After getting the new illustrated book, Wutong continued his journey. Xiaoai went back to the Pokémon illustrated book to sleep because she needed to adapt to her new body.

"It feels like there is one more sleepy homegirl." Wutong said to himself while looking at the closed illustrated book.

Looking at the closed Pokémon illustrated book, Wutong began to think, if he opened the Pokémon illustrated book manually, would Xiaoai feel anything?

Is it sexual harassment? What if he needs to use the Pokémon illustrated book, but Xiaoai is still sleeping? Is it a night raid to force the use of the Pokémon illustrated book?

And although Xiaoai seems to know a lot of things, she should be only seven or eight years old, right? It's easy for Miss Junsha to call her for tea.

Wutong kept staring at the Pokémon Illustrated Edition in his hand and thinking.

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, little ghost, I think you must be thinking about something strange." Gastly looked at Wutong and said directly.

"Eh!? No! How could I!" Wutong quickly put away the Pokémon Illustrated Edition and waved his hand.

"Okay, let's continue the journey, everyone! Come out!" Wutong released all his Pokémon.

It has been a long time since he harvested experience, and Wutong felt that Swampert and the others were all rusty again.




Swampert, Platypus and Crowhead, the three militants, knew what to do when they appeared.

All three Pokémon were ready to fight, ready to have a friendly exchange with these wild Pokémon on the road.

After Heracross was released, he looked at the three aggressive predecessors and didn't know what happened, so he could only take out an energy block and eat it.

When he turned around, he saw the Iron Shell Pupa lying there motionless. Heracross thought for a while and handed an energy cube to the Iron Shell Pupa.

However, the Iron Shell Pupa did not respond. There was no way, after all, it could not eat in its current state.

"Sorry, Iron Shell Pupa, I called you out as well." Wutong found that he had called out the Iron Shell Pupa, which had no fighting power for the time being, and quickly took it back.

"Okay, except for the sleeping otaku dream demon and the Iron Shell Pupa, who has no fighting ability, today's field combat training is for you four!" Wutong put his hands behind his back and said to the four Pokémon seriously.

"You four, from now on, all the Pokémon you see will be defeated! And remember your training tasks!" Wutong continued.




"He, Hera!"

Swamp Leap, Platypus and Crow Head responded skillfully, and Heracross learned to respond after seeing their actions.

"Well, Swampert, don't throw stones this time! Go up and fight in close combat! Use your strength advantage flexibly! Don't use it all on throwing stones!" Wutong shouted at Swampert.

"Numa!?" Swampert looked incredulous. It was not allowed to throw stones? What fun would it have in fighting! ?

"Don't make that expression! You've obviously gone astray! I always asked you to throw stones before because you had too few skills! Now, get rid of this habit! Don't just throw stones!" Wutong said seriously.

"Numa!" Seeing the look of his trainer, Swampert immediately responded.

"Incarnate, you are the opposite of Swampert. You like to fight with others face to face too much recently. Your advantage in controlling fire cannot be fully utilized. You are not allowed to use melee skills in today's training!" Wutong gave Incarnate the opposite training of Swampert.

"Bubba!" Incarnate, a sensible child, immediately nodded to show that he understood.

"Crow leader, you should make good use of your speed advantage and continue to connect with the wind. Let the wind surround your body at all times and turn the temporary acceleration into permanent. Do you understand?" Wutong said to the crow leader.

"Ga!" The crow leader nodded to show that he understood.

"As for you, Heracross, because of the attributes of the opponent, you have only used one or two skills before. What you need now is to use different attack skills in turn. Your task today is not to use the same skill continuously!" Wutong arranged.

"Hera~" Heracross nodded obediently. As long as there is food,

Anything is fine.

"Then let's start training!" Wutong shouted with a wave of his hand.

The four Pokémon heard the trainer's order and rushed out to snatch the opponent.

After all, even if there are many Pokémon in the wild, it is not easy to find Pokémon that are suitable for them. Although Wutong's order is to defeat all wild Pokémon seen, it is better to give priority to choosing suitable targets.

Wutong nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the four Pokémon rushing out.

Although these guys are a little bit naughty, they are still very good in training.

After Aquan and Xingzi gave Wutong a new wave of financial support, Wutong also bought a few skill learning machines to expand the skill pool of Swampert.

After all, the wider the skill pool, the more ways to solve different situations.

Now the skills of the four of them are very good.

Swamp Leap, mastered skills: collision, cry, water gun, rock crushing, rockfall, hold, bite, double payback, water wave, rock collapse, slam, snoring, sleep talk, earthquake

Duck-billed Infernape, mastered skills: spark, smoke, glare, jet of flame, lightning fist, burst fist, flame wheel, ghost face, flame fist, smoke spray, snoring, sleep talk, big character explosion

Crow Head, mastered skills: Divine Bird Slam, Tailwind, Peck, Frighten, Wind, Black Mist, Wing Attack, Brave Bird Slam, Chase, Sneak Attack, Swallow Return, Sleep Talk

Heracross, mastered skills: Push, Seed Machine Gun, Horn Slam, glare, hold on, Swallow Return, double payback, random attack, missile needle, tile splitting, rock crit, snoring, sleep talk, resurrection

First of all, the standard snoring and sleep talk. Crow Head may not snore because it is a bird Pokémon.

The two skills of snoring and talking in sleep are completely for preventing trainers like me.

After all, it is fun to torture others with hypnosis + dream eating and various negative status playing methods, but it is very miserable if you encounter them yourself.

Once you encounter them, your mentality will explode.

So Wutong immediately arranged snoring and talking in sleep for his Pokémon after he became rich.

He taught the skill of earthquake to Swampert, which needs no further explanation, with high damage and wide range, and is a super excellent skill.

The big character explosion of Platypus is to strengthen the firepower of Platypus.

Crowhead learned several functional evil Pokémon skills, after all, Crowhead already has the skills that can decide the outcome.

Brave Bird Attack and Divine Bird Slam are all ultimate skills.

As for Heracross, Wutong taught it the skill of resurrection, which can be regarded as continuing to strengthen Heracross's survivability.

The skills have been equipped, and the rest is actual combat.

Wutong did not give any orders, and let his Pokémon fight on their own.

After all, there might be a situation where Wutong could not give orders in time, and at that time, the Pokémon would need their own ideas.

Of course, when Wutong gave orders, the Pokémon still needed to listen to Wutong completely.

After all, there was no need for two voices in a team.

After Wutong considered the skills of his Pokémon, the next thing was the issue of evolution.

Now he was on the way to the penultimate gym.

But Swampert had not evolved into Swampert, and Infernape had not completely completed the conversion of flame energy, and also lacked a suitable special magnetic field.

Then there was Ironshell Chrysalis. If nothing unexpected happened, the opportunity for Ironshell Chrysalis to evolve should be in Honglian Town.

Wutong felt that he needed to join the team faster and let his Pokémon evolve as soon as possible.

After all, he was not Xiaozhi, and he did not have the habit of not letting Pokémon evolve after catching them.

And he did not think he had the ability to get a rank by relying on an unevolved little guy.

After all, the evolution of most Pokémon was a huge improvement.

Just as Wutong was thinking, the Swampert, who was communicating cordially with the wild Pokémon in front, encountered a pink opponent.

With a round body and two big eyes, it didn't look like it had any killing power. It was a Jigglypuff.



The Swampert and Jigglypuff looked at each other for two seconds. The Swampert felt that the Pokémon in front of him didn't seem to be a challenge.

However, in order to gain experience, the Swampert was not going to let it go.

And Jigglypuff was a little curious about the Pokémon in front of him, who was even pinker than himself.

"Pull Pull!" Jigglypuff suddenly called twice.

The Swampert shook his head in confusion, because the Jigglypuff on the opposite side was actually going to sing to it.

The Swampert thought for two seconds and decided to listen.

"Pull~Pull~Pull~Pull~" Jigglypuff

He immediately showed off his singing voice.

The Swamp Jumper listened to Jigglypuff's singing and felt more and more sleepy. Finally, he lay on the ground and fell asleep.

"Puzzle!" Seeing that the Swamp Jumper actually fell asleep, Jigglypuff was very angry and expanded twice.

Angry Jigglypuff immediately decided to slap this guy twice to wake him up.

Jigglypuff raised his claws and rushed over directly.

"Hululululululu~!" Jigglypuff, who had just approached the Swamp Jumper, was instantly stopped by a snoring sound.

The snoring sound actually formed a sound wave of energy that hit Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff was instantly blown away by the energy.

"Puzzle!" Jigglypuff, who got up again, looked confused. Who am I? Where am I? Why did I fly back?

Jigglypuff, who didn't believe in evil, decided to try again and rushed up resolutely.

However, the same situation happened again. Jigglypuff was knocked out by the sound wave of energy formed by the snoring just as he came to the Swamp Jumper.

"Pu Li!" Jigglypuff was about to explode, but he found that he had no way out.

After glaring at Swampert for a while, Jigglypuff could only leave angrily.

"Bubba!" After the Platypus sprayed flames and killed a poor Walking Grass in seconds, the Platypus decided to continue looking for the next wild Pokémon.

Then he saw a pink Pokémon with big round eyes appeared in front of him.

"Pu Li~!" Jigglypuff was the first to greet him, and at the same time expressed his desire to sing a song.

Seeing Jigglypuff so willing, the good boy Platypus nodded in agreement.

"Pu~Pu Pu Lu~Pu~Pu Li Pu~" Jigglypuff's gentle singing sounded again.

Platypus was immediately shrouded in sleepiness. After holding on for a while, Platypus couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep directly.

"Pu Li!" Jigglypuff got angry again when he saw the sleeping Platypus.

But this time, it had experience, so it didn't go up directly, but observed whether the Platypus was snoring.

After finding that the Platypus was sleeping very peacefully, Jigglypuff was relieved, and it must give it a few slaps to calm down this time.

"Bubba~" Jigglypuff just came to the Platypus, and heard the Platypus murmur.

Before Jigglypuff could react, a thick column of fire hit Jigglypuff's face directly.

"Pu Li~!" Jigglypuff's beloved ahoge instantly caught fire, and Jigglypuff rolled on the spot and finally extinguished the flames on his body.

"Pu Li!" Jigglypuff shouted at the Platypus angrily, and found that it was still sleeping, and Jigglypuff was very uncomfortable.

Looking around again, Jigglypuff felt that this guy was too dangerous, so it would be better to change people.

There was no way, Jigglypuff could only look for the next target.

Soon, a dark pink big bird attracted its attention.

"Pu Li! Pu Li!" Jigglypuff called twice to the Crow Head in the air.

The Crow Head, who was worried about having no opponent, flew down immediately, but when he saw Jigglypuff, he obviously lost interest.

"Pu Li!" Jigglypuff expressed his desire to sing again.

The Crow Head agreed with interest.

"Pu Li~Pu Li~Pu Li~" The familiar singing sounded again.

After hearing the singing, the Crow Head felt something was wrong, and he actually began to feel sleepy.

"Ga! Ga!" The Crow Head hurriedly shouted loudly.

Because it remembered Wutong's guidance, facing the sound attack, it used a stronger voice to fight back.

The harsh crow cry overwhelmed Jigglypuff's singing voice.

At the same time, the frightening effect appeared, and Jigglypuff was actually scared. It felt that the dark pink guy in front of it was definitely a gangster Pokémon with unique taste.

At this time, the crow leader felt that this Jigglypuff had bad intentions. Fortunately, it had a better skill and cracked Jigglypuff's hypnotic singing.

Seeing Jigglypuff who was a little scared, the crow leader was ready to fight back.

He pecked twice on the wings and actually pecked out an eye shadow pencil, which was secretly hidden on it by the big sister Meng Yao.

I didn't expect it to come in handy.

In Jigglypuff's frightened eyes, the crow leader approached step by step.

Ignoring Jigglypuff's fear, the crow leader directly drew a super exaggerated eye shadow on it. It made Jigglypuff's big eyes more prominent.

After all this last night, the satisfied crow leader left directly, and it still had to continue looking for opponents.

Jigglypuff sat on the ground aggrievedly as he watched the crow leader fly away.

What's going on? Why do these Pokémon of the same color as himself seem like demons?

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