Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 367: The power of evolution

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Of course, the biggest advantage of this is not to use this evolutionary scheme that consumes a lot of resources, it should be used for the scheme that has a very low success rate and requires few evolutionary resources.

Almost immediately, he thought of the horn bud evolution plan he got from Qingmu Town a few years ago.

Saying it tasteless is entirely because the success rate is too low, but the effect is great.

As long as two energy crystals, hundreds of thousands, can make the horn buds improve two stages of qualifications, and also greatly enhance the poison attribute.

To know that the poison of mouth dumb flower is so strong now, that evolution plan can be said to have made a great contribution, helping it take a key step.

Of course, Tianji doesn't think so. The great kindness of Arai Sanfang, although he said that he has passed the escape from marriage at the Aoki Conference, has a bad temper.

But he didn't mind stepping on it twice when he was comfortable, saying that he had a small belly and chicken intestines, and it was worth it. Anyway, if the three-bedroom old man appeared in front of him again, he would not be able to be so generous.

Back to the topic, after thinking of this usage, Tianji's eyes instantly became hot. If you can use it multiple times a day, this is a cash cow!

"Then how many elves can evolve at a time when you have this ability?"

Being looked at by the big devil with his fiery eyes, Xiao Lan was so frightened that she shivered again, and hurriedly replied:

"Lord Tianci, my ability is very slow to cultivate, even if I cultivate the core inheritance of Hualan Gym, I don't have the speed of other sisters.

Therefore, my evolutionary power can only be used on two ordinary elves a day. If it is an ordinary high-level elves, it should be only one per day. "

Hearing this long CD time, Tianji's fiery eyes dimmed instantly. Maybe after Xiaolan's advanced elite or even a gym, she will help the evolution of low-level elves again, which can be used multiple times a day.

But now her own strength is only in the middle of the ordinary, she can only produce and sell it herself, and internal staff use it.

Otherwise, let Xiaolan do nothing and help improve the qualifications of elves every day, it would be too wasteful, tantamount to killing chickens and getting eggs.

Nazi also noticed the change in Tianci's expression, and of course she understood what he was thinking. Even when she found out, she was shocked and felt that she had found a cash cow.

Unfortunately, after inquiring, I realized that this is a cash cow that has not yet fully grown.

Thinking of this, she said to Tianci:

"Okay, Tianji, don't be disappointed, I have already ordered to go on, raise Xiaolan's training level to the highest level, and do my best to help her become an elite, and then it will be effective."

"Mmmmm~" Tian Ci nodded after hearing this, and then took a closer look at Xiao Lan's body.

No other meaning, just a little curious to see the female characters in the comics!

As everyone knows, this scene made Na Zi misunderstood. She thought that Tian Ci was interested in Xiao Lan. Thinking of the overbearing plunder of "Dianfeng Playing in the Water", she hurriedly said to Tian Ci:

"Tianci, Xiaolan, you can't use her to practice for the time being, your practice is too overbearing to plunder, and we have just started to study her evolutionary power, and we are not sure if you will plunder it, it will cause power. The lowering of the upper limit.

You can use other methods for her, but before Xiaolan is promoted to the gym, or until we study that special power, you can't practice with her!

Otherwise, this only case may be abolished, which is a great loss to you and me. "

When he received the secret voice transmission from Na Zi next to him, Tian Ci couldn't help laughing and laughing in his heart. God was pitiful. He really only got two more eyes out of curiosity.

He quickly replied: "Understood, Nazi, I'm just a little curious about her fiery red hair, I heard her say it's not a special water energy?

But she behaves like a natural Fire Element Transcendence on the outside. "

When he said this, he seemed to react suddenly!

Originally, he was just looking for an excuse to hide his inappropriate shock and curiosity just now.

But now the more I think about it, the more it makes sense, so I hurriedly said to Nazi:

"Nazi, didn't she just say that even after cultivating the core inheritance of Hualan City, after the super-quality cheats, her cultivation speed is not very fast!

You are looking at her dark red hair, the fire element is extraordinary!

Do you think it's because she chose the wrong method from the beginning?

It is very likely that Xiaolan is equipped with a fire-type cultivation technique, or a fire-type cultivation technique that is more yin and cold, or a combination of water and fire cultivation techniques? "

At this time, Na Zi's eyes flickered after hearing these words.

These words really wake up the dreamer, because Xiao Lan was born in Hualan City, which is famous for the water element, and she herself said that it is a special water element energy, so everyone thinks about water attribute exercises.

But why didn't anyone notice her dark red hair?

To know the water attribute, just like Xiaoling, the hair color and pupils should all develop towards water blue, including the high-level officials of Hualan City who practice water-related exercises, they will be more or less affected by some water blue.

But Xiaolan doesn't seem to have any traces of water blue from the beginning to the end, which means that the power of evolution may not really be a water attribute, at least not a single water attribute!

"I understand, Tianci, I will find a few exercises of the type you mentioned for her to try. Now you can take her to help sister Xiaoling."

Nazi's eyes flickered a few times before she made a decision.

"Well, okay." He nodded when he heard Nazi's response, then walked up to the girl with her head bowed, and ordered:

"Come with me, Xiao Lan, someone needs to use your evolutionary power to assist evolution."

When the girl heard the first half of the sentence, she was so frightened that she trembled again. She thought she was about to suffer misfortune. It was not until she heard the second half of the sentence that she breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly agreed:

"I am willing to serve, Master Tianji!"

The two walked to the inner training ground one after the other.

Tian Ci, of course, could see that this girl, Xiao Lan, was very afraid of him, and originally wanted to teach her a lesson.

After all, it is too much to be defined as a bad person for no reason.

Now that everything has been defined, it is better to make mistakes and go straight to the ground.

To be honest, he really didn't think like this at first. Although Xiaolan is indeed beautiful, when she is just an adult, let alone Shuiyuan Qingzi, the other female elites in Hualan City are better-looking than her and have a better figure. .

If she hadn't defended him like a wolf, he wouldn't have thought about it at all.

But after thinking about it, Xiaoling is still waiting there, so he will forget it for the time being. He plans to let Xiaoling be promoted to the elite first, and then let this little girl know what is the sinister society and what is hidden emotion!

Anyway, Nazi also said that as long as she doesn't take the last step, she doesn't plunder her energy.

And Xiaolan didn't know that she was going to be settled by Qiuhou. At this time, she followed behind Tianci, with a look of affection.

Chapter 368 Fast Swimming Frog

In Xiaolan's uneasy psychological torment, the two walked for 6-7 minutes and came to the internal training ground.

At this time, on the empty field, Xiaoling, Mosquito-repellent frog and Haixing were all waiting in place.

Their faces were filled with expressions of excitement and tension, and even Hai Xingxing's mental fluctuations also went up and down, and it was obviously very nervous.

Seeing Tianci coming over, he immediately said hello.

"Brother Tianji!"



As for the women around Tianci, they were just passersby to them.

Because recently, she has also seen Tianji's attitude. Although these women are very temperamental and good-looking, Tianji has no warmth for them, so she has gradually changed from unhappiness to indifference. Indifferent state of mind.

After all, who would be jealous of a few props?

Not to mention Xiaoling, now Ninghui, the accompanying maid, has changed from being nervous and excited at the beginning to a state of equality for all living beings.

As I said before, these women who have served Tianci will be handed over to Ninghui, the head maid for training, to sharpen their temperament, which is also approved by Nazi.

So the little maid started training more than a dozen elite-level trainers, including the gym owner Lian Shuiyuan Qingzi. Under the pressure of Tianci, she slowly let go and used it on Jiang Qikui before. All of the methods were used on these dozen or so noble female trainers with different styles.

Then she discovered that despite the external conditions, no matter how strong a woman is, she is still a woman. The same method works for Shui Yuan Qingzi and the others, even better, because these pampered and noble female elites are tearing up Most of them are more fragile after that layer of exterior.

In the end, she perfectly became the real head maid, and even Shuiyuan Qingzi, a gym-level trainer, succumbed to Ninghui's training.

Not to mention, when it comes to helping Tian Ci practice, no one dares to lie down like he did before.

Originally, Xiaoling was promoted to the elite, and she also wanted to see it. Unfortunately, she was busy with her business. Her talent in training also made Nazi entrust her with the artist training of the star program, so she had to manage a lot of people. Tianji and Xiaoling also expressed their understanding when they didn't come.

And Tianji, who came over, also hugged the girl warmly after receiving greetings from Xiaoling and the others.

"Xiaoling, you really thought about it, are you confident?"

"Well! I feel that the mosquito coil frogs and I are in good condition now, and they should be fine!"

For this question, the girl nodded heavily and gave a positive answer.

"Yo bo!"


Even the mosquito coil frog and the sea star also gave a positive answer.

"Well, that's good, then, just in case, I brought a girl with special power over here."

Having said that, Tian Chi pulled Xiao Lan over and introduced:

"Her name is Xiaolan. She has a special evolutionary power that can help elves evolve."

Xiao Lan, who was pulled over by Tian Ci, hurriedly bowed and said:

"Hello, Sister Ling, you are very beautiful. I'm glad to help you."

Of course, the girls who have been specially cared for by the remaining high-level officials of Hualan City have heard of the women around Tianji.

Tianshuiling, the natural water element is extraordinary and the aptitude is average, but she has a place in the hearts of Tianzi and Nazi. She has a soft personality and belongs to the best pillow.

And Xiaoling was not what she expected, smiled softly at her, and replied:

"Well, then I'll have to trouble you a lot, little blue sister."

After she finished speaking, she turned her eyes to Tianji and asked, can we start?

"Let's start, Xiaolan, I hope you do your best."

Tianji nodded, and told the girl again.

"Okay~ okay!" The girl quickly agreed, saying that she would do her best.

At this time, the mosquito-repellent frog, as the initial spirit of Xiaoling, also began to evolve.

"Yo Bo!" I saw it shouted, and at the same time, a bright light of evolution burst out from its body.

At the same time, the little blue on the side also closed his eyes and spread his hands flat, and a special blue energy with a little chill was slowly transmitted to the mosquito coil frog's body.

Tianji, who saw this scene, also frowned. He found that this energy was always considered to be of the water attribute, and they really didn't blame them. If he hadn't been a little skeptical at the beginning, if he really asked him to distinguish, he felt that he should Water belongs to this category.

Of course yes or no, let's see Nazi's test results then.

On the other hand, after receiving Xiaolan's evolutionary power, the mosquito-repellent incense frog felt that his level of energy control had been raised to a new level, and his body size had become larger, and the pain when reborn was also relieved a lot, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of enjoyment. Voice.


At this time, Xiaoling also looked at Xiaolan, who was sweating profusely beside her, with gratitude. At the same time, she slowly put in the prepared evolution resources, the best water stone and 3 high-quality fighting energy crystals. , a piece of top grade is generally an energy crystal...

The lowest value is in the hundreds of thousands. With the help of so many resources, the size of the mosquito-repellent incense frog has become larger and larger, and the momentum on its body has become stronger and stronger.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the continuous elemental power is also absorbed by it, thanks to the fact that it is only pure water attribute, so although the muscles are strong, the fighting attribute still does not affect it, and it has always absorbed the power of the water element.

Thirty percent, forty percent, seventy percent...

Soon the mosquito-repellent incense frog rushed to 100% in the final stage of the light of evolution, and a drop-shaped elemental imprint appeared in its sea of ​​consciousness with a "crashing".

Almost at the same time, Xiaoling's body also burst into a blue light with a "swoosh", which is the feedback force of the elves.

"Wowla~woola~" The water-type spiritual power in her body immediately boiled, and the exercises also started to run spontaneously and quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the aura on Xiao Ling's body broke through the middle fighter and reached the high fighter.

At the same time, the light of evolution that wrapped the mosquito coil frog finally dissipated.

"Yo!" I saw an unusually strong fast-swimming frog appearing in front of everyone on the field. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The whole is not much different from the mosquito-repellent frog period. The body is still blue and white, with strong arms, and his eyes are very sharp and full of fighting spirit!

Its stomach is also covered with black mosquito coil-like patterns and white. The strange thing is that the palms look like white gloves, but after careful observation, you will find that they are indeed part of its body, and the fighting energy is basically from The glove-like organ gushed out.

"So strong! Swim frogs, and you're almost as tall as me!"

After the breakthrough, Xiaoling hugged the fast swimming frog and said with admiration.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The average body size of fast swimming frogs is about 1.3 meters, but this one from Xiaoling is comparable to the fast swimming frogs in the mosquito-repellent frog period. is also normal.

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