Since Xiao Taohong was defeated last time, she has unified the entire Shamatte world by herself, and the royal family has also joined in.

In the morning, when she was watching TV, she accidentally saw the Leng Shao she had always dreamed of. This afternoon, she brought a large group of people to support her dream lover.

Among them was the charming man wearing fishnet stockings and high heels.

"Ah~~ Leng Shao!! Look at me~ I just learned a new era dance!" The fishnet man said and danced on the stage, holding his head with both hands, and twisted the big pendulum~ The armpit hair in his armpits was like two huge dog tails, swinging back and forth.

In an instant, all the audience around were shocked by this breath of suffocating smell...

The word "sexy..." may no longer be used to describe the man in front of him, it is a compliment to him!

The kid drinking juice next to him was so scared that he dared not move...

Mom... I'm scared...

"Security!!! Security! There's a dead shemale here! It's so spicy! It's so spicy! It's blinding! Take her away quickly! Otherwise, I'll refund my ticket!!"

"Ah~~ my eyes..."

"Ugh~~~~~" The old man closest to the man with the fishing net vomited directly.

Lin Qing in the audience was confused and silently said in his heart: You can't see me, you can't see me...

"Ha~ Dear audience! The game has begun!!!"

Lin Qing also readjusted his thoughts. He had already felt the hostility of the players around him. Today was the day to decide whether he could enter the semi-finals. Everyone regarded the other party as an enemy.

Lin Qing was in the middle of the game and had to wait for a while.

Meiyi's game started. She was the first one to go on the stage!

"Hello! I'm Meiyi! Please give me your advice!" Meiyi bowed to the other party as soon as she came on stage.

The man opposite was also slightly stunned. He had fought with others so many times, but this was the first time he met such a cute and polite girl.

"I am Honglei! Please... teach me more! Go! Charmander!!!"

A spirited elite Charmander stood on the stage and howled, as if in protest!

Mei staggered directly. What she feared was really coming true...

Calm down! Calm down! You will definitely win if you listen to Aqing!


"Go! Pokémon! Use Root!!!"

Honglei was stunned when he heard the words. Why did he send a grass-type Pokémon up... Is this woman all grass-type?

"Girl... I'm sorry! Charmander uses Spark!!!"

"Pokémon uses Guard and then releases Patience!!"

The Spark attack has already hit, and it hits the bull's eye!

But it was resolved by Pokémon's Guard.

Hong Lei was slightly stunned. It was obvious that he wanted to fight a protracted battle by using Root right away. However, the skill of Holding would become ineffective after a few uses at most. Even if this Endurance could rebound the damage received within two rounds, Charmander was not afraid of his own fire at all!

"Charmander!! Keep using Sparks!!"

Mei held another Pokémon tightly and said seriously: "Use Hold! Use Sweet Aroma continuously!"

Although Sweet Aroma was released, the opponent was also quite flexible, and the distance was far, so it could not be hit at all.

Hong Lei looked puzzled, and was also stunned when he looked at the Pokémon that kept releasing Sweet Aroma in the field.

Could this girl want to block Charmander with this?

"Charmander! Use Slam! Close-range Sparks!! It is impossible for it to hold every time!"

"Pokémon! Use Sweet Aroma again!!!"

The Charmander rushed over with a serious face. Even if the Sweet Aroma hit it, it was not afraid.

"It's over, lovely girl!"

Just when Charmander was about to release sparks to attack, the Pokémon was actually taken back by the opponent.

Honglei was stunned, and then asked in confusion: "Girl, if you change Pokémon in this preliminary round, it will be considered a failure... You..."

Mei knew it, she took it back to prevent Pokémon from making unnecessary sacrifices. She still had to participate in the semi-finals tomorrow, and Pokémon had released sweet fragrance four or five times in a row, and Charmander had been hit by a layer!

Mission accomplished!

"Go, Shuttlecock Cotton!!! Use Sleep Powder!"

Honglei secretly said that it was not good, the speed of this Shuttlecock Cotton was extremely fast! Many trainers would catch a powerful Pokémon to sleep in the wild, and his Charmander had been hit by a layer of sweet fragrance, and there was a high probability that it could not be avoided!

"Charmander! Quickly release sparks around yourself to dissolve!"

Charmander was hit by a ball of sleeping powder before he could even open his mouth. It was too fast...

He was a little dazed...

"Jianmian uses Slam!!!"

Just when Charmander was about to fall asleep, Jianmian dropped from the sky andThe Charmander flew out.

"Charmander out of bounds! Jianzimian wins!!!"

Honglei looked unwilling. This fire type obviously has an advantage... How could it lose?

It was too aggrieved. Charmander still had the ability to fight, and looked disappointed outside the field.

"Come back, Charmander! You've worked hard!"

Then the second Pokémon was released, an elite Charmander!

"Girl! You're smart, but that's it! Charmander uses taunt!!!"

The skill of taunt allows the opponent to only release attack skills, such as sleep powder and those skills that enhance their own attributes, all of which cannot be used, and the Pokémon provoked by his Charmander can't run away.

"Charmander uses ram attack! The opponent can't run away!!!"

Honglei roared with confidence. He was sure that the last one on the other side was a grass type, and he won today!

Mei's eyes were tense. She saw the accelerated little fire monkey rushing over. However, when she saw the little fire monkey running into the sweet fragrance dust, her eyes flickered.

"It's now, Shuttlecock Cotton! Use Fairy Wind! Then use acrobatics to fly up to the sky to get out of the provocation range!!"

The other party was stunned when he heard the words. Fairy Wind is a skill with weak attack...

But then he was stupid. The target of Fairy Wind was the sweet fragrance on the ground. The sweet fragrance in the venue was blown up again.

The little fire monkey was directly covered.

And Shuttlecock Cotton, who had already flown to the sky and used acrobatic attacks to resolve the provocation, crashed down directly.

The little fire monkey suffered a little damage, but the effect was average.

"It's now, Shuttlecock Cotton uses sleep powder!!"

"Little fire monkey dodge!!"

But Shuttlecock Cotton's speed was too fast, and the sweet fragrance had covered the little fire monkey.

The tragedy happened again. The little fire monkey was knocked out of the boundary after being put to sleep!

Hong Lei was extremely frustrated...

This girl... is so smart!!!

She started planning in the first round!

Hong Lei's eyes turned cold, and he took out his natal spirit: "Your luck is over! Girl! I leave it to you. Houndoom, use jet flames on the field! Burn all those damn powders to ashes!!"

A huge Houndoom rushed out directly, and swept across the stage with jet flames.

In an instant, the sweet fragrance in the field was burned out.

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