Lin Qing looked at Shirona's worried eyes, and his heart was warmed.

Then his eyes turned cold, and he released Xiaosha, "Let's do it! Use the Earth-shattering Star! One on each side!!!"

After Lin Qing finished speaking, Xiaosha and Lin Qing stood back to back, raised their hands and clapped, and began to accumulate power.

This super killing move, which was modified from the Quicksand Hell, was used by the two of them together for the first time.

Like a planetary collision, the two huge sand balls wrapped up countless Ariados.

Lin Qing looked at Xiaosha's side, and some professional-level ones seemed to want to escape. Lin Qing raised his hand and clapped, and changed positions with Xiaosha, trying to make up for the sand balls on Xiaosha's side.

"Hold on, at most one minute, they will die!" After Lin Qing finished talking to Xiaosha, he turned back and shouted to Shirona, "The rest of the lone ones are left to you, my wife!!!"

The master-level flash Alidos saw his tribe trapped and was furious on the spot. A dark night shadow attacked Lin Qing at a very fast speed.

Lin Qing did not want to release Latias. He knew that the innocent man was guilty of possessing a treasure. .

There were so many people thinking about Xiaosha alone. The second-level god would definitely attract masters.

"Xiaosha! Explode!!!" At the moment when the flash Alidos attacked, Lin Qing and Xiaosha clapped their hands at the same time. Those Alidos trapped by the Earth-shattering Stars died directly. Some low-level ones had their legs crushed by the Earth-shattering Stars. Obviously, their lives were ruined.


The leader was furious and released missile needles on the spot. The speed was like a machine gun. Five consecutive poison needles like ice cones burst over.

Lin Qing smiled softly. To deal with such an elf that was so angry that it lost its mind, it was no threat to a slightly higher level than him.

In an instant, Lin Qing disappeared.

The Alidos was slightly stunned and began to look for it in panic.

How could this person suddenly disappear?

While Lin Qing understood Alidos's thoughts, he approached it in stealth. When it sensed to the left, he moved to the right.

Not long after, Lin Qing had walked to it with the little shark in his arms.

Then two Rasengans hit Alidos directly from the back of his head. The leader howled in pain. The intense pain was about to make it faint.

Lin Qing had a cold face. After he sensed that this thing had eaten a lot of people, he didn't plan to keep it alive.

With a desperate scream, the leader stopped moving...

Lin Qing turned around and looked at Sirona. As expected of the champion, the remaining Aridos were all taken care of by Sirona.

Mark was not calm. If Lin Qing hadn't followed them today, they would have been dead...

This living devil... is he so awesome...

He seems to have the power of wave guidance? Or superpowers? ?

He is so strong... How could he not beat me three months ago...

Mark, who couldn't figure it out, was also confused.

"Thank you! You are so awesome. If it weren't for you, we would have been in trouble~~" At this time, Mei came over with a bright face, clasped her hands together and thanked Lin Qing enthusiastically.

Lin Qing swallowed subconsciously, looked at Shirona and said with extreme caution: "It's okay... It's okay~ We are all friends~"

Mary now seemed to have eaten bitter herbs, and she didn't know what to say. It took her a long time to deal with the group just now...

How can this guy be so strong? Wasn't he a rookie before?

Damn it! ! ! Was he saved by him?

"Let's go, Mary~ Don't be in a daze!" Mark patted his sister's shoulder from behind, and was also thoughtful.

The few people were in danger, but finally escaped. Along the way, they saw Poison Pokémon such as Abel, Nidorino, and Venusaur.

In this way, they kept walking towards the mountain in the distance. It was unknown how long they had walked. Mei seemed to have discovered something and shouted excitedly: "Look! There are people in front!"

Lin Qing quickly covered her mouth with a terrified look on his face, which made the people behind him confused.

"Lie down..."

Several people soon understood and all lay down. Mei looked at Lin Qing with embarrassment. Did she almost expose them just now?

Lin Qing looked at the two people in front with a worried look on his face. He saw that the two were looking at the cave behind and talking about something.

"Laojiu! How long do you think we should wait?"

"Don't be impatient... wait slowly. When someone comes, we pretend to be poisoned, give him the antidote, and then kill him. Isn't this much smarter than entering a poisonous cave?"

"Indeed, it's normal to be poisoned here anyway. Your bats will be hidden later. As long as the other party relaxes their vigilance, they will directly fall from the sky..."Suddenly, the man called Laojiu covered his companion's mouth, obviously seeing someone coming.

Lin Qing was stunned!

Tang Yuehua was among the group. What was she doing here? Was she also looking for the poisonous orb?

Shirona also saw the woman. She was with three male hunters. They didn't look very old. Could they be students of their Elf Academy?

"Help~ Help~! Who can save me..."

Just when they were a little worried, Laojiu ran out with a painful face and spitting white foam, shouting in pain: "Give me the antidote... Help..."

A boy next to Tang Yuehua was about to step forward, but was stopped by Tang Yuehua.

"President? Don't you save him?" The boy was obviously stunned. He definitely couldn't do this.

After all, Tang Yuehua had been to the secret realm several times. She knew this place very well. Sometimes people are more terrifying than elves in the wild.

"Wait! Observe... See if there is any problem!" After Tang Yuehua finished speaking, the two boys next to him began to search around with their elves.

When the old wine saw that the other party was a little alert, he screamed "Help... me..." at the top of his lungs, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Lin Qing next to him was stunned. This guy's acting skills... I don't know how much better than those young actors. Lin Qing admired the level of rolling his eyes... This death was too miserable. I guess he would have died long ago if he went to film!

"President!! He seems to be dying!" The boy also became worried. After seeing Tang Yuehua nod, the two boys ran over.

Lin Qing was thinking, if he went over and killed the old wine now, would those stupid students think he was a murderer? It is possible that a person with such an IQ could do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing thought it would be better to wait until they were all in trouble before going up!

Soon Tang Yuehua also found something wrong. Why didn't the two companions who just ran over move?

At this moment, a crazy laugh suddenly came from the bushes nearby: "Hahaha! Laojiu! There's a schoolgirl here, we two are going to have a great time tonight!!!"

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