The young man just left, and the young man was buried.

"Is the young man gone?" A Tianwang trainer said dully.

This sentence broke the silence.

Everyone was brought back to their senses by this sentence.

Mu Lao sighed and said, "Is he gone?"

"Since this disaster is over, please go back. Thank you for your great help in the country's crisis. I thank you on behalf of the people of Longguo. You are the heroes of Longguo!"

"Thank you!"

After saying this, Mu Lao bowed deeply to everyone.

Everyone saw this and said one after another.

"Oh, Mr. Mu, it's serious, we can't afford it!"

"Yes, since we are born in Long Country, we have the obligation to protect our country!"

"Yes, and although we are here this time, we don't play a big role."

"That's true. I think we should thank that young man. He is the real hero and the one who really saved Long Country."

"What Lao Huang said makes sense. That young man is the key. It's a pity that we don't know who that person is and what his name is."



"By the way, Mr. Mu, do you know or can you find out who that person is?"

"Alas, I don't know either. I'll have someone check it out right away."

"Okay, if you find out, please let us know!"

"Yes, yes!"

"The rewards for your assistance this time will be distributed to everyone later. As for the news about that young man, I will tell everyone as soon as I know it."

"Okay, then we will wait for good news from Mr. Mu!"

After finally sending everyone away.

Mr. Mu led the three alliance leaders and General Chen to the command center at the beginning.

The weather in the flood-stricken areas and drought-stricken areas in the Dragon Country has basically returned to normal, but it will take some time to recover.

Sakura Country.

In a conference hall.

Several Sakura people and several beautiful people looked at the screen and fell into silence in an instant.


The first Sakura person on the left stood up directly and slapped the table heavily.

"Damn it, why, why did the Dragon people survive this time? I'm so angry!"

After saying this, he wanted to slap the table, but he pulled his hand back.

At this time, the palm of his hand was already red, and the whole hand was still trembling slightly.

The beautiful Chinese opposite him also spoke at this time, "Now is not to discuss the issue of their survival, but to quickly find out the news about the young man and the information about the Pokémon."

After hearing what the beautiful Chinese opposite said, the Sakura Chinese said with a flattering face: "Pier Jun is right, we should immediately understand the background of the young man and the information of this green Pokémon."

Other countries in the world who knew about this had different reactions, but they were all collecting information about the young man and Pokémon.


Dragon Country.

In the command center.

"Master Long, tell me about the information about those Pokémon!" Mu Lao asked with curiosity.

Hearing the other party ask this question, it was not beyond the expectation of Alliance Leader Long, but he said with a serious face: "Well, according to the feedback from Moltres, those three Pokémon are all legendary first-level gods!

When Elder Mu and General Chen heard this, they were naturally surprised. As the top leaders of the country, they knew some things that ordinary people did not know.

For example, there are gods among Pokémon, and people can learn a lot of unknown things in the Pokémon world through gods.

As for why the two were so surprised, it was because the only known mythical beasts in their Dragon Country were the three holy birds of the three Alliance Leaders in front of them. And these three holy birds are only the lowest level three gods.

How could they not be surprised when they suddenly heard someone say that three level one gods appeared at once? After all, they had not even seen level two gods!

But at this time, Mu Lao also knew that he should have misunderstood the Sakura Country and the Pretty Country.

But this cannot be blamed on Mu Lao. After all, in recent years, whenever their Dragon Country encountered trouble, there were basically shadows of the Pretty Country and the Sakura Country in it, so when encountering this matter, it is difficult for people not to be suspicious.

Seeing that the expressions of the two people had eased a little, the Dragon Alliance Leader spoke again: "The blue Pokémon is called Kyogre, the overlord of the ocean, and the red Pokémon is called

"Bey called Groudon the overlord of the land, and the green dragon called Rayquaza the overlord of the sky."

"Whenever Kyogre and Groudon meet, they will fight like enemies, but this is undoubtedly a disaster for the world, with volcanic eruptions, scorching sun, violent storms, and surging waves."

"At this time, someone needs to take care of them."

General Chen on the side heard this and immediately said, "Could it be the Pokémon called Rayquaza?"

"Yes, it is Rayquaza. Among the three, although they are all first-level gods, Rayquaza is the most powerful one among the three. Even in the ranking of the combat power of the entire mythical beast, Rayquaza is among the top. "

Mu Lao pondered for a while and said, "So, relying on Rayquaza alone, that young man can become the number one trainer in our Dragon Country, and even in the world. If he has other Pokémon that are as strong as Rayquaza, then..."

At this point, the entire command room instantly fell silent.

"I will go collect information about the young trainer now." General Chen said this and walked out of the command room.

Mu Lao didn't say anything when he saw this.


On the other side, Ye Kai flew towards the original cliff in Rayquaza.

He knew that there must be many people looking for him now. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he planned to find a deserted place near the cliff to hide for a few years and wait until the storm passed.

Although he has Rayquaza, there is no guarantee that there are other things or people in this world who can deal with him and Rayquaza.


A few days later, Kyoto.

Mu Lao's office.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~~"

"Hello, is this Mu Lao? ”

“I am. What’s wrong? Is there any progress?”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

“No, it’s as if there is no such person in our Dragon Country. I think he was not registered when he was born.”

Hearing this, Mu Lao was also stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly: “Do you know his approximate location?”

“I don’t know. After he disappeared on the Rayquaza that day, we didn’t detect where he flew to. After all, there were more than one person flying in the air at that time, so it’s hard to judge.”

“Is that so? Then forget it. There is no need to look for him. Let’s pay more attention to the disaster of the people recently.”


Mu Lao hung up the phone, pressed his hands on his temples, frowned, and after a while, he said to the secretary next to him: “Xiao Ya, please help me notify the relevant departments and tell them that I will announce something to the whole country in the afternoon. "

Ji Wenya replied "yes" after hearing Mu Lao's order, and then walked out of the office.

In the afternoon, reporters from various media gathered.

The specific content was the incident on the sea a few days ago, especially focusing on Ye Kai's heroic deeds.

Finally, it was decided to build a stone statue in every city to spread the reputation of the Longguo hero and let the people of Longguo know about Ye Kai's deeds and his contributions to the country.

In addition, the official also posted the video of Ye Kai saving Longguo on the Internet, so that the people of Longguo can experience the heroic deeds more deeply.

After knowing Ye Kai's deeds, the people of Longguo built a statue of Ye Kai based on the official pictures.

Even in some small towns, the people built the statue out of their own pockets to express their gratitude to him.

But how could Ye Kai, who has been living an isolated life, know?

In this way, Ye Kai passed away for five years.

Back to the beginning.

"Hey, host, let's bind again. I can give you some benefits. When issuing tasks, I can also add some rewards and make them less difficult. Hehe! ”

“What did you say? You still want to issue tasks to me?”

“Well, if I don’t issue tasks, what can I do? I am the system that issues tasks.”

Seeing Ye Kai not talking, the system got anxious. In fact, it came back to find Ye Kai not because he had a change of heart, but because the general manager of their system found out that he was slacking off at work and was irresponsible. He was going to punish him, but in the end he asked for a chance to make amends.

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