After that, Chen Shi went to find Daigo.

Seeing that Daigo was addicted to digging stones, Chen Shi took Pokémon to fight wild Pokémon.

"Metal, bullet punch."


Metal didn't hesitate to hear that and hit a Zubat with a bullet punch.

Zubat screamed in pain.

"Metal, another bullet punch."


Metal used the same trick again and continued to hit Zubat with a bullet punch, making it lose its ability to fight.

"Great job, Metal!"


Faced with the trainer's praise, Metal didn't think it was a big deal, it was just because the opponent was too weak.


At this time, Charmander pulled Chen Shi's hand, indicating that he also wanted to fight.

Chen Shi smiled and said, "I will find an opponent for you, don't worry."


Charmander felt relieved after hearing this, and continued to follow Chen Shi with Metal Monster to look for wild Pokémon.

Time passed little by little, and Chen Shi took his Pokémon everywhere to look for wild Pokémon.

During this period, Charmander and Metal Monster performed very well in the battle. They played against intermediate and advanced Pokémon.

Basically, they never lost a game.

It was almost noon, and Chen Shi found Daigo.

"Daigo, it's noon, it's time to eat, don't dig."

Hearing this, Daigo put down the instrument in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked to Chen Shi and sat down.

Chen Shi took out various portable foods and put them on the ground, and the two sat down and ate.

"How is it, did you get anything this morning?"

Daigo chewed on the biscuits, and without nonsense, he took out two stones directly.

One is the advanced Moon Stone.

As for the other one, it turned out to be the Mega Evolution Stone of Big Mouth Baby.

Chen Shi didn't know whether he was sighing at the large number of Meteor Falls evolution stones or at Daigo's good luck.

Although the racial value of Garou is not high, only 380, it is a steel and fairy Pokémon with excellent resistance.

It has only two weaknesses, fire and ground, and two immunities, one quadruple resistance, and eight double resistance.

After the mega evolution, Garou will become a strongman no matter what its characteristics were before the mega evolution.

As for the characteristic of strongman... Chen Shi can only say that those who understand it understand it.

When using physical moves with non-fixed damage, its move power will be doubled, which is extremely powerful.

This characteristic is only available to three Pokémon, namely Marill, Mega Garou, and Rabbit.

Among them, Marill with the strongman characteristic is even called the dragon slayer.

You can imagine how powerful this characteristic is.

Then, Chen Shi thought for a while and asked, "Daigo, do you have any idea to capture a Mouth?"

"I see you like Steel Pokémon very much?"

"I think Mouth is pretty good."

Daigo pondered for a while and nodded in agreement, "If it is a Mouth with forced characteristics, it is really good."

Chen Shi said, "You can consider capturing a Mouth, it is really good."

This is not to fool Daigo, after all, Super Mouth is really powerful, and it is a Steel and Fairy Pokémon.

It can completely make up for the shortcomings of Daigo's team.

"I will consider it."

Seeing Chen Shi's serious words, Daigo didn't know what happened, and he agreed.

In fact, Mouth was not originally within Daigo's consideration.

After all, Mouth with forced characteristics can only be said to be good, and it does not meet his standard for capturing Pokémon.

Chen Shi didn't care what Daigo thought, anyway, he reminded him.

As for whether Daigo will listen or not, that's up to him.


Just as the two were chatting, the wall of the passage that Daigo dug suddenly began to stir, and soil kept falling.

This confused the two. What is this?

It doesn't look like a cave collapse.

Just as the two were stunned, a big hole suddenly appeared on the wall, and someone was talking behind them.

"Yoshino, where do you think this meteorite is? For so many days, we have found a lot of strange stones, but we haven't found a meteorite."

"Don't complain, hurry up and find it. Lord Huoshu has given a death order. We must find the meteorite."

"I heard that Lord Huoshu found five treasure dragons from somewhere. Whoever finds the meteorite will be rewarded with one."

"That's a treasure dragon, a quasi-god Pokémon. If we can have one, maybe we can become cadres in the future?"

Another person said loudly in surprise: "Yoshino, are you serious?"

"If you find a meteorite, you will be rewarded with a treasure dragon?"

"That can't be false, hurry up and dig. "

Just as the passage was completely dug, Chen Shi and Daigo finally saw two people wearing red clothes with special patterns on them.

Chen Shi reacted immediately and released Dragonite and Swampert.

"Catch them both, don't let them run away."


"La tsun~"

Dragonite and Swampert didn't hesitate and rushed directly to the two members of the Magma Team.

The two members of the Magma Team came to their senses and hurriedly wanted to take out the Poké Balls and summon their Pokémon.

Unfortunately, it was too late. One of them was whipped away by Dragonite's tail, and the other was pinched by Swampert's throat.

Chen Shi immediately took away their Poké Balls and locked them.

Yoshino, who was pinched by Swampert's throat, was still unconvinced and shouted:

"Little ghost, do you know who I am?"

"Dare to have a fair fight with me!"

Chen Shi smiled and said, "I know, I don't dare! "


As soon as these words came out, Yoshino was blocked from saying anything.

He was a little confused. These two people were obviously from the Alliance. Don't they like fair duels the most?

Yoshino had met the Alliance several times before. Every time he said fair duels, the other party would stupidly put away their Pokémon.

Why doesn't this trick work now?

Daigo walked up and asked puzzledly, "Chen Shi, who are they?"

Chen Shi was a little surprised, "This is the Lava Team that appeared recently, don't you know them?"

Daigo slapped his forehead, it seemed to be true.

I heard from my father that this organization has made a lot of noise recently, so you have to be careful if you meet them.

Then, Daigo looked at Yoshino with a bad look.

Chen Shi didn't waste any words and asked directly, "Just be direct."

"Tell me what you are doing here, what is your purpose, how many people are here, and what are their strengths. "

Yoshino sneered, "Kid, are you still asleep? ”

“Why should I tell you?”

Yoshino is not afraid of these people. At worst, he will be sent to the police station. Anyway, someone will release him in the end.

“Okay, then you can watch.”

Chen Shi released Ye Yibu directly and said, “Ye Yibu, do you see the man lying over there?”

“Take off his feet and let this stubborn gentleman appreciate them.”

Ye Yibu pouted, and the flying leaf knife slashed out at a high speed, and the feet of the man lying on the ground were cut off.


“My feet!!!” "

He woke up suddenly, veins popped on his forehead, and he screamed heartbreakingly.

He clutched his pants tightly with both hands, and his knuckles turned pale because of excessive force.

The screams echoed in the underground cave, making people shudder.

Daigo and Yoshino swallowed their saliva. Neither of them expected Chen Shi to be so cruel. He just took it off.

Chen Shi ignored the man on the ground and said with a smile.

"Do you want to appreciate your feet too?"

"Or other parts? I can help you take it off!"

Yoshino suddenly felt a chill rushing to his head.

"You...Aren't you afraid of the league's punishment for this?"

"You should send me to jail!"

Chen Shi didn't want to waste time talking to him, "Leaf Eevee, get ready."

"I'll count to three. If this person doesn't say anything, you can also give him a Flying Leaf Knife. ”


Yeib yawned lazily, indicating that he understood.

“No, no, no, I’ll tell you!”

Yoshino shouted in horror, “We are here to find a meteorite, and I don’t know what it is used for.”

“The leader of this team is Huoshu cadre, whose strength has reached the quasi-king level, and there are three senior team members and more than ten intermediate team members.”

“The base is in a cave, not far from here, but Lord Huoshu is in charge there. I can draw a simple map for you.”

Chen Shi nodded with satisfaction.

“Look, wouldn’t it be better if it was like this earlier? Look at what you have done to your companion.”

Yoshino glanced at his companion who fainted in pain on the other side, and cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

This kid doesn’t look like a direct descendant of the alliance at all, but like a member of an underground organization.

Unbelievably cruel.


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