Chapter 92: Falling into another dimension

Karakura breaks through the space that is on the verge of destruction with its powerful strength. The dazzling glare makes Liu Feng unable to open his eyes. After a while, the glare disappears and Liu Feng opens his eyes. There is no space around, and some are just a patch. A storm caused by the fragmentation of space.

“This different-dimensional crack is really dangerous, the second-level gods are in danger here, and only the strength of the first-level gods can come and go freely.” Liu Feng said.

“Yes, but the more troublesome thing is that this different-dimensional crack connects many parallel worlds. We have to find the space node of our world. If we go wrong and run to other worlds, it is a very troublesome thing to find again. “Lokia said.

“Is this something hard to find?” Liu Feng knew little about this.

“Yes, the two of us don’t have space-related abilities. If Palkia, the god of space, is there, we can easily return to our world.” Rogia said.

“If Palkia fights in this environment, I guess it can compete with you.” Liu Feng said curiously.

“Yeah, this kind of place is most suitable for Palkia.” Rokia is also helpless. If it is a first-level god, it is okay, although it is troublesome, defeating the opponent is not a problem. But if there is a Palkia of the super mythical beast level fighting it here, it will be very troublesome, and it is estimated that only Karakura can deal with it.

“Master, I’m back.” Crack Karakura emerged from a certain space storm.

“How about it, did you find it?” Liu Feng asked.

“No.” Karakura shook her big head and said, “We don’t know where we were got after the space was broken. I accidentally ran into another world just now, and I almost collapsed that world as a result.” Karakura said. .

“Crash? What’s the matter?” Liu Feng didn’t quite understand.

“That world is just a small world, and the strongest is only a first-level god. If my super god beast passes, it will cause problems in that world.” Karakura said.

“Is there no Arceus there?” Liu Feng asked curiously.

“There is only one Arceus. In fact, people now have some wrong understanding of Arceus. Arceus is indeed a god of creation. It is true, but no matter how powerful it is, it can only create the kind of small world I just went to. The laws of the world are not perfect, so the existence of super mythical beast cannot be born.” Karakura explained.

“Also, what it can easily destroy or create the Pokémon world is just nonsense. If it wants to destroy the Pokémon world, it needs to destroy all the parallel worlds.” Rogia said.

“So, I thought it was really that strong.” Liu Feng was stunned, and then continued to search for the space node to return to the world.

I don’t know how long it took, Liu Feng found out that he really couldn’t find it.

“Forget it, let me try.” Liu Feng didn’t plan to let Karakura and Rogia try again one by one.

“Master, do you have a way?” asked the two god-tier beasts.

“I can only try, but it is not necessarily successful. If it doesn’t work, I will use a secret weapon.” Liu Feng was also helpless. There is a transfer scroll in the system space, which can be transferred to the place where you want to transfer. But the price is not cheap. It can cost five at a time. It costs 10,000 gold coins, which is one-third less.

Liu Feng urged the power that belonged to his pre-reincarnation. Although this power dissipated after using it once, the seal method that was printed in his mind last time was still there, and it could communicate the seal on Xingwu’s body.

“Found it.” Liu Feng pointed in one direction. Rogia and Karakura led Liu Feng into the space node. A strong light flashed. Liu Feng asked Rogia and Karakura to go back. A Uzumaki appeared in front of him. Feng stepped into the vortex, returned to the crystallization tower, and then saw Xiao Zhi, Yan Di and the others who were looking at him dumbfounded.

“Hi, guys, don’t you think I am?” Liu Feng smiled and said hello.

“Liu Feng, are you still alive?!” Xiao Zhi jumped up directly.

“How is it possible? I obviously threw you into a crack in another dimension, let alone how you escaped from the space of destruction, you can’t return to this world just in a different dimension.” Yan Di lost his voice. road.

“Good luck, I found the space node.” Liu Feng explained casually.

“Liu Feng, Xiao Mei is willing to go with us. Emperor Yan also agreed. But the power of the unknown totem suddenly ran away, and we couldn’t stop it.” Xiao Zhi said hurriedly.

“Sure enough, it’s still out of control, where is the unknown totem?” Liu Feng asked.

“Just behind you.” Xiaozhi said.

Liu Feng looked back and saw that many unknown totems were moving regularly around a ball of light, but the energy fluctuations were unstable.

“I’m going!” Liu Feng didn’t expect it to be the end of this mission after returning. I feel that I don’t have any sense of existence this time. After I came, I fought for two games and was thrown into a different dimension. I finally came back and caught up with the unknown totem. It was really…

“Come out, Kuailong, use Dragon Wave.”

The fast dragon spewed a huge dragon-shaped shock wave to hit the unknown totem, but there was an invisible protective barrier around the unknown totem, which could actually block the dragon’s fluctuations of the fast dragon. Emperor Yan also used jet flames to attack, but it still didn’t work.

“Liu Feng, what should I do?” Xiaozhi also asked Pikachu and the fire-breathing dragon to try to attack, but it still didn’t work. (Note: The Fire-breathing Dragon came to rescue Xiaozhi from the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley.)

“There is a way, but there is a way.” Liu Feng hesitated, then looked at Emperor Yan.

“I understand.” Emperor Yan nodded. Then she looked at Xiaomei: “Xiaomei, thank you for treating me as your father, but unfortunately, I can no longer accompany you. The last thing I can do for you is to send you out of here. .”

The Emperor Yan roared, and hit him directly with his body.

“Liu Feng, who is Emperor Yan?” Xiao Zhi asked.

“It was originally summoned by the unknown totem, so it is of the same origin as the unknown totem. This can be regarded as Yan Emperor’s backlash against the unknown totem.”

“But in this way, won’t Yan Emperor disappear?” Xiaogang understood the meaning of Liu Feng’s words.

“Why, I can’t let Dad disappear, can’t let Dad disappear…” Xiao Mei grabbed Liu Feng by the corner of her clothes and cried.

Liu Feng squatted down and said solemnly: “Xiaomei, Emperor Yan is all for you. It is willing to let itself disappear for your wish. What Yandi didn’t say is that only when the unknown totems all return to the cracks in the different dimensions can they disappear. Eliminate the influence of the unknown totem on this world, that is to say, Dr. Xiuli who disappeared because of the unknown totem may return.”

“It’s possible for Dad to come back, really?” Xiaomei’s hands that grabbed Liu Feng’s horns were all white because of excessive force.

“Yes, so you have to believe in Emperor Yan.” Liu Feng said.

“Dad…Come on, father!” Xiao Mei yelled vigorously.

“Quick Dragon, use the Dragon God to dive to help it.”

“Fire-breathing dragon, Pikachu, you too.”

The fast dragon, the fire-breathing dragon and Pikachu worked together to help the Yan Emperor, and finally broke the barrier. Emperor Yan took this opportunity to rush in half of his body, expelling his last flame with all his strength, and smashing the ball of light in the center of the unknown totem. The ball of light emitted a strong ray, stabbing Liu Feng and everyone else.

After the light dissipated, Emperor Yan had already dissipated and returned to Xiaomei’s dreamland. A vortex also appeared in the sky, sucking in all the unknown totems.

“Ding, congratulations to the master for completing the task, rewarding fifty thousand gold coins and a fire-breathing dragon Y super evolution stone.”

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