The gun was opened, and the gun was opened.

Soon he also found the problem with the weapon rack. After hearing the ding sound, he was overjoyed and went to the seat to search.

Sure enough, hard work pays off. When he turned over the stone he was sitting on, it was empty. This made him dumbfounded and cursed: "Baga! It's empty!"

At this time, he suddenly thought of Ye Kai who had just come in, "Could it be that guy took it away? Damn it!"

"Damn Ye, you are so bad, you are dead, our secret passage will not let you go!"


Ye Kai returned to Hongyun City and found a hotel to stay in. After drinking some water, he fell asleep.

He admitted that he was weak.

After Hua Wuao and others came back, many of them came from wealthy businessmen and powerful families. After eating the food in the food street last time, they felt that the food they had eaten before was too narrow. Not only was the category monotonous, but the taste was not good. So after they found a hotel to stay in, they simply packed up and rushed to the food street or the roadside stalls in twos and threes.

The night was as dark as ink, with stars dotted, and the hustle and bustle of the city gradually returned to tranquility, but some places were brightly lit and bustling, that is, the night market that was still bustling in the middle of the night.

I saw a barbecue stall, and a few dim lanterns swayed gently in the wind, casting a warm and soft halo, covering this small world in a warm atmosphere.

Customers sat around the small table next to the stall, or bowed their heads to eat, or clinked glasses, and laughter and laughter came one after another.

Among them was a square table, with four people sitting around it, namely Hua Wuao, Gu Xi, Pu Chuan and Chen Rui.

Four people, one sitting on each side, each with an open bottle of beer on the table.

Chen Rui picked up the beer on her table, took a big sip, and then said: "Oh, I'm really tired today!"

Pu Chuan on the side also echoed: "Yes, who is not tired today, the journey alone took more than ten hours, and the battle lasted two or three hours, alas~"

"But, I didn't expect you to be so bold, drinking from the bottle and calling yourself an aunt, the contrast is too strong, hahaha~"

The other two couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Only Chen Rui glared at Pu Chuan.

Gu Xi took a sip of the disposable cup filled with beer, "Yeah, I thought I was going to be hit by those skills several times today. Fortunately, I had the help of Instructor Ye's Greninja and Latias, as well as the help of you and other companions. Otherwise, I might not be able to come back today. Even if I came back, I would not be sitting here now, but lying in the hospital ward."

While saying this, Gu Xi's expression changed frequently, as if she was recalling the battle scene a few hours ago.

Maybe she was a little emotional, or thirsty, she picked up the beer on the table and drank it all.

Hua Wuao took a sip of the beer and couldn't help but sigh: "Gu Xi is right, whether it was last time or today..."

Suddenly, Chen Rui interrupted and said: "You are wrong, it was yesterday, after all, it's past 24 o'clock now, hehe!"

The other two also looked at their mobile phones when they heard it.


"So fast, it will be almost over in a while." Gu Xi said in surprise.

Hua Wuao was speechless by Chen Rui's words, "Okay, it was yesterday!"

Then he continued: "Whether it was a few days ago or... yesterday, in these two battles with the Blood Sky Sect, did you find that we have established a team consciousness invisibly and formed a real group."

"Our teamwork ability has become stronger, and we have cooperated with each other, helped each other, and have been constantly cultivating this spirit of not fearing strong enemies in these two battles."

"To be honest, I didn't dare to think that I could be so brave at this age."

Pu Chuan continued: "Indeed, and in addition to the gains we have gained collectively, each of us has more or less gained something that others have not gained."

This statement was deeply recognized by the few people who had experienced it.

Gu Xi lowered his head and thought for a while, then said seriously: "Alas, now I understand that Instructor Ye's arrangement for us has so many profound meanings."

Chen Rui, who was standing by, probably just drank a bottle of wine, and asked with a slightly red face: "How do you say

, what's the deep meaning?"

"First, let's talk about "running."

"Instructor Ye requires us to gather on time at 7 o'clock every morning to start running. Just this point alone, Instructor Ye is teaching us to learn self-discipline. Secondly, when running, we cannot ask others for help. We can only run by ourselves or with our Pokémon, and Pokémon cannot use any skills. This is to let us face difficulties together with Pokémon. This is all telling us to always be consistent and coordinated with our Pokémon. "

"Also, during the running process, if one of us or our Pokémon can't run, we let the other one help and run with us. At this time, the pace of both of us must be kept consistent, otherwise the other one will be dragged down. This tells us that we must learn to be independent and self-reliant. Many times we can only rely on ourselves. At this time, our Pokémon is our best helper. We must have a good synchronization and coordination with our Pokémon. In summary, it is to cultivate the tacit understanding between us and our Pokémon. This is very important. Don't you find that in these two battles, we are obviously more fluent than the enemy in using tricks and communicating with Pokémon? "

Everyone heard this and recalled it carefully. It was indeed the case, so they nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that everyone agreed, she began to continue to talk about her speculation confidently.

"Also, we can't interrupt during the running process. This is obviously cultivating the perseverance and persistence of us and Pokémon, telling us not to give up easily when facing any difficulties, and to fight to the end when we can. "

"Then let me talk about Instructor Ye cutting off our food supply and letting us survive in the wilderness. This is obviously to enhance our survival and teamwork abilities. Otherwise, we would not have survived until now with our own survival abilities in the wilderness. "

"And surviving in the wilderness has also cultivated our ability to adapt to new environments, and has also enhanced our learning and practice abilities. "

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