Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 406: Go to Yuhong City

It is rumored that in order to expand its own ethnic group in Ziyuan Town, there are often foreign young boys or girls who "voluntarily" enter the family.

Tian Ci now owns the entire Hualan City himself, so naturally he doesn't need to be married, and he doesn't have the habit of being put on a hat by others. In front of the Heavenly King-level family, he is still a little afraid that Xiaoling and Ninghui will be willing to do so.

Speaking of which, he is still very envious of the weirdness of ghost elves, but unfortunately he is not ready yet.

You must know that under the spiritual contract, the elves and the trainers actually influence each other, but the trainers are only slightly affected.

However, ghost-type elves are inherently evil and chaotic. Even if the impact is small, it will have a negative impact on the trainer.

Even after the strength is high, it is possible to dominate the spiritual contract and directly change the character of his trainer!

Not to mention, the food of ghost-type elves is not a serious thing. It’s okay to feed on negative emotions, but I’m afraid of some old ghosts. They prefer to directly plunder other people’s souls rather than transforming negative energy a little bit by themselves. Energy, after all, this is faster~ As for whether the creature whose soul energy has been plundered can survive, it is not their concern!

You must know that even in the current alliance, the top ghost-type food sold on the market is only mid-grade energy cubes, and it is not impossible to go further, but the things required are really anti-human, so the alliance on the bright side is Not for sale.

After all, if you want to provide more energy in the food and control the volume to the size of a cube, you must use higher-quality ingredients.

So for ghost elves, soul energy is the best ingredient, that is to say, if you want to make higher quality energy cubes, you must use soul energy.

This is naturally not allowed by Wei Guangzheng's alliance.

Of course, I don't know what's going on in the dark. Anyway, Tianji himself doesn't believe that Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum's Heavenly King-level elves eat middle-grade energy cubes.

According to the memory of his previous life, mother-in-law Juzi doesn't seem to be a good person.

Therefore, he naturally did not dare to take the risk of running to other people's territory.

Returning to the topic, after realizing that it was not to go to Ziyuan Town, Ninghui relaxed and asked again:

"Master, where are we going? Dry Leaf City or Yuhong City?"

Hearing Ninghui's question, Xiaoling also suggested:

"Go to Yuhong City, I heard that the perfume there is very famous!"

After she finished speaking, her big aqua blue eyes began to glow!

I have to say that although they are two worlds, there are some things in common, such as women's makeup.

Tian Ci remembered that he spent most of the time with Xiaoling and Ninghui, and all he saw was training or making elf food, but the two of them seemed to have suddenly become enlightened, and their makeup skills were getting better and better. I also bought a lot of cosmetics in the golden city.

In fact, for the two women who have become extraordinary people, the makeup without makeup is already very beautiful. At most, this cosmetic can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. In his opinion, it is a waste of time, but in this matter, the two women are the same. If you want to make up, even if it just adds a point or two to your beauty, you have to put it on.

However, the two women are not pedantic people. In the wild, and no one else is watching, they naturally don't spend time putting on makeup every day. Before in the city, they had to wear makeup every day.

Hearing Xiaoling's suggestion to go to Yuhong City, Tianji nodded and replied:

"Then let's go to Yuhong City. It just so happens that my dumb flower is also a grass attribute, so go and see it."

"Oh yeah!"

"Very good!"

Hearing that Tianci promised to go to Yuhong City, the two women couldn't help shouting happily.

Obviously, they can't wait for Yuhong City's fragrance.

Now that they decided to go to Yuhong City, when the three of them reached the fork, they chose Road 7 and started their journey.

In fact, Tianji originally planned to go to Kuye City. After all, after arriving in Kuye City, go to Light Red City. The road in the middle is very long. A road, the road is long, but there are also many resource points in the wild, which just allows him to hone his combat skills.

Since he practiced in the fighting gym, he felt that he needed battles to continue to improve himself. After all, hard training was far less effective than life-and-death fighting.

And according to what Na Zi said, the Yuhong City Rockets didn't plan to rush to do it. They had gone so early and could only wait there.

Because Silver's Poké Ball technology has made a breakthrough, the Rockets' main focus is now on this aspect, and they plan to wait for the test data of that batch of restraint **** to come back before making another plan.

And on the other hand, the Rockets also had to dormant for a while. After all, they have attacked Nibi City and Hualan City one after another in a short period of time. If they continue to attack in a big way, they will easily be defeated by the alliance. The intensity of the blow is unacceptable for the Rockets with lofty plans.

In this situation, let alone the ambitious Sakagi, anyone with a normal mind would know what to do.

After all, the Rockets' plan is successful every step of the way. Except for Yuhong City, in other cities, they have basically got what they want, so they only need to secure some inheritance treasures in Yuhong City. Enough.

If several times of aggressive aggression attracts the attention of the alliance and is forced into a protracted tug-of-war, this is a real waste of time.

As for staying in Yuhong City for a long time, Tianji is not worried. As an ancient city famous for grass attributes, Yuhong City will definitely bring more help to Koudouhua.

Moreover, Yuhong City is an ancient city second only to Jinhuang City among the eight major cities, and the surrounding resources are also very rich.

Not to mention the contemporary Yuhong Pavilion owner, Li Jia, her own trump card is also the overlord flower of the dual cultivation of herbal and poisonous, and it should have a lot of reference for the dumb flower of the same dual cultivation of herbal and poisonous.

After reaching the elite level, cultivation is not calculated on a daily basis. It usually takes a few months to see a little progress. This is the result of Tianci’s continuous use of a lot of resources to support him, so he stayed in Yuhong City a lot. Time doesn't matter to him.

Speaking of this, there is one thing I want to mention, that is, Tianji's Kamui and Xiaoling's water jumping fish have finally completed the breakthrough of the realm, and their strength has reached the middle of the ordinary.

Being able to quickly upgrade to the normal middle class in such a short period of time is naturally due to the good conditions now.

If we talk about dumb flowers, fast swimming frogs, and their big brothers have survived the wind and rain, then the cammy turtle and the water jumping fish can be said to grow up in a honey pot. What they get from birth is The best training, the natural promotion speed is much faster than the general elves.

Chapter 407 The Adaptation Battle of Kamui

Because the road to Yuhong City is very close, you only need to take the No. 7 road to get there, so Tianji and the others took the road directly, and did not venture to some unmarked areas.

It is worth mentioning that this road is the shortest one among the avenues extending in all directions in the Golden City.

This is also why there are few dangerous areas on No. 7 Road. In fact, this road has long been cleaned up by Yuhong City and Golden City.

Because Yuhong City's perfume is very famous, if you want to open up sales, you must deal with Jinhuang City, the most prosperous city in Kanto.

As we all know, perfume bottles are generally delicate and fragile, which naturally has high requirements for the transportation environment.

No matter how hard it is to reinforce, an earthquake trick or a slamming trick will make the transporter shake violently, and the loss will naturally be great.

That's why Yuhong and Jinhuang joined forces to clean up the area around No. 7 Road.

In this way, Tianji naturally has no place to explore unknown areas.

But it's okay, on the avenue, just let the Kamui turtles who just broke through move their hands and feet.

On this road 7, which has been cleaned up, the strength of the ordinary middle section has indeed been regarded as a master.

Not to mention other elves, there are still elves with particularly strong reproductive ability, such as Lada and Ba Dahu.

At this time, the Kamui Turtle was fighting a Lada duel.

Of course, this is definitely not something that Lada bumped into foolishly. As an ordinary middle-level expert, it clearly saw that these humans were not easy to mess with, so when a few people came over, it also took his younger brother to hide inside. to hide.

It's a pity that I finally found a Tianji who is suitable for my opponent, but I don't plan to let it go. Directly use super power to control this Lada and a few small Lada in place, to fight it forcefully.

Rada, whose life and death are in the hands of people, has no choice but to fight Kamui.

If you win, you can live with the little Ladas, and if you lose, you will die together.

"Pfft~" Under the last battle, Rada was also determined to live and die, and a ferocious aura emanated from his body.

"Kami~Kami~" Being looked at by a big mouse with such ferocious eyes, Kamui couldn't help but take a step back, feeling fear in his heart.

Although it has been cultivated the best, it is precisely because of this that the psychological quality of the Kamui turtle is not a little bit worse than that of the dumb-mouthed flowers of the same period.

Seeing this, Tianji could only use his superpower to block the action of the opposite Rada again, and then lectured to Kamui in a cold voice:

"Kami turtle, you have received the best training since the time of the jenny turtle. If you are afraid of even a wild Lada, it is really disappointing to me.

What is a fighter? It doesn't mean that you are a fighter after a few training sessions in the training room. Only those who survive the fights are called fighters!

In this battle, I will not use my superpowers to help you, and I will not have other companions to help you. Everything can only depend on you, understand? "

Hearing Tianji's cruel words, Kamui felt a little aggrieved, knowing that he is usually very favored.

Thinking of this, it first looked at Brother Heluga, who was usually the best to himself and let himself ride a big dog.

What I didn't expect was that Brother Helujia, who was lying at Tian Ci's feet, also showed a fierce expression on the dog's face for the first time.

"Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" Cammy turtle, just a big mouse, it is fierce to you, you go back to be fierce, what is there to be afraid of!

After he finished speaking, He Lujia's body exuded an even more brutal and **** aura.

This is the first time that it has exuded all its momentum in front of Kamui.

As a **** dog, it is also an elf who followed Tianji to fight, it is really not a pet dog with a baby!

"Kami~" Looking at the unfamiliar and familiar brother He Lujia, Kamui's face also showed confusion, and then showed a little fear.

It feels that the current Brother Heluga is terrible.

Thinking of this, Kamui hurriedly looked at Big Koudouhua next to him, although they didn't play very well with Big Koodaka and Big Brother Bidiao.

But in fact, the relationship between them is more like the relationship between elders and children. They are usually dumb-mouthed, and they are more fond of Kamui turtles than carving them.

It's a pity that at this time, Kou Du Hua seems to have changed to a elf, and the doting in his eyes has disappeared, replaced by encouragement, worry, and even a hint of coldness.

"Moo-moo~" Kamui, you are no longer a child, I believe you can do it yourself, we are fighting companions!

As the initial elf of Tianji, Kouduhua actually hopes to make Tianji stronger than anyone else.

After staying in human society for so long, it actually understands that even if it evolves into its final evolutionary form, its overall aptitude may only be ranked in the middle of all elves. Even if it works very hard, other elves with natural aptitude can easily get it exceeds.

So for Kamui, the very precious Yusan family in the mouth of human trainers, it also has high hopes, hoping that the other party can become the pillar of Tianci's team.

Of course, if it really is mud that can't support the wall, can't even adapt to life and death fighting, and is abandoned, then it won't admit that such a elf is its dumb-mouthed companion.

"Anyway, it's a female. You can ask Tianci to send it to the breeding house and give birth to offspring with excellent aptitude to start over again. Maybe you can earn back the resources spent on it."

The coldness just now was what I thought.

From the moment it broke out of its shell, it was Tianji who had seen it, and it was also Tianji who had been with it all the time!

So Tianci is what it is all about, and it has also witnessed Tianci's hardships step by step.

It never forgets the scene where Tian Chi drank porridge and porridge by himself, but bought Moo milk for him every day!

So if it is really abandoned, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely help Tianji to squeeze back the resources spent on Kamui!

On the other side, when Kamui heard what Big Brother Koudouhua said, he couldn't help but feel despair. Although he had fought before, he basically got help from his friends or seniors. This is really a one-on-one response to the brutal wild elves.

In addition, during this period of time in Hualan City, Jinhuang City has not fought much, and every day, delicious food is offered, so its current mentality is really just wanting to go on like this.

Not reconciled, it couldn't help but look at Pippi and Shui Yueyu, two friends who usually play a lot. Unfortunately, these two elves have long understood who has the final say in the team, so the external Kamui turtle After looking at it, all of them showed apologetic eyes and called out twice, which was considered to be cheering for Kamui.

"Pippi!" Come on, big sister!

"What?" Come on, sister Kamui!


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