Pokémon’s strongest lottery system

Chapter 128 Shiruf Company

A night of silence

Early the next morning, when Luo Yuan woke up, he found that Kona had disappeared.

There was only a note left, which roughly stated that she had something to deal with on the Seven Islands, so she would go back to the Seven Islands for the time being.


Luo Yuan felt a little weird.

Why do you feel like you've been abandoned?

Shaking his head and throwing such boring thoughts to the back of his mind, Kona just returned to the Seven Islands, not leaving without saying goodbye. Luo Yuan got dressed, washed up, and prepared to go to Shirouf Company.

The appointment with President Shirouf this afternoon was almost here. It was natural for Luo Yuan not to leave the impression of being unpunctual for such an important meeting.

Shiluf Building, Jinhuang City Shiluf Company Headquarters

The Siruf Building is located in the center of the Golden City, towering into the clouds. Just standing here and looking at it will make people feel insignificant.

This building is located here. Compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings and the Shirouf Building, the gap between hobbits and normal people is obvious.

"Tsk, you are really rich."

Luo Yuan looked at the Shiluf Building and couldn't help but sigh at the wealth of Shiluf Company.

You must know that in the Pokémon world, the difficulty of building high-rise buildings is different from that on earth.

On Earth, as long as the technology is sufficient, you can basically build buildings as high as you want.

But it's different in the Pokémon world.

When building high-rise buildings in the Pokémon world, you must consider not only whether the technical level can be achieved, but also the Pokémon living in the sky.

According to research by the Alliance Flying Pokémon Research Association, more than 50% of high-rise buildings built in the entire alliance are attacked by flying Pokémon more than ten times a year, and the remaining 50% are attacked more than five times a year. Seventy percent of the buildings inside and the remaining high-rise buildings have suffered varying numbers of attacks.

And there is not a single building that has never been attacked by flying Pokémon.

Some scholars speculate that this is because the existence of high-rise buildings has invaded the living space of flying Pokémon. Flying Pokémon generally have a strong sense of territory, so they will fight back.

The degree of attack is positively related to the height of the floor.

That's why Luo Yuan said that Shirouf Company has a lot of money, and the maintenance cost spent on this building every year must be an astronomical figure.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

Walking into the Shirouf Building, the young lady at the front desk asked with a smile on her face.

The warm tone gives people a very comfortable feeling.

"I'm looking for President Shirouf and I have an appointment." Luo Yuan said.

"Then may I ask your name."

"Luo Yuan."

"Mr. Luo Yuan, right?" The front desk lady obviously found Luo Yuan's name on the reservation list, and the smile on her face became even more enthusiastic, "Please come with me!"

He said, leading the way in front, and then took the elevator all the way up.

top level

President Shirouf's office.

Following the receptionist into the president's office, Luo Yuan immediately saw President Shirouf sitting on the sofa.

The reason why Luo Yuan was able to recognize this old man with a smile on his face as President Shirouf was mainly because he often saw reports about Shirouf Company in newspapers.

Seeing Luo Yuan walking in, President Shiluf immediately stood up and greeted him: "Mr. Luo Yuan, welcome to Shiluf Company."

President Shirouf was very enthusiastic.

Luo Yuan was not surprised how President Shirouf could recognize him. He had never deliberately hidden his identity. As long as he wanted to find his photos, it was very simple.

He was a little surprised by President Shirouf's enthusiasm and felt a little strange.

However, after traveling through time for so long, Luo Yuan had already developed the ability to remain calm. He responded with a smile: "Hello, President Shirouf, I have long admired your name."

"Don't take it seriously, please sit down."

The two sat down politely.

As an invited guest, Luo Yuan was the first to speak: "I wonder if President Shirouf has any reason for inviting me here this time?"

According to Luo Yuan's previous thoughts, the reason why President Shirouf invited him was to thank him for defeating Team Rocket and solving the crisis that Team Rocket brought to Shirouf Company, and by the way, he wanted to make friends with him.

However, after meeting President Shirouf, Luo Yuan began to doubt whether his idea was correct.

Because if he simply wanted to thank himself, his enthusiasm would be too much, so Luo Yuan couldn't help but have a little more speculation in his heart.

President Shiluf didn't know what Luo Yuan was thinking. Hearing Luo Yuan's question, he said: "I invite you here this time mainly because I want to thank you for your help to our Shiluf company."

"Fortunately you defeated Sakaki, otherwise our Shiruff Company would have suffered."

President Shirouf said this with a happy expression on his face. He was shocked when he learned from Kona that Team Rocket actually rented a building next to Shirouf Company.

The Rockets have built such a large base next to their Shirouf Company. It would be a bit deceptive to say that the Rockets are not targeting their Shirouf Company.

Although Shiruff Company is one of the top companies in the entire Kanto region and even the Chengdu area, if they face the evil organization Rocket Team, which also has no rival in Kanto, Shiruff Company will definitely not be enough.

So it can be said that it was Luo Yuan who saved their Shirouf Company. If Luo Yuan hadn't defeated Sakaki and led to the defeat of Team Rocket, then their Shirouf Company would definitely have suffered.

"That's right. Dealing with Sakaki was also what I had to do." Luo Yuan remained as modest as ever.

Although he said that, President Shirouf did not take Luo Yuan's polite words seriously. No matter what, if Luo Yuan hadn't taken action, their Shirouf company would definitely not have been able to escape. They expected the alliance to repel the Rockets and also I don’t know how long it will take, but even if Shiruff Company repels Team Rocket by then, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

But since Luo Yuan said so, he couldn't dwell too much on this topic.

President Shirouf took an envelope from the assistant next to him and presented it with both hands.

"This is a little thought from our Shiruf Company."

The envelope was very thin and contained either a bank card or a check. Luo Yuan was not polite to President Shirouf.

Shiluf Company has a big business, and the money is just a drop in the bucket for Shiluf Company. It would be a bit artificial if Luo Yuan didn't accept it.

Seeing Luo Yuan accept it, President Shirouf's smile became even brighter.

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