Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 387: Tekken name

Almost instantly, Jewel Starfish's powerful thought power controlled Abillon.

"Yebi~Yebi~" Abi Lang was eroded by this nasty energy, he let out a painful cry, and his body was struggling desperately.

Because the super power is invisible, a large part of the audience still didn't understand what happened. They only saw that Abillon suddenly had a cramp, his face was in pain, and his limbs were dancing wildly.

Of course, at this moment, the voice of the commentator came out.

"We can see that Ling Ling chose to fight to the death! Oh! That is the elemental mark of super power. This gem starfish is an elite of super power. How can Abilang break free!"

Hearing this explanation, the audience understood, and then began to cheer for Abillon.

"Come on! Abby Lang!"

"Bring out the pride of fighting spirits!"

"Our fighting class will not lose to the super power class!"


Although he is from the golden city, those who can watch fighting games naturally prefer the fighting style, so the cheers are one-sided.

But not everyone has the skill of Rejuvenation Roar.

Let alone these onlookers, Wupa, who was the party concerned, frowned, and he could only transmit a sound to let Abilang break free as soon as possible.

If the super power moves are so easy to decipher when they are under control, their fighting gym will not become a vassal of Nazi.

So in fact, he didn't have a very good way.

After all, everyone is a low-level elite, and the gem starfish was blessed with the power of elements.

For a while, the field was stalemate like this. The broken gem starfish was on one side of the field, staring blankly, while on the other side, Abillon was struggling with a painful expression.

It seems that the competition has become a contest of endurance, and it depends on who can survive.

"Otherwise, why don't you try that trick? It's a pity that you've already been charged, and when the opponent is going all out, I'm afraid it won't have a very good effect~"

In the end, Upa still had an idea. For superpowers, the fighting gym actually has a way to deal with it. It is a gym anyway, and there are some special skills.

And just when Upa wanted to try it out, the gem starfish on Xiaoling's side couldn't hold it any longer.

After she glanced at Abilang, who was in a sluggish state and was still accused, she decided to devote some of her energy to recovering herself.

"Gem starfish, use self-regeneration!"

Hearing the order, Jewel Starfish also immediately separated a part of its spiritual power and began to use self-regeneration.

I only saw that its body surface was obviously brightened, and then the cracks at several edges and corners began to slowly recover, and even a broken edge was slowly growing.

Seeing this scene, the narrator, who was drowsy, immediately became excited.

The tug of war just now really embarrassed him, he didn't know what to say, but now something has finally changed, and he came as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Wow! There was finally a change in the scene. The Jewel Starfish split part of its spiritual power and used self-regeneration, so Abilang would be in danger! If it really goes down, the balance of victory must be the Jewel Starfish who will recover his skills. tilt!"

And just as the commentator's voice just fell, the venue changed again.

"Abilang, use the chase to break free!" Wupa, as a well-known powerhouse, naturally saw the opportunity to weaken the suppression, and immediately ordered.

"Yebi!" Abilang agreed obediently, and at the same time, a black evil energy emerged from his body.

And as soon as this evil energy appeared, it fought with the superpower that suppressed its body.

With a sound of "Bang!", an explosion from the surface of the body suddenly blew Abillon out.

The commentator who saw this scene immediately followed the battle situation and quickly explained:

"A good opportunity, the reversal has come. Lord Wupa is worthy of the title of Unparalleled Iron Fist. This is a chase with evil-type moves, and he broke himself and broke free from the bondage!"

Hearing this, the audience in the stands also understood and shouted loudly:

"It's a man!"

"Iron fist, iron fist!"

"This is a real man! Ruthless!"

"Abilang, come on!"


At this time, Xiaoling and Jewel Starfish looked at the smoke on the other side with regret.

She really did not expect that the man named Upa would be so decisive!

Desperately self-harm, he broke free from the control of his mind power.

You must know that the power of the explosion just now was not small. Originally, Abilang was half-crippled by the mental force.

On the contrary, Jewel Starfish has successfully used self-regeneration once, and its physical strength at this time is at least 60-70%.

Judging from this data comparison alone, it seems that the Jewel Starfish side has a bigger chance of winning, but in fact, Xiao Ling's face at this time is dignified, and his heart is slowly sinking.

According to Abilene's speed, the gem starfish can only rely on superpowers. First, the water attribute moves are not very powerful because they are not specially trained, and secondly, the speed of the moves can't keep up with the high-speed Abilene. what.

But now the super power of the gem starfish has almost bottomed out, and the blessing of the elemental power can only be used once, so there is only one chance.

This is also the reason why she did not let the gem starfish use her mind power to attack the smoke side in a large area.

Rather than wasting energy and stamina indiscriminately, it is better to gamble. The next head-to-head confrontation is the time to decide the winner.

In the smoke, Abilene was quickly adjusting his state, and the heavy breathing sound of "huhu~" also revealed that his state at this time was not good at all.

It can be seen that there are explosion burns in several parts of its body, which are left by the hedging of evil energy and superpower just now.

In the stands, the noisy audience was silent at this time, staring at the smoke, waiting for Abillon's next move.

Now this situation can be seen by everyone, and it's a critical period to decide the outcome.

Of course, in the eyes of these laymen, Abilene is actually the one who is in danger, so they, who love fighting, can't help but get worried.

"Abi Lang, do it again, after moving at a high speed and rushing out, punch with continuous sonic bullets!"

After realizing that Abillon's aura had stabilized, Upa no longer hesitated, and immediately issued an order with a spiritual contract.

"Yerbi!" Abi Lang nodded, and as soon as his eyes closed, the energy in his body immediately boiled, and soon it entered a state of high-speed movement again.

Then he rushed out of the smoke with a "swoosh", and his fists glowing with silver light quickly began to wave.

"It's out, Abilang is out! It's obviously going to give it a shot. This is a combination of Sonic Bullet Punch, Sonic Punch and Bullet Punch. It is not only faster, but also more powerful! Iron Fist Wupa's famous stunt !"

The enthusiastic commentary of the commentator also came out.

Chapter 388

Hearing this explanation, Tianji outside the arena also focused his superpower on Abillon's fist, but was horrified to find that from the perspective of slow-playing his superpower, he couldn't even see the silver fist!

With the blessing of this speed and the steel-type fist, if you take a hit, you might die or be disabled!

"As expected, there was only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!"

He sighed and stopped looking at it, because he understood that the residual mental power of Xiaoling's gem starfish would definitely not be able to stop this move.

On the field, Xiaoling also sensed the menacing oppression, and there was a hint of regret and helplessness in her eyes. She knew that she couldn't stop it, and she couldn't avoid it.

Although such an extreme speed of punching would put a great burden on Abillon's body, it also gave him the ability to quickly resolve battles.

It's impossible to escape at all, it's better to fight!

Thinking of this, she also ordered to the jewel starfish:

"Jewel Starfish, use the most powerful spirit to intensify your thoughts! Come on!"

"Buzz~" Hearing the order, the ruby ​​core of the gem starfish also burst into its final brilliance.

The thought force under the blessing of an elemental force met Abillon's iron fist head-on.

As soon as the two clashed, there was a bang in the air, and Abillon's speed slowed down a little.

The commentator's tone was very excited at this time. He quickly explained to the audience:

"Confrontation! Confrontation! Abilang's Sonic Bullet Punch and Jewel Starfish's psychic blockade, who can be better?"

And the audience in the stands couldn't help but get excited when they watched Abilang who was struggling to move forward.

"Take out the backbone of a fighting spirit!"

"Rush up and smash it! Abillon!"

"Come on! Abby Lang!"


Abilang, who was shouting cheers, was so excited that he felt that the gem starfish opposite was like a great devil, and it was the hero who destroyed the devil!

"Yerbi!" Through this kind of inner suggestion, Abilene successfully used self-motivation, and his momentum couldn't help but rise, and then his figure moved quickly again.

"Buzz~" On the other side, the gem starfish whose superpower was broken was pushed back, and a panicked emotion was transmitted from it.

When Xiaoling saw this, she just wanted to admit defeat. After all, she had already lost, so it would be good to be beaten less.

Unfortunately, Abillon's punches are faster than her voice.

All I saw was Abilang's figure flickering in front of Jewel Starfish, and then a fist glowing with silver light hit Jewel Starfish with a "swoosh".

The gem starfish that was hit flew out with a bang.

In mid-air, blue-purple fragments flew up.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Abillon must have won, so the stands cheered for Abilang in advance.

"Abi-Lang! Abi-Lang!"

"Iron fist! Iron fist!"

On the field, Xiaoling quickly ran to the gem starfish. Seeing its broken edges and corners, as well as the faintly cracked core gem, she couldn't help comforting herself:

"I'm sorry, Jewel Starfish, you've done a great job!"

In response, the ruby ​​of the gem starfish flickered twice.

"Om~Om~" I'm sorry, Xiaoling, I lost~ I didn't help Big Brother Quick Swimming Frog get the skill inheritance bead of the infuriating bomb.

"It's alright, it's alright, you have a good rest!"

After the girl heard it, she felt distressed again. She gathered pure water energy in her hands, gave the gem starfish a preliminary treatment, and then put it back into the elf ball.

At this time, the referee has also pronounced the result of the game.

"Unfortunately, the Tianshuiling challenger did not win this elite challenge. The one who won was Wupa from our fighting gym!"

When I heard that my favorite fighting gym won, the audience cheered again

"Upa! Upa!"

"Iron fist! Iron fist!"


After cheering for a few minutes, the referee immediately announced good news to everyone.

"Dear viewers, there will be an elite challenge next, the defender is still our Upa player, please rest for a while, the game will be played in half an hour!"

After the announcement of the competition, a group of hot girls in special fighting suits came to the venue.

With the sound of background music, a simple dance began.

"It's so beautiful! The action is bigger!"

"Xenya! Xenya! It's so beautiful!"


In the eyes of someone who has come here, Tianzi, this hot dance performance is a bit low. Compared with the artists in Hualan City, who have already entered the right track, no, it should be said that even compared with the trainees in Hualan City, they are too far behind.

Still simply staying on deliberately showing off, this is the most low-level trick~

As everyone knows, for men, inadvertently, the occasional is the most eye-catching.

And even if the singing and dancing are bad, even in appearance and stature, they are a grade lower than the trainees in Hualan City. In his opinion, he is the one who leads the dance, seems to be Xenya who was chanted by the audience.

Maybe it's because of the fighting gym. Her skin is also a healthy wheat color. Judging from her beautiful mermaid line and bumpy figure, this woman is definitely a fitness expert.

Coupled with the exquisite appearance that is one in a thousand, it is indeed very outstanding among the hot babes.

Of course, if you throw it in Hualan City, it is probably an ordinary trainee.

Tianji said that he is not an animal who thinks purely with his lower body. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

So I randomly glanced at it twice and stopped looking at it.

However, this poor performance gave him the confidence in his heart that the star project would stand.

Since this group of ordinary people in Golden City can watch this kind of performance with relish, he believes that when the hot queen Lorraine comes over, she will definitely detonate this group of ignorant men.

After a hot dance, Xiaoling also came back from the treatment center in the gym.

As soon as she came to Tianji's side, she reminded:

"Brother Tian Ci, the one named Upa is very strong, and the last sonic bullet punch seemed to only hit my Jewel Starfish, but according to Jewel Starfish, it was almost 7-8 at that time. Punch, only because the speed of punching is too fast, it will cause the speed effect of a punch."

After speaking, the girl clearly showed a look of fear.

It seems to be nothing more than a little faster punching speed, but you must know that she is an extraordinary person in the high rank of warriors! In her eyes, she could only see one punch, how fast was that!

Only at such an extreme speed can the jewel starfish with most of its energy be instantly dropped.

"En~ I'll be careful!" After hearing this, Tian Ci nodded solemnly. In fact, not only Xiaoling didn't see it clearly, but he didn't see it too clearly. With the help of the warrior-level superpower, Only saw 5 punches.


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