Pokemon: There Are A Lot Of Protagonists In This World

96. Raticate's Eyes, Rockets Four Generals Petrel, Green And Growlithe! (Please Order All!)

"Hey, Raticate, where are you going?"

Approaching the Rock Tunnel, Green Green arrives with the successfully evolved Raticate, only to find that Raticate suddenly runs in a certain direction, making Green frown

But without hesitation, he chased in the direction of Raticate's run.


"Wang ~ roar!"

Near the Rock Tunnel, on a road, a roar was heard.

"This is: ..........”

Green followed the roar and frowned when she saw a large truck and Raticate next to it.

Because there are a large number of Pokémons in the big truck, and a blood-red [R] mark printed on the big truck.

Let Qinglu recognize at a glance who the owner of this big truck is.

It is the underground organization that spans the Kanto Region and the Johto Region Region of the underground Totem.......Rocket!

After frowning, the green expression gradually became indifferent.

The green character can be said to be very calm, or very cold.

For his Pokémon, relatives and friends, he will not hesitate to block his life, but for other things, events that have nothing to do with him, he will calmly analyze the pros and cons.

Team Rocket, as an underground Totem straddling the Kanto two regions, would be very troublesome if it were involved.

"Therefore, when you don't see it passing by directly, it's the best policy!"

"Just let Raticate go back to Poké Ball and just leave..............."

Thinking of this, Qinglu hung up the shoulder bag, took out the Poké Ball and aimed it at Raticate, and said, "Raticate.. ............”


Who knows, Raticate directly jumped to dodge, and the red light stored by Poké Ball shouted towards the green.

"You told me to save them?"

Seeing Raticate like this, Green frowned, and was about to say something when she looked up to meet Raticate's eyes.

Looking at each other for a moment, Qinglu's mind made him think, 'If you were red or cultivated, you would do this if you saw it?'

Indeed, if you want to save, you have to take advantage of now, when there is no one...


Thinking of this, Qinglu couldn't help pouting, and then gave an order to Raticate: "Raticate, Hyper Fang!"


Hearing this, Raticate's expression flashed a ray of joy, and then endless energy factors converged on the pair of large teeth that were determined to bite off the steel bars.


"Wang ~ roar?"

The two canine Pokémons at the door of the car were shocked when they saw a brown mouse that opened its huge front teeth and bit it.


With a crisp sound, the cage that surrounded Pokémon, how the two canine Pokémon did not bite off the steel bars, under the huge incisors, directly shattered into two halves!




Countless wild Pokémons who were captured by Team Rocket on a big truck rushed out frantically and fled in all directions.

Only those two remained, the canine Pokémon, who was desperately trying to bite off the steel bar and escape.

That's when it happened.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? Little devil!"

The members of Team Rocket then arrived.

Hearing this, Qinglu turned her head and looked at the three members of Team Rocket who rushed over, frowning.


Of the two dog lines, Pokémon, a puppy with orange fur and milky yellow hair on the snout, abdomen, top of the head, and tail, landed on all fours and hissed in the direction of Team Rocket.

This is impressive, the Kanto Region is extremely famous, and can be called the Officer Jenny of the Kanto and Johto Region regions, exclusive to Pokémon's... Growlithe!

"Wang ~ roar!"

The other canine, Pokémon, covered in black hair and with an orange snout and belly, looked between Green, Growlithe and Team Rockets.

After shouting at Growlithe, he turned and burrowed into the grass.

"Little devil, don't hinder the work of adults!"

Among the three members of Team Rocket, the middle-aged man with purple airplane head in the middle said with an unkind expression towards the green.

Such a middle-aged man with a purple airplane head looks like a punk, but his identity is indeed the highest group in Team Rocket.

It is one of the Rockets' Executives, Petrel among the four generals!

"If you only do this kind of work that is easily hindered by imps, I advise you not to!"

Green faintly responded to Petrel's taunts, while releasing her Pokémon very skillfully.

Wartortle, Pidegeotto, and Eevee all appeared, while Scyther stayed behind as a backhand.

"It's really feeling..............."

Hearing this, Petrel's expression was on the side, and a cold light flashed in his extremely flat eyes: "To say big words, it seems that you are very confident in your strength!"

Green is strong, very strong!

Definitely one of the most perverted members of the Pokémon world!

Especially since the day of the trip to Pallet Town, I fought against Crimson and made an agreement.

It was as if something had been turned on to Normal, and his talent was completely activated!

But any Pokémon cultivated in his hands will increase his level with an extremely astonishing speed!

The people of Breeder, known as Breeder, deserve it.

But now he's facing Rival Petrel.

Although he seems to be just a gangster, he is one of the top combat forces of Team Rocket, one of the four generals.

It's a real Elite Trainer!

What's more, this Elite Trainer, Petrel, plays Koffing's Self Destruct tactic!

Rumble! Rumble!

Two consecutive explosions that shook the entire Ground were heard!


Green frowned and looked at Wartortle, Bibi Palace, who had eaten two rounds of Self Destruct, because of his combat ability.

"Give it to me, eat a few more rounds!"

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Petrel once again commanded the two Koffing, using explosive tricks to blast towards the green.

"In that case, Raticate Quick Attack, go back!"

Seeing this scene, a ray of light flashed in his green eyes and gave an order to Raticate.


Raticate suddenly sprang into a string of brown figures, under the white wake, comparable to Extrreme Speed's Quick Attack.

In mid-air, he intercepted the two Koffing who were about to self destruct.

Then, with a sudden shake, he changed the direction of the two Koffing, and "kindly" returned it to Petrel and the other members of the Rockets.

Rumble! Rumble!

The roar of two explosions and the vibration of the ground came again.

In this way, the victory of the battle has been reversed, and the victory is determined!

"Raticate, well done, are you alright?"

Covered in smoke and dust, green with half-squinted eyes, asked.


Raticate felt a little difficult to breathe and shook her head to endure the discomfort.

"That's good..............."

Relieved, Green did not notice this abnormality, took Wartortle and Pidegeotto, who had lost their ability to fight, back Poké Ball, and greeted Raticate and Eevee:

Get out of here before that guy's accomplice comes!"

With that, Green took Raticate and Eevee, and Growlithe, who followed him, and retreated in the direction of Rock Tunnel.

At the mouth of the cave of the rock.

"Don't follow along, you can go home!"

Green turned her head and said to Growlithe, who had been following behind.


Growlithe sat in front of the green body, wagging his tail and yelling at him.


Hearing this, Qinglu raised her eyebrows.

This Growlithe's qualifications and heart are good, as can be seen in the Rocket team truck trying to bite off the steel bar to escape, and not afraid of danger to face Petrel with him.


"Then let you be the torch that replaces my lighting!"

Thinking of this, Qinglu did not hesitate to take out a Poké Ball, handed it to Growlithe, and said to him.


Growlithe cried out in response, and spun his forehead against the button in the center of the Poké Ball, turning into a red light and drilling in.


Without the slightest shake, Poké Ball made a subdued sound.

Subsequently, Green released Growlithe and let it use the fire energy lighting, and (Morph Zhao) entered the Rock Tunnel with Raticate and Eevee.

Outside the caves of the rocky mountains, on the slopes of the Black Mountains.

After rescuing Pokémon in the big truck just after Qinglu, Pokémon, who encountered Petrel who rushed in, and finally chose to leave, was standing on it.

It takes in the whole process of just green against Petrel and the whole process of subduing Growlithe in front of the mouth of the cave of the rock.

In a slight silence, gazing at the mouth of the cave seems to be blessed for the choice of his friend Growlithe.


Looking up again, he glanced at the place where Green and Petrel clashed, after thoughtfully.

Without hesitation, he turned around, jumped down the hillside and burrowed into the mountain forest.............

PS: Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of [Nia Hiyo Dajia] [Writing Mo Bai] [Star Origin], and thank you very much for [588] of [Star Origin] for the tip!!!

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