Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 321: Sculpture! Elite class!

Bibi Bird has reached this stage, which is already very profitable for the original Tianji. He has surpassed 99% of the commoner trainers, and once was on par with the direct line of the big family!

If there aren't any special opportunities in the future, it will probably take 6-10 years to slowly grind to the elite level. Even if it is ten years, he is only 28 years old, so he is still young and promising!

But now at 18 years old, he is going to be a peerless genius today! Because he has a treasure in his hand that can improve the progress of comprehension - the original feather of the gym-level peak carving!

Just now, he saw that the light surrounding Bibi Bird slowly faded, and after hearing Bibi Bird's unwilling cry, he realized that it was time, and he immediately took out a special wooden box from his backpack, "Shuh. ” threw it at Bibi Bird, and shouted at the same time.

"Bibi Bird! Go for it! Break through it!"

The half-opened wooden box revealed a strong aura, "Beep!" Bibi Bird cried out in surprise, in its perception, this is its kin!

After hearing Tianji's words again, it quickly split the wooden box with its claws with a "click", "Wow!" In an instant, an extremely powerful wave appeared in this closed training ground!






Under this coercion, whether it was the strongest mouth dumb flower or the weakest Pippi, they all let out a whimper, closed their eyes helplessly, and slumped on the ground.

On the other hand, Tianji, Xiaoling, and Ninghui, who are human beings, are not so sensitive. They can barely stand, forced to open their eyes, and look at the scene in front of them.

I saw an ordinary yellow feather floating on top of Bibi Bird's head, and endless energy and breath were slowly being transmitted into Bibi Bird's body. The light of evolution that Bibi Bird had dimmed suddenly brightened again Get up, the body that is no longer getting bigger, but also starts to grow again!

"Beep~beep~" Bibi bird made a comfortable cry under this root feather.

And along with the call of Bibi bird, the yellow feather seemed to respond with a phantom of the eagle, which was different from the water arrow turtle that appeared when the jenny turtle evolved before. The water arrow turtle phantom was just a With a roar, it merged into the body of the jenny turtle.

But this time, the Bibi Diao phantom seemed to be conscious. After looking at the re-evolved Bibi Bird under his eyes, there was a hint of softness in his eyes, and then he began to transmit his own source power more gently.

"Beep!" In the sea of ​​consciousness of Bibi Bird, it was slamming the door that was incomparably strong before with surprise on its face. But it is as fragile as a piece of paper, it can hit a big hole every time it hits, and the power of the elements inside is even more absorbed by it!

It feels that its progress in comprehending the elements is rising at a rocket-like speed, ten percent, twenty percent, fifty percent...

Correspondingly, the illusory image of Bibi Bird's head turned into a phantom, but it doesn't care, it has already died, this consciousness is just a little remnant under the original feather, do everything. No, in the end, it can take a few glances at the world and cultivate the younger generation of a clan is enough for it.

On the other hand, Tian Ji looked at Bidiao phantom with a cautious face. He couldn't help but think too much. This Bidiao phantom seemed to be conscious at first glance. Thinking about the rebirth of the house in the fantasy novels of the previous life, no matter how you look at it. Very similar!

Therefore, he is basically distracted all the time and pays attention to Bibi Bird's spiritual contract in the sea of ​​his own consciousness. If Bibi Bird is really stolen, then this contract will be broken automatically, and then they will run away!

Because the spiritual contract acts on the soul, if Bibi bird is taken away, the soul belonging to Bibi bird will of course be wiped out, and the contract will no longer exist.

Fortunately, it turned out that he thought too much. The phantom of Bidiao finally looked at the world around him with nostalgia, and then exploded with a "bang", all of which were integrated into the light of evolution below. In Bibi Bird's body!

"Beep!" At this time, Bibi Bird's gates in the sea of ​​consciousness were finally broken, and the ocean-like elemental power "crash~" flowed into its sea of ​​consciousness like a waterfall. Slowly condensed into the imprint of a wing, embedded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and when it was exposed, it was Bibi Bird's eyebrows that suddenly released strong flight-type fluctuations. The same wing-like element imprint was engraved on Bibi Bird or Bibi Diao. The eyebrows, and then quickly introverted.

So far, Bibi Bird, which is evolving, has broken through to the elite level, but it is not over yet. At the peak of the gym, the origin of Bibi Diao, the half-step heavenly king, consumes most of the energy with the comprehension of the elemental imprint, but the remaining energy is still helping Bibi. The bird continued to evolve, transforming its body, and at the same time filling the very empty body that Bibi Bird had just evolved.

With the infusion of energy, the quasi-elite level I mentioned earlier quickly passed, but it made the multiple energy crystals in Tanji's hand useless.

Just as Tianji sighed, suddenly his own consciousness was passively pulled into Bibi Bird's sea of ​​consciousness with a "swoosh".

"Beep! Beep~" At this time, Bibi Bird was absorbing the power of the elements in her own sea of ​​consciousness, when she suddenly saw the Q version of Tianji, and immediately called out twice with joy, indicating that Tianji could absorb it casually. very!

"Okay!" Tianji, who understood that this was the welfare of an elite-level trainer, was not polite to Bibi Bird, and immediately absorbed it with a "Crash~Crash".

After absorbing it to a certain extent, Tianji seemed to hear a "Boom!" in his mind, and instantly a small wing-shaped elemental imprint appeared on the brows of his Q-version conscious body.

At the same time, in the eyes of Xiaoling and Ninghui, Tianji's figure suddenly burst into light, and then a round shield wrapped around Tianji.

"Brother Tianji! He has broken through the elite!"

"Master! 18-year-old elite! My God!"

Xiaoling and Ninghui both looked at this scene with surprise. Although they were not involved, they couldn't feel it, but when they saw the iconic transcendental shield of the elite level, they knew that the elite level was achieved!

Leaving aside the joy of being advanced, Ninghui is going crazy at this time, an 18-year-old elite! This is 18 years old! It is her honor to be such a maid of peerless genius!

En ~ Ninghui is honored or not, Tian Ci doesn't care, he now has a problem, which is which extraordinary ability should be improved, the elemental power that has just been absorbed, after forming the elemental imprint, there is still residue, this residue It is to help the trainer improve, probably to the amount of the ordinary middle class (scholar-level middle class).

Chapter 322 Selection

Yes, it's not about breaking through to the elite level, but about the level of extraordinary energy in the middle of the ordinary (the middle level of the scholar).

When Tianji was a rookie before, watching Uncle Sam throw a chopstick straight into the wall, he felt that his anger was very strong, and now he is no longer Wuxia Amon. !

Although his fighter's qi has not yet broken through to the fighter level (ordinary level), he still can't do that, but his super power has reached this level, so after roughly evaluating it, we know that Uncle Sam himself is only a fighter level. In the middle or so, it is only extraordinary, and the former strong man seems to be nothing special at this time.

At this time, in Aoki Town, in Uncle Sam's villa, Tian Ci's future father-in-law was teasing Tian Ci's little daughter-in-law, who was a 2-year-old baby girl. Suddenly, he sneezed.

The little doll, who was sprayed with saliva, froze for a while on her delicate and lovely face, and then cried out with a "wow~".

"Oh! Don't cry, don't cry~ Kyoko is good, it's my father's fault."

Seeing Kyoko crying loudly, Uncle Sam immediately comforted her with a soft voice. He was very concerned about this daughter who was betrothed to Tianji, and even those newborn sons, he didn't care so much!

He knows very well that his path is over, and he will stop here in his life, but Tian Ci will definitely not. You must know that Tian Ci is only 18 years old now, and he is an ordinary senior!

As for the aptitudes of Kouduhua and Bibibird, he also had some guesses, so Tianji was definitely the best son-in-law he could get in touch with.

As for Tian Ci's disapproval, he believes that he will not. As a civilian, an elite-level powerhouse who has climbed up from the end of the world, he has seen many people, and he still has his own way of thinking about people. Maybe Tian Ci is selfish. Self-interested, scheming, not a good person, but still has his own bottom line, in the words of the game, it should be lawful and evil.

Moreover, he has communicated with Tianji for so long and has given him a lot of help, so he believes that Tianji will not refuse.

Having said that, back at the closed venue in the Hualan City Hotel, Tian Ci was still thinking with closed eyes, whether to choose to add it to the super power or to the fighter, because there is not much energy, plus the high stage The gap in the middle is as big as the elves (an ordinary high elves can fight 4-5 middle elves), so even if he adds the residual elemental power to his super powers, it may not necessarily make the super power level from The mid-segment level of the bachelor level is promoted to the high level.

But if the blessing is on the fighter's qi, it will directly allow the fighter's career to break through to the middle level of the scholar-level, catch up with super powers, and improve his physical quality by a large margin. At that time, 1+1 will definitely play a role in the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. an effect greater than 2.

After all, if the super power does not break through the realm, he can't cultivate other super power methods, but the fighter is different. From the quasi-level to the middle level of the soldier, his body will definitely improve greatly, and the secrets Some of the martial arts methods in here can also be used!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and immediately guided the remaining elemental power to flow into the dantian below him.

"Wow~Wow~" Soon, the originally serene qi began to flow rapidly. With the blessing of pure elemental power, it quickly broke through the threshold of scholar-level transcendence, and at the same time, Tianci's body began to slowly to discharge some black impurities.

"Brother Tian Ci, are you washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow? It smells so bad!"

Originally, Xiao Ling, who had stepped forward out of curiosity, smelled the peculiar smell on Tian Ci's body, so she couldn't help covering her nose and backing away.

In the same way, Ning Hui nodded and stepped back.

They were dumbfounded, but Heluga and the others stayed where they were, with their big eyes wide open, staring intently at Bibi Bird and Tianji.

This is a rare experience for them. After all, apart from their friends who are close to life, which trainer will find others to watch when they break through the elite, they are not afraid of being disturbed and jealous, which will make you fail in the promotion.

After a long time, Tianji and Bibi Bird, oh no, now it should be said to be a sculpture, the light on their bodies slowly dissipated, they opened their eyes at the same time, looked at each other and smiled.

"Beep!" The evolved Pidiao stretched out his huge body and slowly adapted.

Judging from the appearance and body shape, the Bidiao really far exceeds the average value mentioned in the illustrated book. The average height of the Bidiao family in the illustrated book is about 1.5 meters, but Tianji has been cultivated well, plus the gym The peak of the level is more nourishing than the source of the carving, and it seems to be about 2.5 meters long! It's quite a big eagle.

And the appearance is also more divine. Of course, the overall appearance is still very similar to the Bibi bird, but the Beagle is larger in size, with wider wingspan and shorter claws. It is really like the eagle in Tianci's previous life.

If you look closely, you can see that its feathers are mainly brown, the face to the abdomen and the inner and outer front ends of the wings are cream-colored, the eyes are black, and the feathers on the top of its head are red on both sides and yellow in the middle. , looks very sassy, ​​handsome, very cool! I don't know how many streets the big mouth sparrows!

Tianji is very fortunate that he did not choose the strong bird because the strong bird was stronger in the early stage. It was different from riding a eagle and riding a big-billed bird!

Of course, Tianji, who observed carefully, also found that Bibiiao and Bibibird have an obvious difference, that is, the claws. Bibibird evolved to have one more claws after the Beagle. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com changed from three. There are four sticks, three facing forward and one facing back, and they are also sharper. The shiny barbs are very difficult to mess with at a glance!

After careful observation, he nodded with satisfaction, only to notice that he seemed to have a stench on his body and was sticky.

"It's a fighter who broke through to the warrior level, and brought me to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow~"

After thinking for a while, he understood what was going on, and immediately said to Kamui:

"Kami turtle, help me rush."

"Kami!" Kamui nodded, and when he opened his mouth, a stream of water shot at Tianci.

"Bang~" However, this stream of water did not hit Tianci's body, and was directly blocked by the milky white barrier outside Tianci's body.

"Cough~ I'm sorry, I just broke through and I'm not used to it, let's do it again."

Seeing that the extraordinary barrier suddenly appeared, Tian Ci's face was embarrassed, he immediately closed his eyes and fiddled in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then said something to Kamui.

"Kami~" Kamui didn't care about this, it was weak and came late, and didn't think the extraordinary barrier that would trigger itself was any great, and when he opened his mouth, a stream of water shot at Tianji again.

However, the oldest elves like Duo Hua, Bi Diao, and Mosquito Incense Frog saw joy in their eyes when they saw this extraordinary barrier triggered by themselves!


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