The sound of the sound of a man's voice was very loud.

Hua Wuao said, "Shh, keep your voice down."


Accompanying the man's words, everyone quickly saw the clues inside and the stone gate of the Blood Sky Gate behind the tree gap.

"Okay, let's all fly to the sky first!"

Then Ye Kai rode Latios to the sky, and seeing that others also flew up, he took out the Pokémon Ball.

"Come out, Greninja!"

"Prepare for the Water Wave!"

Greninja stood on the back of Latias and began to accumulate strength.

Then Ye Kai put his two fingers together and pointed directly at the bulge, "Latios, Latias Double Dragon Wave!"

As Ye Kai finished speaking, Latios and Latias looked at each other and slowly opened their mouths. Their mouths seemed to have turned into two small coagulators, and the energy around them began to gather towards their mouths.

An energy cyclone formed around them, and the energy balls in Latios and Latias' mouths continued to grow larger and brighter, like small blazing suns.

Then the two beasts seemed to have a telepathic connection.



As a roar sounded, two dazzling and thick dragon energy rays shot rapidly towards the bulge.

In the middle, the two rays seemed to have spirituality. At the moment of contact, they began to spirally intertwine with each other, twisting into a thicker and more violent ray that rushed towards the bulge, and the surrounding air seemed to be constantly exploding.

Boom! Boom! Boom! …

The powerful energy impact hit the raised ground.

Bong! ! !

A huge bombardment sounded, and the raised ground was directly blown apart by this extremely domineering energy!

Stones and soil flew everywhere, broken trees flowed in disorder, and thick smoke rose!

In the hall.

On the main seat, the leader of the Blood Sky Sect stared at the people who had just returned from doing performance work outside.

"What did you say? Elder Wu and the others are all dead?" Although he said this very calmly, although he was a newcomer who had just joined the Blood Sky Sect for less than half a year, he also knew something about the leader in front of him. For example, the calmer he spoke, the more angry he was at this time, and the more serious the consequences would be.

Although the person kneeling below had just dealt with it once outside, he felt that feeling again. At this time, he was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and his lips and teeth were trembling.

"Puff puff puff~~~~"

The sect master was stunned when he saw this scene, and then the murderous intent in his eyes was no longer hidden, but spread directly to his entire face. What he couldn't stand the most was that others treated his words as farts. What did this guy have the courage to provoke him in person!

"Bug, go to hell!" He took out a Poké Ball.

A flash of light passed by, and a huge wolfhound with blood-like eyes appeared between the two.

This wolfhound looked extremely cruel and tyrannical, and also had a hint of weirdness.

"My little baby, it's time for you to eat again~" The sect master showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, the wolfhound slowly turned his head to the audience, and a trace of red light flashed in his scarlet eyes, which seemed to be filled with blood, staring at the kneeling person in the audience.

The man below saw the wolfhound coming towards him, with sharp teeth and saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. His eyes widened, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he clenched his teeth tightly.

He was roaring in his heart, don't come over again, I can't hold it anymore!

Suddenly, the wolfhound crouched slightly on its hind legs, then jumped up suddenly and pounced on the people below the stage.

At this moment, the ground shook and the whole hall shook violently.

The wolfhound was also forcibly interrupted.

The master of the main seat also opened his legs to stabilize his body for a while, and then looked around the hall with a look of surprise.

I saw that the walls and roofs around the hall were constantly falling dust and some fragments.

"What's going on? Is it an earthquake, or..."

At this moment, the shaking stopped, and then a foul smell followed.

That's right, the man just now couldn't hold back after being shaken, and he let it out.

The leader frowned tightly, looking at the people below who were enjoying themselves, and his anger was about to burst into the sky.

He didn't immediately ask anyone what was going on, but angrily said: "Big wolfhound, give me..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the big wolfhound had completely lost interest in the so-called food in front of him, and ran to the side to vomit.


At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the hall.

ta! ta! ta!

An old man in a red robe and a pair of shiny black leather shoes hurriedly trotted in from outside the hall, and bowed to the first master, and said: "Master, it's bad, someone is here to blow up the bunker, no... someone is here to attack us!" Then he frowned slightly, what is this smell, so stinky, he remembered to wipe it clean at noon.

Hearing this, the master didn't care about anything else, his face immediately became serious, and he said solemnly: "What! Tell me, what's the situation?"

The old man quickly responded: "Someone used two unknown Pokémon to attack our headquarters."

"Unknown? Unknown?" The master lowered his head, frowned deeply, chewed these two sentences in his mouth, and his eyes gradually became shocked.

Then he quickly asked, "How many people are there?"

"We only saw about thirty people."

"No, how did they find our exact location?"

The old man in red was speechless for a moment when he heard this, "This, this, I don't know..."

But the master on the main seat was not angry, but lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at the man who was still looking comfortable under the stage with eyes like a venomous snake, and said fiercely: "It's you, you idiot!"

"Big wolfhound, evil fluctuations!"

Neither the old man nor the man below reacted.

"I, how can I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw an evil, thick, destructive dark purple energy light wave rushing towards him, ruthlessly enveloping him, washing his body until he was completely wiped out in this energy.

The old man was still in a daze at this time, but he was not moved at all at this time.

Just as he was about to ask, the sect leader said, "Let's go outside and see who dared to blow up the headquarters of the Blood Sky Sect. They simply don't take my blood feud seriously!" Then he walked quickly outside the hall.

The old man looked at the location of the man who had been annihilated, and hurriedly followed him out.

Above the Blood Sky Sect.

Someone couldn't help but shout, "Wow! Instructor Ye, you are too fierce!"

"Yes! Yes!" It was Chen Rui who said this, and there seemed to be little stars in her eyes.

"Okay, someone is coming out."

At this time, after the water wave of Koga Greninja was extinguished, the dust and fog dissipated, and the Blood Sky Sect people in red riding Pokémon flew out of the ruins one after another and flew into the sky.

When the group saw Ye Kai and his group, they were stunned for two seconds, and then someone shouted, "Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

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