Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 355: Fire Poison and Surprise 1 Strike

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He Lujia kept the words of his childhood in his mind all the time. For him, if Tianji is the closest, then the slack flower is the second.

So whether it's for Tianji's dream or Duo Hua's will, Helujia hopes that the boss of Duo Hua, who is closest to the elite level, can break through to the elite level.

But now there is a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Bada~" With a drop of the sacred spring entering his stomach, He Lujia only felt a cool energy roaming around his body. Unlike the aggressive fire energy, the energy running at this time seemed to be gentle. Little hands, doing a full body massage to Heruga.

"Ow~?ω?" This comfortable feeling made this vicious-looking dog show an expression of enjoyment.

It can feel that some of the subtle meridians in the body that have been damaged by fire and evil energy are slowly being repaired.

Because of the strong aggressiveness of these two types of energies, in fact, its lifespan is not comparable to that of grass, water, or even general elves.

But now, it can feel the vitality already being replenished.

And after repairing the subtle meridians, the cool energy slowly guides the fire and evil energy in Heruga's body, the sound of "Wahla~woola~" energy flowing in the quiet training ground , clearly audible.

Every time it sounded, the luster of Heluga's body became brighter, and at the same time, the momentum on his body was also stronger, and he quickly broke through the limit of ordinary high-segment, and then after a few minutes, it slowly converged.

"Ouch!" He Lujia, who had successfully broken through, roared up to the sky. At this moment, it felt that it was unprecedentedly powerful, and it could beat 3-4 previous self at the normal high level!

How strong should the elite level be!

"Huh~" It also sprayed a group of flames violently, and found that the color of the flame has changed, a little gray-purple, this is the fire poison that it didn't know how to integrate before, and now under this cool energy, Direct integration is successful!

As an elf brought up by Tianji and Koudouhua, how could Heluga not use poison?

The turbid mist in the bloodline inheritance is originally a poison attribute move. Although the poisonous dust mixed in it is different from the three powders of the mouth dumb flower, some of the principles of constructing toxicity are the same.

While Tanji has been cultivating the toxicity of the mouth-watering flower, he has not forgotten about Heluga, and mentioned it by the way, so now its cloudy fog is not the effect of blocking the enemy's line of sight at the Aoki Conference two years ago.

Stay a little longer, but it will really be poisoned!

And now, this toxin has merged into the flame again, and it can be said that the difficulty of Heluga has reached a new level!

With its strength soaring, it stared at the small bottle in Tianci's hand, and after restraining its breath, it ran over to rub against Tianci's thigh, and said "Wang Wang" twice to express his gratitude.

"Well, Heluga, have you realized the power of elements?"

Touching the dog's head that was leaning over, Tian Ci asked expectantly.

Regarding this question, He Lujiagou showed an embarrassed look on his face, and let out an embarrassed "wang".

"Tianji, I have embarrassed you. Although I have reached the normal high level, I don't feel the threshold of elemental power at all T_T"

"It's okay, it's okay, Heluga, you have been ahead of other elves for several years in the ordinary high section, don't worry."

He wasn't surprised to hear Heruga's answer, and rubbed the dog's head, saying it didn't matter.

He had expected this result. Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog was cultivated at about the same time as his mouth dumb flower. In terms of accumulation in the ordinary middle stage, it must be much more than his third elf, Heluga. .

In this way, the mosquito-repellent incense frog took the sacred spring, but it was only able to be raised to the threshold of the power of the elements. It is normal for the black luga, which is inconsistent with the treasure, to not touch the threshold.

"Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" Well, I will double my practice in the future, but Tianji, although I haven't touched the power of the elements, I have learned a new move.

With Tanji's encouragement, Heruga nodded quickly and said.

"Oh? Let's rehearse then?" Hearing that there was a new move, Tianji became interested, and ordered He Lujia next to him.

"Wow!" After receiving the trainer's order, Helujia's entire dog suddenly became vicious, and evil energy appeared on the body.

With a sound of "Shuh!", the figure disappeared, and then his teeth clenched heavily on the target opposite it, making a "bang" sound.

Obviously this is a set of combos, and Heluga combines the new move with the bite.

"Is this a flash of light? It depends on speed? But shouldn't a flash of light be normal energy?"

Seeing this move, Tian Ji was also a little stunned and muttered to himself.

"It's a surprising blow, Brother Tian Ci!" But before he could figure it out, Xiao Ling next to him said out loud.

"It wasn't that Helu's acceleration was too fast just now, it was its evil energy that affected you, Brother Tianji, because Heluga is the closest to you, so you subconsciously ignored its existence, and didn't notice it until it hit the target. "

"Is that so~" Hearing Xiaoling's explanation, Tian Ci's eyes lit up, he understood, and he quickly asked Heiluga to do it again.

In order to try it out, he made Mosquito incense frog and Koudouhua as targets on the opposite side of Heluga, while he himself was far away from Heluga, so that it was easy to observe.

In this way, it is indeed more realistic to see, only to see that black evil energy appeared on the surface of the body after He Lujia used a surprising blow.

Then, the presence of the whole dog seemed to be reduced, and even the mosquito coil frog on the opposite side and the mouth dumb flower also showed a trace of evil energy, which means that they were tricked!

"Yo bo?"


In the eyes of the two elves, Heluga really disappeared suddenly, just like teleportation, and when he noticed it again, he had already arrived at their side!

"Okay, stop, Heluga, I see it, this trick is really useful!"

After calling off the experiment, Tianji wrote down the move in his notebook with a look of excitement.

This trick is similar to the tricky blindfold in his previous life, and the evil energy does have something in common with the ghost in a sense.

A surprise attack reduces one's own sense of existence and at the same time blocks the perception of the target by evil energy, thereby achieving a 100% hit effect.

This is the effect of the move that he recorded in the notebook, which is obviously different from the description of the move that was turned out in the illustrated book.

It is very exaggerated that the attack must hit, and it is the same as the law of causality. If this is the case, it is estimated that the evil spirits have all been detached. After all, you have mastered the law, and you are not detached from the world? ? This unscientific!

Of course, the actual effect of this move is also very good. Anyway, Tanji, the old yin b, has already thought of several ways to use it.

For example, it can be used to escape. When the opponent attacks a single target, Heluga can use a surprise attack to make the opponent's powerful moves have a lower hit rate.

Chapter 356 Nutrition must keep up

After Heruga, the quota for the use of this sacred spring fell to the long-awaited Ning Hui and her big milk jar.

"Ninghui, let's go first~" Tian Ci looked at the little maid who had been with him for almost three years, and smiled softly.

"Mmmm, thank you master!" A bright smile appeared on Ninghui's pure face, she stepped forward and opened her mouth obediently.

He still has some feelings for him, the little maid who has been with him since the beginning of time. Although Tian Ci believes that he is not a good person, if he doesn't even have feelings for the people around him, then he is not a human being.

Therefore, he happily dropped a drop of the holy spring into Ninghui's mouth.

At the moment of this entrance, the meager qi in Ninghui's body began to move actively, just like a person with a dry cough drinking water, her extraordinary level also climbed rapidly.

Thanks to Tian Ci's credit, she also obtained a martial arts practice secret book in the inheritance of Hualan City. Although it is not a super-grade, she can also cultivate to a gym, which is a super-commander level.

"Yinyue Refinement of Shapes", a medium-quality martial arts manual, like the ordinary staff of Hualan City, it is a reduced version of it.

The aggression is average, and the additional effect is to beautify the face. It will also greatly increase the flexibility and sensitivity of the body. The Qi produced by cultivation also has the effect of dissolving most substances.

It can be said that it is more in line with Ninghui. The flexibility and sensitivity enhance her escape ability, and the solubility also makes her research materials more convenient.

Back on the field, after absorbing this drop of the sacred spring, Ninghui's own strength has also broken through to the warrior level, which is the ordinary level of the elves, which can be called the last real extraordinary!

From this, we can also see how abundant the energy of the Sacred Spring is. One drop can shorten the time of ordinary fighters by more than ten years, and reach the point of being a meat-loving ordinary elf!

You know, before that, Ning Hui had only just changed her cultivation. With the feedback from the elf, her physical fitness was barely considered a low-level recruit. Now it can be said that she has reached the sky in one step, and she has truly mastered extraordinary power!

"Ha!" I saw the little maid who had just broken through. After feeling the surging power in her body, she couldn't help but clenched her fists and attacked.

From the perspective of Tanji, a fighter who has practiced hard for many years, this punch has no power skills at all, just an ordinary punch of an ordinary person.

But it was precisely such a flawed punch that there was a slight banging sound of "bang~"!

This strength is definitely far beyond the limit of ordinary people, extraordinary, extraordinary, not beyond the limit of ordinary people, how can it be called extraordinary?

Under such an extraordinary background, Yili Jiangshihui is no exaggeration at all. Tian Ci suspects that Ninghui, a weak-looking little maid, and ten ordinary strong men are now fighting together. I am afraid that it will not take a few minutes. The strong man is about to fall.

Ninghui herself was also very surprised. After punching, she looked at her fist in amazement, and then immediately turned into joy. She bowed to Tian Ci and said:

"Ninghui, thank the master for cultivation! I vow to follow the master to the death!"

I have to say that this little maid is indeed a smart woman. Even if she suddenly gains power far beyond that of ordinary people, she understands what to do in the first place. This is one of the reasons why Tianji made her an accompanying maid.

That kind of foolish and loyal subordinates, although they are assured and obedient, but often do not know how to change, they need to be reminded by the master at all times, just like a marionette.

But this kind of thinking is a little careful, and the brain is lively. As long as you control him steadily, it will really work well.

This is part of the reason why in life, those so-called "honest people" are conscientious and loyal in their posts, but they are eventually promoted very slowly.

As the controller of Tianzi's team, Tianzi of course likes such people.

"Well, Ninghui, I suggest that you do more of the body-training boxing that comes with the exercises recently, and practice all those steps to increase your strength.

Otherwise, if you have no power, you can only bully ordinary people. "

"I understand, Master." Ning Hui accepted Tian Ci's suggestion, and even took action immediately, and went to the side to "hehehaha" and played a matching boxing technique.

After seeing the clumsy boxing technique, Tian Ci shook his head and turned his attention to the last one, the big milk tank.

"Moo~" Big Milk Tank has also stayed in the team for more than two years, and has long understood who has the final say in this family.

Tianji, but the master's master, of course, has to please.

After screaming, the big milk jug also took an empty cup, and now squeezed a cup of the most essential moo milk and handed it over.

"Okay, okay, I won't forget you, big milk jug."

Without rejecting the big milk jug's good intentions, he drank it with a few "grunts", and then took a drop from the remaining sacred spring and dripped it into the mouth of the big milk jug.

As soon as the Sacred Fountain was imported, the big milk jar closed its mouth tightly, and let out a happy cry of "Moo~" from its nose.

It is the instinct of every high-level intelligent race to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It can sense the benefits of this sacred spring to itself, and it is very fortunate that its status in the team is far higher than that of the new younger brother, Pippi.

Of course, that honey is actually more suitable for Pippi.

Soon, after a vision, the big milk tank absorbed this drop of the sacred spring. From the outside, there is not much difference, it is just that the fur is a little more beautiful, and the strength is also improved to the ordinary high level. .

It was the energy feedback given, which made Ninghui, who was practicing boxing beside her, let out an "oh~" enjoyment sound.

"Big milk tank, you have reached the ordinary high section! You are amazing!"

Although the big milk tank clearly stated that he did not understand any elemental power, this small improvement in strength also made the little maid happy.

Because this means that the strength of guarding her has been greatly enhanced, and the ordinary high-level section can be the patriarch of the small family in Qingmu Town, or the leader of the new generation of the big family.

Even if the big milk tank is not very good at fighting, the basic combat literacy has not fallen, and they are still training. No matter how weak it is, it is also an ordinary high-ranking enemy, and it is absolutely no problem to fight ordinary enemies in the middle. The force definitely surpassed that of Pippi, who was still in the ordinary low ranks and cultivated as a fighting spirit.

Even, let's be a bit presumptuous, if she returns to Aoki Town now, she will definitely be accepted into the three major forces.

Of course, even if she drives her away now, she won't leave. Tianji's side is bright now! The fool is leaving!

"Test your aptitude, Ninghui." Tian Ci reminded her after making her happy for a while.

"Oh, yes yes, come back with the big milk can."

Ning Hui, who understood the true value of the big milk jug, received Tianji's reminder and quickly took the big milk jug back and put it on the picture book she brought with her.

"Di~...Qualification: Good and first class..."

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