on their backs, and dragging a large plastic box with small wheels in their hands.

Judging by the equipment, it should be a night fisherman.

They braved the drizzle and ran under the temporary tent of the Zhongshan Institute, bent down and put their hands on their knees, panting desperately.

One of them freed a hand, pointed to the mountain road they ran, and said intermittently: "Comrade police, there are dead people on the mountain!"

Chen Shu's gaze became sharp in an instant: "Dead person? Take a breath first and listen to it. Fatty, go over there and bring two chairs over."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Zhu Chaoran hurried to the simple table and chairs beside him and brought two chairs over.

After the two night fishermen sat down to catch their breath, they told the whole story.

The two are good friends, villagers from a nearby village, and both like fishing. Today Wang Chong asked Wang Daluo to go fishing at Hengyi Reservoir in Ma Mingshan, Yangyi Street.

Fishing is strictly prohibited in that reservoir on weekdays, and there are people patrolling it no matter day or night. Because of the strict management of the reservoir, few people would go fishing there.

Wang Chong and Wang Daluo felt that the fish there must be plentiful and fat, so they made up their minds in private and decided to go fishing tonight.

Because they are all locals, they have been running around on the nearby mountains since they were young. They know that there is a mountain road on Minhang Road that can be walked around the back of Hengyi Reservoir for an hour or so.

When the two went up the mountain and walked halfway along the route they remembered, it rained heavily, so they picked a small bungalow that had been abandoned for a long time and got in to hide from the rain.

Unexpectedly, I found a dead body inside. In a hurry, I remembered that I saw a police checkpoint when I went up the mountain, so I hurried down the mountain to report the crime.

Chen Shu started to arrange work immediately after listening.

He first contacted the command center of the sub-bureau by phone, recounted the situation on the scene, and informed the mobile phone number of the police assistant who stayed at the card point;

Then arrange for the assistant policeman to accompany Wang Chong to stay at the temporary checkpoint and wait for the follow-up police force. When the police force arrived, Wang Chong led the police officers up the mountain;

Then Zhu Chaoran and Xiao Lin were asked to bring reflective cones, warning isolation ropes, flashlights and other tools. Led by Wang Daluo, the group went straight to the crime scene!


The rain was not heavy, but the mountain road was slippery, and there were no street lights. The dark mountain road made it difficult for several people to walk.

If it wasn't for the local villager Wang Daluo who led the way and brushed away the weeds up to his waist, Chen Shu would never have noticed that there was such an abandoned path leading to the houses where the crime occurred beside the original mountain road.

The location of the incident was a bungalow with about three rooms. There is a courtyard at the entrance of the main house, which is very dilapidated. The gates are two very old iron gates, with a piece of rusty iron chain wrapped around each other, but the ground inside is poured with cement.

Entering the yard, Chen Shu could vaguely smell a stench. This smell was very similar to the smell of raw meat bought at home that had been rotting for a long time.

Wang Daluo curled his arms and pointed timidly towards a half-open bungalow, his eyes full of fear: "Comrade police, it's right there."

After pointing the direction, his hands trembled slightly, and he muttered helplessly to cover up his emotional uneasiness.

Chen Shu nodded, waved Wang Daluo to leave the scene, and went to stay outside the yard. Arrange for Zhu Chaoran and Xiao Lin to fence the outside of the yard with reflective cones and warning ropes.

Zhu Chaoran, who was usually very curious, hesitated for a while, and stopped talking. But seeing Chen Shu's serious expression, he swallowed his words again, and obediently took Xiao Lin to set up a quarantine zone outside.

Chen Shu put on his mask, gloves and foot coverings, picked up the flashlight and turned on the brightest gear, and walked inside.

The moment the wooden door was pushed open, a strong and pungent smell rushed over!

Masks or something like nothing!

Chen Shu suppressed the nausea from his mouth, stood at the door and shot around the room with a flashlight.

In the northeast corner of the room, a corpse wearing a long yellow down jacket was casually thrown aside like garbage.

Although Chen Shu, who has been in class for several years, has seen many corpses, they were all in broad daylight, or at night, but with sufficient lighting and many people around.

Like today, it was the first time for me to stay alone in a gloomy, dilapidated room in the middle of the night, groping for a dead body.

Zhu Chaoran and Xiao Lin were still setting up guards and isolation outside. In order to avoid damaging the scene, Wang Daluo was also accused of leaving the yard. Now, he is the only one left in this small room, including the entire dilapidated courtyard.

Oh no.

He should be the only living person left.

The rain seemed to be weakening, but without the rustling sound in his ears, Chen Shu felt even more numb.

He straightened his hat with a large brim, held the flashlight tightly in his hand, pointed the light at the corpse in the corner, and walked slowly over.

As he approached the corpse on tiptoe, the sound of "bang bang" in Chen Shu's mouth became stronger as the sound of the rain weakened.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the desolate abandoned house. Tonight it was drizzling, but there was no wind, and the silence was terrifying.

As the distance drew closer, a pair of black sneakers first came into view.

The light moves slowly from bottom to top.

A pair of intact blue jeans appeared in the light, but the pants were a little dirty.

The white spotlight continued to move up.

The front zipper of the long yellow down jacket was unzipped from top to bottom, and there was still no blood on the hem.

But as the lights gradually moved up, a few bloodstains, a few bloodstains, and a few bloodstains slowly appeared!

There was more blood on the chest, and there were ups and downs in the body. The victim was determined to be a woman.

Around the front of the neck, there are large horizontal bloodstains in a radial shape.

Well, it should have been hit on the head.

Seeing this, Chen Shu had a general idea in his heart. Holding his breath, he held the flashlight tightly in his hand, unaware of his already pale fingers.


Move up slowly.


a head!

no eyes!

No nose! !

No mouth! ! !

Nothing at all! ! !

There is only one black hole head! !

Chen Shu couldn't keep his mind for a while, and his stiff body immediately took a step back, and the heel of his right foot was pressed against it, and he was barely able to stand still.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, squatted down slightly, and carefully moved forward a few half steps, the light of the flashlight shot straight at the head of the corpse!

Except for a bunch of long hair on the top of the head, the bottom can no longer be called a human head. Under the light, it was a sticky mass of blood-colored mud! Part of the position is as deep as the bone plate!

Faceless Female Corpse!

Chen Shu gasped.

According to the situation at the scene, the murderer must have hated the woman very much, so after the attack, he slammed her in the face again!

Make the victim unrecognizable!

He murdered!

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