Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 72: end of test

"It looks like it's because of the contract!" Thinking of this, he immediately ran a little further and began to take the initiative to inhale the poisonous powder floating in the air.

"Cough, cough!" After feeling it for a while, I was sure that my body's reaction was indeed similar to when I accidentally inhaled it at the freshman level.

He suddenly laughed, then quickly took out the antidote and drank it.

"It seems that my physical fitness has increased, and my poison resistance has also improved a lot! Then, while the trumpet buds are releasing poison powder, I have nothing to do, so let's test it!"

Speaking of which, Tianji began to lie on the ground and do push-ups.


"My body has increased by almost half of what it used to be. No wonder I felt very relaxed when I ran laps this morning. It seems that I will have to increase the amount of training for myself!"

"Boom? Boom?" Bobo next to him was a little dumbfounded. Seeing his trainer suddenly start doing push-ups and giggling again, it felt weird!

Because today is mainly to help the trumpet bud to do the strength test, it may be necessary to cooperate with it, so it does not need to be trained today, and Tianji also said that there will be new training content for it at that time.

After lying on the ground and resting for a while, he felt that his overdrawn body began to have new strength slowly recovering and moisturizing his body.

"This? This is?" Tianji was a little surprised. He could notice that his recovery speed was also about one-third faster than before.

Moreover, there is a gentle energy nourishing the overworked body, and it is also because of this energy that the speed at which he recovers his stamina is greatly improved.

"This is grass-type energy, it just adds vitality to me!" He has been exercising all year round, and he quickly grasped the degree of increase in his body.

At the same time, the trumpet bud next to him finally filled the three empty bottles around him. Although he felt that his body was about to be hollowed out, he still had fighting power.

"Moo! Moo~moo" He picked up the three large bottles with a rattan whip. When he got up, he was a little surprised, why the green grass turned yellow!

Soon it found a little poisonous powder that was still floating in the air, and in an instant it understood that it was because of its low degree of control over moves.

"Moo??" Trumpet bud, who was originally happy that he could fill three empty bottles at once, gave the bottle to Tianji with a disappointed look.

"Well, you did a good job with the trumpet buds! You can only fill one empty bottle before, but now you can fill three empty bottles. It seems that your body's energy can fully support your powder consumption throughout the day! This Great progress is still to be commended!"

He glanced at the three full bottles, and Tianji nodded with satisfaction. Of course, I saw Trumpet Bud's lost expression, and I understood that I should have discovered my own shortcomings.

But as a child, you still have to praise it first, otherwise you will talk about shortcomings as soon as you come up, which will easily dampen your enthusiasm for training later.

"Moo~moo ('??_?? Trumpet bud became a little happy and asked in a low voice, really?

"Of course it's true! Trumpet Ya!" After speaking, he patted Trumpet Ya's head again.

"Moo~moo? ω?

Moo! Moo~moo???"

Hornya, who was affirmed, nodded happily, then lowered her head, and took the initiative to tell Tianji the shortcomings of her moves.

"Cough! It seems that you have discovered the trumpet buds yourself, very good, you have the courage to face up to your own shortcomings!

Then, since we have discovered it, we must correct it. When we train later, we must work harder! "

Tianji was very relieved to see the trumpet bud who had stated his shortcomings, and said that he would help it correct it together.

"Moo (???_??)?" Hornja nodded, indicating that he would definitely train well!

"Okay, then we have to test the effect of the powder on elves next," said Tianji, and turned his attention to Bobo, who was doing nothing.

"Boom? Boom! Boom(?_? After Bobo noticed Tianji's gaze, he realized that he was the elf who tested poison, and instantly wanted to go back to training!

It only absorbed a little floating powder just now, and it took several sips of the potion.

"Ahem! Bobo, as a member of the team, would you like to help Trumpet Bud test the effect of the powder?

You are also a high-ranking freshman now, so it can be said that your test results are also related to our next hunting!

And I bought several antidotes specifically, don't worry, there will be no life safety! "

After speaking, Tianji took out a brand-new antidote from his backpack, put it in his hand, and looked at Bobo at the same time.

"Moo-moo-moo~" Trumpet Ya also looked at Bobo expectantly, saying that she would never sprinkle a lot of powder!

"Boom~" Bobo yelled helplessly, saying what else can be done, you've already said so much, then come on.

"Okay, let's get started, trumpet bud, Bobo, stand within a range of about 1 meter!"

"Boom!" Bobo replied, standing obediently in the open space one meter away from the trumpet buds.

"Shashasha~" Trumpet bud began to release hypnotic powder normally.

A large amount of powder enveloped Bobo, and soon Bobo fell asleep.

"Bobo? Bobo?? Bobo!" His elf would definitely not be able to wake up with a whip like before, so Tanji used the method of shouting.

It's a pity that Bobo didn't wake up after shouting at the end. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It seems that it has entered a deep sleep, and the time is shorter than that of the green caterpillar!"

He quickly recorded it in his notebook, and then shouted in Bobo's ear with Trumpet Bud.

"Bobo! Bobo!"

"Moo! Moo!"

"Boom? Boom~" Finally Bobo was awakened.

"Okay, then we have a range of 5 meters, Bobo, let's find it!" Tianji pointed to the drawn position.

"Boom~" The tool man Bobo obediently found the corresponding position.

"Shashasha~" Another white hypnotic powder shrouded Bobo.

"Well! This concentration! It seems to be only a little thinner than the one-meter range, but it's still in the high-concentration range."

Tianji was a little surprised, which shows that the field control ability of the trumpet buds has been greatly enhanced.

"Boom~" Soon almost the same time as last time, Bobo fell asleep.

By shouting, Tianji confirmed that Bobo's state was also deep sleep.

Then there is the range of 10 meters, and it comes to the other side again. This range is also the limit that the horn buds can affect before.

But after breaking through to the normal level, the 10-meter horn bud can also put Bobo into a state of moderate sleep.

In the end, it was tested that the horn bud can affect the state of the elves at about 18 meters.

This result has already surprised Tianji a bit. You must know that the current trumpet bud has not been trained. After the training, the trumpet bud is completely familiar with its power, then this statistic will definitely go up.

The next two types of poison powder and paralysis powder were also tested by Bo Bo, and it was found that the effect was increased by about half, and the effective range of influence was the same as that of the hypnotic powder.


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