Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 430: on the gap

The latest website: Hearing the commentator say this, the audience in the stands suddenly realized.

"It turns out to be a superpower, no wonder!"

"Telepathy is convenient!"

"No wonder wearing a mask and pretending to be X, it turns out to be a superpower!"


Because Yuhong City and Jinhuang City have close business ties, they are not very unusual for rare superpowers, and of course they are a little envious in their words.

After all, the power of superpowers is well known.

Looking back on the battlefield, Li Jia naturally understood what happened just now. She has a lot of contact with the Golden City, so she is familiar with this kind of power.

Even though Tianci hid well, she was caught with a trace of energy fluctuation in front of her.

"Xiaohua, we also use growth!" So after Tianji's dumb flower started to use the situation skill, she immediately instructed her mouth dumb flower to use the same move.

"Moo-moo~" Li Jia's mouth was stunned when she heard the words, she immediately mobilized her energy.

Then, this mouth dumb flower actually came from behind, and almost completed the growth move at the same time as Tianji's mouth dumb flower.

Let Tianji's first-strike power advantage be wiped out directly.

"We can see that Miss Lijia also used growth! Moreover, when Tachi player used it first, he even completed this move simultaneously. I have to say, in terms of the cultivation of grass-type elves, our Yuhong City is indeed the best. There's something to be said for it!"

The commentator who saw this scene was afraid that the audience might not understand the meaning of it, so he explained it immediately.

"Haha! Our Yuhong City must be amazing!"

"Awesome! Little Flower!"

"Come on! Miss Lijia!"


Hearing the narrator's explanation, the audience who had not been aware of it before in the stands also became complacent.

To be honest, most of the people just didn't understand it, they just felt that both of them used growth, some slight time difference, who cares?

But in fact, for battles above the elite level, this time can already do a lot of things.

On the field, Tianji's pupils shrank slightly when he saw this scene. Although he was mentally prepared, he would be worse than Lijia's, but when he really appeared in front of him, he was still a little uncomfortable and unbelievable.

You have to know the trick of growing, but the mouth dumb flower has been used since the trumpet bud period. Until now, this trick is also its common skill. The proficiency is definitely not to be said, but this trick has even made the opponent catch up. .

Some people may think that a little time is not enough. Of course, in the league's games with rules, this time does not have much impact.

But in the wild, time is life, and no one will think that it is normal to change your body in anime and put a picture for a minute or two~

In the dangerous wild, this is the performance of unskilled moves. The enemy will not wait for you to show off your skills. When you transform, it is a common thing for you to come.

Back on the battlefield, although Tianji had a gap in his heart, he quickly adjusted his mentality and issued an attack order to Kou Denghua.

"Koudouhua, use the Flying Leaf Poisonous Knife!"

For Tianji's mouth-stunned flower, melting poison is already commonplace in his moves, so when he heard the order, he immediately waved his big leaf hand.

With a few clicks of "Shu shu ~ shu", several green leaves emitting purple rays of light flew towards its opponent, and the other stunned flower flew away.

"Toxic is well cultivated~" Lijia didn't fight back immediately because she had a pointing mentality. Instead, she carefully looked at the poison on the Flying Leaf Knife, and said something from the bottom of her heart, before she stared blankly at her mouth. The flower, with the contract of the soul, ordered:

"Xiaohua, use the dance of leaves!"

It is worth mentioning that because the order was given by a spiritual contract, the audience in the stands could not see Lijia speak.

In the eyes of the live audience, the trainers on both sides seem to be silent now, and then the two dumb flowers are fighting on their own.

There is no way, after all, Tianji used telepathy to give orders. If Lijia uses her voice to communicate again, it will definitely be a step slower. If it really capsizes, she will lose face.

In addition, there is a default rule for fairness in the gym competition of the alliance. If the other party gives an order with a voice, in order not to take advantage of it, then he should give the order with his own voice.

If the other party uses methods such as spiritual contract and telepathy, then he can also use these methods.

Like before, Xiaoling basically used her voice, and Lijia also used her voice to give orders.

But this time Tianji used telepathy, so she can naturally use the spiritual contract to transmit orders.

Fortunately, there was also a commentator on the field. He was well-informed and acted as a subtitle, so that the audience would not be blinded.

"Tianji's mouth was stunned, and he used the Flying Leaf Knife, but judging from the purple light, this should be a fusion move, fused with toxins.

And Miss Lijia's stunned flower also used Ye Zhiwu to fight back.

Some viewers may not understand it. In fact, this move is a combination move of our Yuhong Gym. It is based on the magic leaf.

Compared with the Flying Leaf Poisonous Sabre, who can only determine a rough attack range, Miss Lijia's Leaf Zhiwu should be better. "

Although Tianji wanted to refute the narrator, in fact, the changes on the battlefield did not allow him to justify it.

I saw that on the field, the Flying Leaf Poisonous Knife of Koudouhua was shot down by the Magic Leaf on the opposite side one by one in the air.

The "bang bang bang" sound of the collision of the two energies is even more incessant, and the smoke is everywhere.

Just when he thought it was an even split this time, a few shimmering leaves suddenly flew out of the smoke. Although they were in different directions, they all had only one goal, and that was the one on his side. Silly flower.

"Koudouhua! Vine Shield!" Fortunately, he used telepathy, so almost as soon as he saw the magic leaf, Tianji issued an order to defend.

"Moo Moo!" Mouthful Hua, who cooperated with the trainer tacitly, called out, and immediately pulled out a large number of thick vines from both sides of the body, and in a few strokes, it was woven into a vine shield that covered the whole body.

When the magic leaf appeared, only a few "puchi" sounds were heard, and the vine shield was broken, but all the magic leaves' attacks were blocked.

This move alone gave Tianji a lot of inspiration. It is indeed better than the Flying Leaf Poisonous Saber. That is, because he is a superpower, he can directly use telepathy to give orders to make Koudouhua respond. Block without injury.

If the traditional voice is used to transmit commands, I am afraid that Duan Hua already has a few more holes.

And the fact that he can track the enemy is indeed better than that the Flying Leaf Knife can't change direction.

He decided that when the challenge was over, he would buy a Magic Leaf Skill Inheritance Bead for Koudouhua.

Chapter 431

Although Tianji was at a disadvantage at the beginning, he was not depressed, but rather happy.

Because he has learned something!

However, this was not enough. He wanted to see more, so he immediately commanded Duan Hua for the next round of attack.

"Koudouhua, use a poison bomb machine gun! Shoot!"


Hearing the order, Kou Duhua opened his mouth, and a large number of purple poison bullets were shot at the opposite Xiao Hua. (For the sake of distinction, Lijia's dumb flowers are called Xiaohua below)

"Xiaohua! We also use poison bombs! Fight back!"

Li Jia was not to be outdone, and an order followed immediately.

I saw Xiaohua opened the same mouth, and a large number of purple **** shot over.

In an instant, a "bang bang bang" explosion sounded throughout the venue, and various venoms also splashed around and fell to the ground, making a "hissing" corrosion sound.

In such a situation where the bullets are haunted, the mouths of both sides will inevitably get caught in the venom, but both sides are very skilled in the poison system, so the poison resistance is also very high, and basically no damage is caused.

Tianji didn't care, his focus was on the new move that Li Jia used just now - Poison Bomb!

The splash range of this move is very wide, and two-thirds of the venom on the field is made by Lijia's little flower.

At this time, the explanation of the narrator was also passed on after the fight was over.

"Poison bomb is also a combination move of our Yuhong City Gym. It is a fusion of sludge bombs and acid bombs, and the sputtering is extremely corrosive..."

Hearing the names of these two fusion moves, Tian Ci's heart moved, and he also remembered it in his heart.

Although this combination of moves is definitely not as simple as the forcible fusion of two moves, as long as you have the right clues, it should be possible to reproduce them according to the Poison Element accomplishments that are also not weak.

As for the injury in the process of trying, it is not a problem for the mouth dumb flower with strong recovery ability, and Tianji knows that the mouth dumb flower hopes to become stronger than anyone else, so the tenacity of research is there, and he is not needed. Worrying about a elf.

"Koudouhua! Change the move, use the thorns and poisonous whip!"

After writing down this move, Tianji immediately let Kou Denghua launch a new round of attack.

"Shhhhh~" I saw a large number of sturdy and thorny vines stretched out around the mouth of the flower, and quickly hit the flower on the opposite side.

"It's interesting~ Is it a combination of three moves?"

Seeing this scene, Li Jia's eyes flashed with surprise.

It is true that the Flying Leaf Poisonous Knife and Poisonous Bullet Machine Gun were trained very well before, and they were considered outstanding at the same level.

But there is still a gap with what she cultivated. There are also better combination moves than these two moves in the inheritance of her gymnasium, so I don't care too much.

But this trick is like a mace-like vine whip, and she really doesn't know how to be dumb.

However, it can be seen from the rich experience that this trick should be a combination of the three tricks of vine whip, absorption, and venom.

You should know that two-stroke combinations are very common, but three-stroke combinations are not so easy to get.

Energy balance and multitasking requirements are not something that ordinary elves can easily do.

In her own Yuhong Taoist hall, there are naturally combo moves based on the vine whip, such as the powerful whipping, which is an advanced move of the vine whip.

There is also a powerful poison whip combined with a powerful whip as the core.

But this thorny idea has really never happened.

With her eyesight, she can naturally see that the thorns of this vine are not only used to pierce people, but also to inject toxins or absorb the energy of the enemy, which is very practical.

Of course, no matter how good it looks, you have to get started and try it out, so Li Jia also used the spiritual contract to order to her dumb flower:

"Xiaohua, use a powerful poison whip!"

"Moo!" Xiaohua heard the order, and a lot of blue-purple vines also stretched out around her.

"Oh! My God! Everyone cheers, now is a new contest! After the long-range Ming attack and the poison attack were suppressed, Tachi launched a new offensive, this time it's a close combat! The vines on both sides Get in touch!"

When the narrator saw this, he also said in a passionate tone.

As soon as his voice fell, the vines on both sides touched each other.

The sound of "pop, pop" can be heard endlessly. Although the thorn poisonous whip on Tianji's side seems to be more lethal because of the thorns, in fact, the little flower on Lijia's side has given full play to what it means to be able to beat ten times. The powerful force of the powerful whip completely offsets the advantage of the thorns.

For a while, the two sides actually fought hard, and they were evenly matched.

The audience in the stands was also hooked!

"Come on! Mouth dumbfounded!"

"Wrap it around with vines!"

"A few more vines!"


Anyway, both sides of the battle are dumbfounded, and they are both fighting with vines, so shouting like this is equivalent to cheering on both sides! All right!

For the mouth dumb flower, the battle between these vines can be said to be much more dangerous than before.

These vines are a part of their body, such as the arm commander is really no joke, and only the superb martial artist who is good at whip skills among humans can compete with them.

Although it seems that the bodies of the two elves are standing on both sides of the field, it is true that they are fighting close to each other on both sides.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Koudouhua, did you get through?" After the two sides fought for a while, Tianci suddenly asked telepathically.

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua sensed the roots that she had deeply penetrated, and also responded in her heart.

"Okay! Sneak over! Wrap the enemy on the opposite side!"

Hearing this order, a treacherous flashed in Kou Dianhua's eyes, and the two vines that were hidden under the cover immediately "Shuh!" lurked underground.

Although the soil is very tight along the way, it can't stop the vines that spend the power of the elements.

Soon, UU reading www.uukanshu. The two vines came to the vicinity of Xiaohua.

At this time, Li Jia was probably too confident, or she was concentrating on analyzing this unrecorded thorn poison whip move, so neither her elf nor she found it.

"Good chance! Mouth dumbfounded! Come on! Twinkle!"

Upon seeing this, Tianji also immediately issued an order to attack.

"Moo moo!" Kou Dianhua agreed in his heart, and the two poisonous whips covered with thorns "puchi~" got out of the ground twice, and quickly wrapped around Lijia's mouth.

"Moo!" Li Jia's mouth was dumbfounded, and she was caught off guard by the spikes on the vine, and she let out a painful cry. After receiving such a blow, the vines around it also froze and got caught. Koudouhua, who took the opportunity, quickly interrupted, and then **** with more vines.

"Not good! Contestant Tianji's dumb flower has hidden two vines, and now Miss Lijia's dumb flower is in danger! The situation is reversed in an instant!"


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