The battle was over, and the battle was over.

It was late at night when Yun Xiao walked out of the arena. He walked towards the Pokémon Center with Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng with satisfaction.

In Xiao Sheng's hand, Yun Xiao was holding the reward for his 100 consecutive victories, a full set of top-quality evolution stones provided by the alliance, including metal membranes for the evolution items of Onix and Scyther, and protective gear for the evolution item of Rhino.

There were also upgrade data, power amplifiers, lava amplifiers, suspicious patches... a series of top-quality evolution items were given, all of which contained powerful energy. Pokémon that evolved using them below the advanced level could be directly promoted to the next level.

Yun Xiao's three Pokémon, Frog, Milotic, and Sandspur, all successfully advanced to the elite level in the winning streak. After Frog advanced, Yun Xiao directly put the top-quality King's Certificate on Frog's head.

Frog also successfully completed its evolution with the help of the King's Certificate, and the energy in its body became more abundant.

After returning to the Pokémon Center, after everyone finished dinner, Yun Xiao lay down on the bed tiredly and fell asleep.

The next day, Yun Xiao did not train as usual. After a day of fighting yesterday, Yun Xiao felt a little tired today, so he accompanied Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng to stroll around Shuijing City, and under Xiaoyao's guidance, they ate various famous food on the food list.

On the third day, the opening day of the gorgeous competition finally arrived. Yun Xiao and Xiaosheng sat in the front row of the audience early to cheer for Xiaoyao.

"Yun Xiao, do you think my sister can beat Kana?"

Before the gorgeous competition, Xiao Sheng had done enough homework and found that the only threat to his sister in this competition was Kana, whom they knew. Because he knew how powerful Kana was, Xiao Sheng was also a little worried.

"After such a long journey, Xiaoyao is no longer the little newbie she was before. Believe in Xiaoyao, she can do it."

Yun Xiao held the long-tailed monster hand in his hand and looked at the competition stage with confidence. On the competition stage, the only people they can rely on are Pokémon and themselves. They can only choose to believe in Xiaoyao standing in the middle of the stage.

As for why he held the long-tailed monster hand, it was because it knew that Xiaoyao was going to participate in the gorgeous competition, and out of curiosity, it kept clamoring for Yun Xiao to take it to watch.

"You are right, I must shout louder when my sister is performing."

Xiao Sheng nodded and agreed with Yun Xiao's statement. Although Xiaoyao's strength is not as strong as Yunxiao's at present, Xiaoyao's strongest Strider and Hunting Butterfly have also reached the advanced level. Swampert, Cattail, and Ponytail are all at the intermediate level, and the inferior Bulbasaur is at the elementary level.

Of course, the gorgeous contest does not rely on the level of Pokémon. Instead, it relies on the gorgeousness of Pokémon to perform. If it relies solely on combat power to win, it will be the same as the League Contest.

The game started quickly. After Lillian's speech, the contestants began to appear one by one.

It should be said that the popularity of the gorgeous contest in Hoenn is really high. The seats are full and every audience member is shouting happily.

From the performance point of view, the strength of the contestants here is indeed not strong, and many contestants have made some mistakes due to nervousness.

After the performance of the previous trainer, Xiaoyao's performance was soon ushered in. Xiaoyao put on a beige dress, like a princess in a fairy tale.

"Come on, Xiaoyao!"

"Come on, sister!"


Yun Xiao, Xiaosheng and the long-tailed monster were cheering for Xiaoyao from the audience. Xiaoyao looked calm and confident on the stage. She was no longer a beginner who was on stage for the first time. This time would determine the ownership of her fourth ribbon badge.

"Xiangwei Miao, get on the stage!"

Xiaoyao sent Xiangwei Miao to the first round of the review. Xiangwei Miao's cute appearance was liked by the audience, and they began to applaud and look forward to their performance.

Sometimes, a good appearance is a good plus point.

"Xiangwei Miao, use the cat's hand!"

Xiaoyao looked a little solemn. After commanding Xiangwei Miao, she looked at the skills that would appear after Xiangwei Miao's cat's hand.

"Use the cat's hand!"

Xiaosheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiaoyao to be so bold.

"Cat's Hand can use all the skills of Pokémon that have not appeared yet at will. This is a skill that really tests the trainer's skills."

Yun Xiao looked at Xiaoyao on the stage and couldn't help but sweat for her.


Waving his front paws towards Tail Meow, Cat's Hand

The skill used was Bulbasaur's Petal Dance, which fluttered in the wind and left a beautiful scene.

"Great, it's Petal Dance! Catkin uses Charming."

The Petal Dance itself has a very good gorgeous value, and with the blessing of the love created by Charming, the beauty made the audience begin to boil.

"You have a set!"

Looking at Xiaoyao's performance, Yun Xiao also applauded her.

"Next, use Blizzard!"

Xiaoyao clenched her hands with confidence. This trick was prepared for today for a long time.


Catkin screamed, and then slowly rose from the ground with the blizzard and floated directly into the air.

A gorgeous ice tower appeared where it originally stood. Catkin stood on one leg cutely on it, and Xiaoyao bowed to the audience for this final performance.


Xiaoyao's performance was unanimously recognized by the audience and judges, and received the highest score of 29.8 in the audience.

"Well done, sister."

Xiaosheng celebrated happily, and this way he had already confirmed his promotion to the first round in advance. After Xiaoyao, Kana also went on stage, and with the help of Pu Pu Pig, he also got a good high score.

When the first round of performances ended, both of them successfully advanced to the second round of performances.

In the second round of performances, neither of them met, but played against passers-by. It was not until the finals that the two officially met.

"Kana, it's finally time to fight with you."

Xiaoyao looked at Kana with full fighting spirit. After watching the game between Yun Xiao and Kana, she had been looking forward to the arrival of this day.

"Xiaoyao, let's not leave any regrets for each other!"

Kana was also looking forward to the battle with Xiaoyao. She still used Pu Pu Pig, while Xiaoyao sent out her main force, Strong Chicken.

"Pu Pu Pig, use mental strength."

Kana took the lead in launching the attack, but unlike when she fought Yun Xiao, the mental strength at this time was obviously a bit gorgeous, and even the power of the skills was a bit weaker.

After all, this is a gorgeous competition, which is different from ordinary battles.

"Strong Chicken, use the Flame Vortex."

Xiaoyao did not retreat, but directly asked Strong Chicken to use the Flame Vortex.

The Flame Vortex directly entangled the opponent's spiritual thoughts, and the spiritual thoughts rotated in the Flame Vortex, which added a touch of splendor to the Flame Vortex, and reduced a lot of the health bar on Kana's screen.

The Flame Vortex did not disappear because of this, and at the same time it quickly hit the body of Pu Pu Pig. Pu Pu Pig was attacked by the Flame Vortex, and Kana lost some blood again.

"You have a set, Pu Pu Pig, use Bounce."

After Kana praised, he asked Pu Pu Pig to use Bounce to rush out of the Flame Vortex, and quickly approached Strong Chicken.

"Just use Iron Tail!"

The attack came very quickly, so Xiaoyao and Strong Chicken had no time to react. The Iron Tail directly hit Strong Chicken's body, and Strong Chicken flew out, and Xiaoyao lost some blood.

"Chicken, are you okay?"

Xiaoyao asked Cheeken worriedly, and Cheeken slowly stood up and nodded firmly to Xiaoyao.

"Okay, use Charged Flame!"

Seeing that Cheeken was fine, Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief and commanded Cheeken to attack in the direction of Pooh.

"Pooh, use Iron Tail!"

Kana did not avoid the battle, but chose to fight head-on. Iron Tail and Charged Flame collided, and both of their health bars were deducted a lot because of this attack.

For now, Xiaoyao has some advantages. The two Pokémon are evenly matched and jumped back to the trainer.

"Pooh, use Bounce, then Iron Tail."

Kana used her combo again, and Pooh quickly came to Cheeken.

"I won't be hit by the same trick for the second time. Cheeken uses See Through, then use Double Kick."

After the speed increased by Charged Flame, Cheeken used See Through to perfectly avoid Kana's Iron Tail.

A missed attack instantly deducted a lot of Kana's health bar, and then a double kick directly cleared Kana's health bar on the screen, and Xiaoyao won the final victory.

"Congratulations, Xiaoyao."

Kana, who lost the game, was not discouraged, but walked up to Xiaoyao to congratulate her.

"Thank you, Kana."

Xiaoyao shook Kana's right hand, and the audience began to applaud and cheer, celebrating the birth of the champion.

(Are there any friends who want to join the book? We are about to enter the main line, and Daigo's team is still short of people. Welcome to sign up. The members of Daigo's team have a lot of roles in the later stage. It is considered some important

We need personnel.)

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