Pokémon’s strongest lottery system

Chapter 158 Conquering the Harker Dragon and the Mini Dragon

Of course Luo Yuan had no problem with his mind, so it was impossible for him to believe what the man in the trench coat said.

Do you believe that a Pokémon hunter can be a good person? That's just as stupid as believing that Kirbymon will lose weight.

Seeing Luo Yuan, he decisively rejected his plea. The man in the windbreaker looked fierce.

"Don't force me, or we will both perish together!"

The man in the trench coat took out a remote control, which looked like some kind of detonating device.

"I have placed a large number of bombs in the entire wild area. Once I press this button, all the Pokémon in the entire wild area will be buried with me!"

This is the man in the trench coat's final trump card.

"You have thought clearly. If you stop now, you will probably be imprisoned for ten or eight years. If you press it, you will never think about it again in your life!" Luo Yuan smiled slightly, his expression was calm, not nervous at all.

He even took two steps forward, looking like he didn't care at all.

Seeing Luo Yuan's movements, the man in the trench coat suddenly became nervous: "Don't come over! I'm going to press it, I really want to press it!"

"Press, otherwise you're a coward!" Luo Yuan sneered.

Do you really think you are stupid? The Wild Wilderness Area is so big that if you want to blow up the entire Wild Wilderness Area, even if you add up all the explosive reserves of Team Rocket, you can't do it, let alone you, a mere foreign bounty hunter organization.

And all the way here, Luo Yuan scanned with his telekinesis on, and found no trace of explosives at all.

So Luo Yuan concluded that this guy was deceiving him.

Sure enough, seeing Luo Yuan getting closer and closer, the man in the trench coat was sweating on his forehead, but he never pressed the button in his hand.

Until Luo Yuan knocked him unconscious with telekinesis, he was still holding the remote control tightly in his hand.

"What an idiot. You have to make up a more reliable reason." Luo Yuan said disdainfully.

The man in the trench coat simply took him for a fool.

Metagross on the side cooperated with Kuailong to quickly kill the remaining Pokémon hunters, and the entire Dragon Valley was suddenly clean.

If the man in the trench coat said that there was explosives on Caesar, Luo Yuan would probably believe him.

Speaking of Caesar

Luo Yuan raised his head and looked around, looking for traces of Caesar, but did not find Caesar's location.

"..., it couldn't be that Long Xingqun killed Caesar before." Luo Yuan was worried.

It would be really troublesome if Caesar were killed easily.

Fortunately, after searching carefully, Luo Yuan found Caesar behind a rock who was knocked unconscious by the shock wave of the Dragon Star Colony.

Go over and untie Caesar's rope.

Luo Yuan shook him: "Hey, wake up Caesar, wake up!"

Caesar opened his eyes drowsily: "You are... wait, mini dragons!"

Just halfway through the previous sentence, the topic immediately turned to the mini dragon.

Turning his head to look, he saw Kuailong flying towards here with the Mini Dragon in one hand and the Hackron in the other.

"How are the injuries of Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon?"

Caesar asked anxiously.

Luo Yuan glanced at the wounds on Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon and found that they were not serious injuries.

"It's not a big problem. It seems that those bounty hunters were careful when they struck. After all, for these bounty hunters, mini dragons and hack dragons are important goods."

Luo Yuan smiled sarcastically.

"But we still need to contact Junsha and Joey in Light Red City as soon as possible. There are still many injured Pokémon in other places that need treatment. These bounty hunters also need to catch them."

"Yes, we need to contact Junsha and Joey as soon as possible!"

Caesar also quickly got up from the ground. This was his duty as a ranger! He must save those injured Pokémon!

"But I still have to thank Mr. Luo Yuan for his help!" Caesar had obviously recognized Luo Yuan's identity.

He knew very well that without Luo Yuan's help, Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon would never be able to escape from the clutches of those Pokémon hunters, so he was extremely grateful to Luo Yuan.

When he was young, he met Hackron and formed a deep friendship. If Luo Yuan were not here today, I am afraid that his meeting with Ha Kelong decades later would be the last time they would meet in this life.

"It's nothing important. It's just a trivial matter. Let's deal with these bounty hunters first."

Luo Yuan tied the man in the windbreaker tightly with a rope and at the same time searched for the elf ball on his body.

Then we started waiting for Junsha and Joey to arrive.

Junsha and Joey came very quickly.

After all, this was a case involving the Qianhong City Wild Wilderness Area, the largest wild Pokémon sanctuary in Kanto. In just ten minutes, several helicopters landed in Dragon Valley.

A large number of police surrounded the place.

But when they saw a group of Pokémon hunters lying on the ground, they were all stunned.

Wasn't it said that there was an attack by Pokémon hunters? Why are they all lying down?

They looked around and saw Luo Yuan standing there.

They recognized Luo Yuan, and suddenly the police understood everything. Luo Yuan must have taken action to deal with these Pokémon hunters!

"Now that Junsha is here, I won't stay here any longer." Luo Yuan said.

"As for the mini dragon and the huck dragon"

"Please ask Mr. Luo Yuan to take them away." Caesar looked at the unconscious Mini Dragon and Hackron. Although there was reluctance in his eyes, he still said firmly. "

It won’t be long before word spreads about the appearance of Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon in the Pokémon Wild Area throughout the Kanto region.

With his strength, he cannot protect the Mini Dragon and the Hack Dragon. Rather than letting the Mini Dragon and the Hack Dragon be caught by Pokémon hunters, it is better to leave them to Luo Yuan to train them, so that at least the Mini Dragon and the Hack Dragon can have some protection. A good growing environment.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and did not refuse.

At present, it seems that he is the only one who can protect the mini dragon and the hack dragon, and Luo Yuan does his part in this matter.

"give it to me."

Luo Yuan put the mini dragon and hack dragon into the elf ball, but the mini dragon and hack dragon did not resist.

The next thing was simple. Luo Yuan left the aftermath to Junsha and went directly to Qianhong City.

The first time he arrived in Qianhong City, Luo Yuan headed towards the Pokémon Center.

Although the Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon were not seriously injured, they still need to be treated as soon as possible!

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